"Face to face" NeoQUEST-2020: maximum immersion in cybersecurity

Now, at least some good news, right? We have not only good news, we have great news - "Face-to-face confrontation" NeoQUEST-2020 will take place ! The most cybersecurity event of this fall will take place in St. Petersburg very soon.

In this article, we have prepared announcements of reports, workshops, contests, as well as a bunch of great news! Interesting? Forward under cat.

We tell

Evgeny Zubkov: “Information security specialists are shocked! To protect your local network, you just need ... ”

Do you always want to keep your finger on the pulse? Track all changes in the local network, detect attacks or violations of corporate policies? Or maybe you don't do SecOps at work, but simply worry about your safety and a sense of control and security is important to you. In any case, you probably don't want to spend a lot of money to buy various ineffective products to solve your problems. In the talk, we will try to implement the necessary mechanisms for network security auditing on our knees, using free and simple utilities and scripts competently.

Vitaly Dobryansky: “Challenge. Sniffer. ReVoLTE! "

Serious cryptographic vulnerabilities can be exploited not only by state intelligence services. Therefore, the disclosure of such vulnerabilities excites the minds of all those who are in awe of keeping their personal information classified as "CONFIDENTIAL". In the case of cellular protocols, this excitement becomes more widespread ... So, who and how is listening to our conversations? We will deal with this during the report!

Vadim Shmatov: "Quantum cryptography: we encrypt with a flashlight and 3D glasses"

There is almost nothing to add to this intriguing name :) In the talk we will talk about what quantum encryption is, how it will protect us from the threat of a quantum computer and what does 3D cinema have to do with it.

Evgeniy Orel: "How a popular messenger became a tool for sending disinformation"

We all use "safe" messengers, but why are they considered "safe"? Because of the use of end-to-end encryption to ensure the privacy of user correspondence? In this talk, we will describe how the presence of end-to-end encryption and the desire to diversify the functionality of the application lead to interesting architectural flaws that can be used to conduct attacks such as spoofing forwarded messages. And the main question is: will such a messenger remain "safe"?

Ivan Kholinov: "Arsenal of tools for symbolic analysis"

Do you want to automate writing exploits, checking for memory leaks and analyzing binaries? Then you should definitely visit the lecture! The focus is on symbolic analysis tools, considering their main advantages and disadvantages. In the course of the research, we will try to answer the question of a specialist in choosing the necessary tool for solving practical problems: from simple crackme CTFs to finding vulnerabilities in real programs.

Elena Popova: "Sovereign Runet: how, when and why?"

The topic of Sovereign Runet was not raised unless a lazy one, but is everything said? In the report, we will summarize all the rumors / facts, talk about possible implementation methods and make a comparative review of them, look at the experience of other countries, and also analyze in detail the technology of deep packet inspection (DPI) - the main hope of Sovereign Runet developers.

Great news # 1 : this is not the whole list of talks! There will be even more of them.


Polina Averyanova, Anna Shtyrkina: " L AI to me"

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are becoming more popular and accessible, and their capabilities surprise more and more people: ANNs can now recognize images, create paintings and music, win the best players on the planet in th, etc. It would seem that the time will come when cars will take over the world ... but it was not there! It turns out that almost any ANN can be fooled without registration and SMS ! Do you want to know how? We are waiting for you at our workshop!

Oh yes, you don't need deep knowledge about ANN to participate, because you will receive all the necessary information about them on the spot.

Maxim Votchenikov: "In search of the source"

It is thanks to the highly qualified specialists in the field of Reverse engineering that we are able to play games before buying them. The workshop will open the doors to this incredibly complex, vast, but exciting discipline. Participants will get acquainted with the software research process and code analysis, after which they will learn how to pass simple CTF tasks for reverse.

We invite

Great News # 2 : In cybersecurity, it's not just practice that matters, it's also science! Therefore, we recommend our guests to visit the scientific and technical conference MiTSOBI, which will be held in parallel with NeoQUEST.

Great news # 3 : the entrance to NeoQUEST is free for everyone, you must first register HERE !

And we have one more great news for you (No. 4) : a transfer from the Polytechnicheskaya metro station will be organized to the venue (and back).

Starting at 12:00!

See you at NeoQUEST!

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