Testers Myths

Testers celebrate their professional holiday today!

Many myths are associated with this specialty and, taking this opportunity, we decided to dispel some of them.

MYTH # 1

Those who could not become a developer go to testers

The most common misconception is that testing is easy. And if you lack the ability or zeal to program, go to the testers. In fact, a tester needs a lot of different skills and special thinking to distinguish a bug from a feature.

MYTH # 2

Testers have the lowest salary in IT

The salary is determined not by technology, but by qualifications. Yes, testers who can only click on buttons get little. But automated testing requires knowledge of, for example, Java, Python or JS in order for the autotest to perform the complex algorithms and sequences of actions expected from the software under test.

MYTH # 3

Cars will replace testers and the profession will disappear

This is only true for the simplest tests. Machines are not omnipotent (yet), and even now, any automated testing is harmoniously complemented by manual testing. In it, abstract thinking, available only to humans, plays a key role and allows you to discover some problems that are not covered by logic.

MYTH # 4

The work of testers is monotonous and boring

In fact, as many unexpected discoveries, fun and communication as there are testers, there is little in any other specialty. There is also room for creativity, especially when an informative report is expected from you.

We congratulate everyone who painstakingly catches bugs, helping their projects to become better! And today we want to share recordings of some of our lessons for testers for free:

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