Digital Rights Mapping, Part V. The Right to Privacy

TL; DR : Experts share their vision of the problems in Russia related to digital privacy rights.

On September 12 and 13, Greenhouse of Social Technologies and RosKomSvoboda will hold a hackathon on digital citizenship and digital rights . In anticipation of the event, the organizers are publishing the latest article on mapping the problem field so that programmers and activists can find an interesting challenge for themselves. Previous articles:

  1. The right to publish digital works (part I) ;

  2. The right to access information - (part II) ;

  3. Right to anonymity - (part III) ;

  4. The Right to Access the Internet - (Part IV) .

Right to privacy

The human right to privacy (inviolability of private life) is the conviction, backed up by legal norms, that no one can be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with personal or family life, arbitrary or unlawful encroachment on the inviolability of home or the privacy of correspondence, unlawful encroachments on honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to be protected by law from such interference or such encroachments.

The most legitimate international of this law at the moment can be considered the resolution of the UN General Assembly of December 18, 2013 number 68/167 - The right to privacy in the digital age . The exercise of the right to privacy is important for the exercise of the right to freedom of speech, in order to have a point of view without outside interference.

In Russian legislation, the right to privacy directly stems from Article 18 of the Constitution , which, even in the updated version, reads: “1. Everyone has the right to inviolability of private life, personal and family secrets, protection of his honor and good name. and 2. Everyone has the right to privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraph and other messages. Limitation of this right is allowed only on the basis of a court decision. "

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One of the most impressive surveillance visualization projects on the Internet is the Glass Room project from the Tactical Technology Collective.  Source:
– Glass Room Tactical Technology Collective. :

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Tactical Technology Collective's The Dating Brokers is about what data is collected by dating apps and what you can do with it.  Source:
The Dating Brokers Tactical Technology Collective , . :

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 Photo: DIY Guide to Zombie Apocalypse book cover
: DIY Guide to Zombie Apocalypse

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: . , , . « ». : DIY Guide to Zombie Apocalypse.


Screenshot of the Encipher project

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  1. Zoom’? :

  2. Delta Chat. Delta Chat’. .


 Screenshot of Cyrilla project - database of court decisions on digital rights.
Cyrilla – .

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Greenhouse of social technologies and RosKomSvoboda would like to thank Ksenia Yermoshina, as well as all the experts who took part in the round table. Register for the Hackathon digital citizenship and digital rights possible until the end of the day of the 8th September 2020 (there are only a couple of hours)

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