About a non-trivial fool (even under the cut, the etymology of the name of the KUJI podcast has been unraveled)


Hello, I have bad lyrics and terrible tact. Last time I wrote about how to prove that we live in a matrix, and everyone did not like it so much that only the average temperature of March somewhere in Yakutia remained from the post.

However, I decided that stopping with such a talent for talking nonsense is like stopping a train on a magnetic cushion with a brake crane (which is fraught with the transformation of large hosts of potential energies into kinetic ones), so I'm going to do it, but somewhere in the future and not so quickly.

At the moment I'm going to present you the most non-trivial card game design for the fool. Most likely, they thought of it, but not so often that it became one of my units of a piggy bank of general information about the world. Everything is very simple:

My stupid cards have a shirt, but it is in the third dimension, instead of the second, and on the second, the value of the card along with the suit is still the same, but different, unlike the first. Objective: having an idea of ​​both, play cards so as to win. The conditions for achieving this: after each move, the dimension of the value changes from the first to the second and vice versa (other players, of course, cannot see the values).

That is, suppose you have an ace six. In the first move, he is a six, but if he does not play it now, the next card becomes an ace.

Thank you for attention. The part about the representation of reality in the form of these card conditions I propose to speculate on their own.

PS: The KUJI podcast is so called because it is recorded at 9pm. In Japanese, KUJI Romaji transliterated is nine hours (like time). I have nothing to do with Konyaev, but I would have brought them together with Savvateev for fun. For example, play the fool above. Because it's not trivial.

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