Bionic man

... or a tale of striking structural visions of an evolving entity


Caution! Adapted in places 18+.


How are you?

I read that living people greeted each other in this way until the beginning of the era of the information space. Considering that I am probably the last real living person, and even then - conditionally, such a greeting is quite appropriate.

This is the log of the mental activity of the material entity of Vaar, Monday, 06:40:23, UTC + 02: 00, 22.06.2505.

From the birth of Christ. Ha.

Haha. Christ, s-female dog, Christmas. Rudiment, pull out the figs.

In the morning, the installation flew in to cut to the nearest hangout for a new interface implant. The information essence of Vaar seems to have gone confidently up the hill: I regularly go for new buns and access. Don't go anywhere at all.

But it’s crowded. Ha.

Haha. C-female dog, crowded. Another. How to break the habit?

A lot of entities rub there.

I love to walk. I leave somewhere, then trudge back.

So, now to the right again. A strange coastline: a straight line like a ruler for a hundred meters, a right angle to the left, a straight angle again a hundred meters, a right angle to the right, a hundred meters, to the left ... To the right is a smooth surface of blue water to the horizon, to the left is an impassable thicket, and between them there is a straight neat path. To the left, straight, right, straight ...

And not a damn thing changes, even this tree just before the left turn, and the branch here.

Sometimes thoughts come that somewhere on the very edge of understanding, at the very bottom of meaning, where you can barely reach, in these even hundred-meter segments and other deliberate features of this world an important circumstance of its essence is hidden.

I feel on the subcortex that it's not without reason that everything is exactly the way it is. But why? I can't consciously articulate.

It is as if, following the settlement of the three main interactions immediately after Big Bang, it is tempting to figure out how the quasiparticles rubbed against each other over those sixty million years that they could not model for so long.

But the question from the other side is much more interesting: what preceded the explosion itself? After all, there must be some Idea at the root of all this?

And now you are pulling this line, pulling it ... And the computing power is not enough.

So this path goes for some reason with teeth, and not straight diagonally from right to right turns.

Maybe because this dibble map was created by some kind of simplicated God ... "overflowing with emotions", the brain? (sigh)

In general, while I was thinking, I got it. As always, a drop is missing before understanding the laws of eternity.

Instead of another square of impenetrable jungle, one of the Hangout squares sticks out: biolabs. There are three more squares deeper: cyber farms, mechanical and electronic workshops.

The dog disappeared somewhere. Also someone's material essence, also a bionic, only complete. Similar to those robots that Boston Dynamics produced in the 200s. But this one is translucent, you can see the fabrics under the surface: visually, everything is made of good durable polymer fabrics. Apparently, some new model, maybe even exclusive.

I tried several times to reach him in the info-space, but could not. It's dull there. Doesn't interact. As if he's not there.

And in the material world it is silent, although here it is understandable - there are no visible holes on the body. No sound wave generating devices are visible.

He just follows me, sometimes leaves, suddenly comes back.

I somehow remembered the retrograde Follower. He blinked at the ambiguity, and began to call him that to himself. I love ambiguity.

Okay, to hell with him, with Follower, what's this new guy? Haven't met him here before.


There are completely metal bodies, titanium there, steel. There are amorphous, liquid, like mercury. And this one is combined: the base of the body and wings is rigid, sectional and clearly folding, and the grooves are filled with liquid. And he's all red.

Sits down. ABOUT! Really folding: the wing sections are partially embedded in the body, and the released excess fluid forms the head and limbs. Dragon - "dude", in short.

Requests contact.

- I'm listening.

- I am Ingo Far Red Dragon.

- How I felt that the day would be fun.

- I do not understand you.

- Did I catch correctly that Ingo Far is your info, and the Red Dragon is you?

- Yes sir.

- Don't you think it's funny when the name literally describes the essence?

- No, it seems very correct to me.

- Then it's scary to imagine what is the essence of Ingo Farah.

- I do not understand you.

- Here I am about the same. Ask Ingo to give you some computing power, bro. And then, as a child.

- Do you want to insult me?

- No. I am simply stating that ...

- Do you state? .. A second. Yes, in fact, the settings flew to the preset. Give me a sec. Haha. I am trying to generate the form of the name Ingo Far similar to the projection of the name Steel Dragon onto my material essence. Ha, dude. Really funny.

- Now too much ...

- Yes, the hand on the slider trembled.

- You are not yourself when you're hungry.

“Ahh… stop it, man. This "well-known object" can fly, does not know how to laugh.

- OK. I am Vaar.

- I know. I flew to see the last real heart.

- Ah, there was no one for a long time. Well, this is it. Here in the middle, in this square window, behind the glass, see?

- Working.

- Yes, it does.

- Is it as controlled, reflexive, as grown in a biolab?

- Yes, the controls are identical. The only difference is that it was made naturally.

- That is, it grew in the embryo, then passed through the birth canal of the mother?

- Well yes.

- Gorgeous, du-u-de!

- Yup.

- Once in the wilds of the network I saw how at the beginning of the two thousandth the engine worked for a Merc, who was more than a hundred years old. Here it looks like.

- Is it rumble?

- No. Old, but works. Is it yours, it turns out, more than five hundred years now?

- Yes, but I have two more parallel ones. One removes the main load, and the second is in "hot" standby at ten percent of the capacity. So it can still work and work.

- Clear. Can I touch it?

- Touch what?

- Well. Heart.

- You're the original. In this case, this word camouflages the sum of a pervert and a fool. How are you going to touch him, pig?

- Now.

A trembling human finger, woven into vessels and wires, appeared from the bowels of the body on a two-knee telescopic holder.

- I immediately felt that something was wrong. Alarm!

- Well, why an alarm, they communicated normally.

- Yeah, it's normal in the paradigm “girl, if you want candy, I have even tastier at home”.

- You misunderstood me, chuva-ak. Well, damn it.

- This is a real human heart! How could you think that I would let you touch him?

Contact terminated.

External one-way connection.

- Boys, calm down. Otherwise, before the bot arrives, both will have stasis. Present the logs for the last half hour for now.

- With pleasure, officer.

- I'm not an officer.

- I'm not a boy.

- Tek-s. All clear. Thanks. You can be free.

- And this one?

- Scanned the last day. Suspicious activity detected. Quarantine pending clarification.

- Thanks.

- It's my pleasure. Have a nice day.

- And you.

Contact terminated.

Still, something must be done with this practice of one-way contact. This is definitely violence against the individual. Can we at least formally ask for permission to access? And there, if they were not allowed, according to the analysis of the involved logs, get a sanction, and break in, please, do justice.

One word, rubbish.

Drakosha, sadly spreading, lies on the sidelines, and follows me with a pitying look.

I hope we never meet again.

From fur. workshop in the direction of the suspect, hobbled around a cop bot.

It looks like something serious. It did well.

Okay, me to the electronics engineers.

I went in. Requesting a contact.

- Waar?

- Yes.

- Appointed?

- Yes.

- The verification code has been sent to the customer.

- (dzin) 2-5-1-8-7-8.

- Thanks. Identification passed. Place yourself in the third zone.

- Okay. More careful there.

The contact has ended.

So. Third. Back on a centipede. Fixation.

Completion of the log of mental activity of the Vaar material entity, Monday, 08:16:31, UTC + 02: 00, 22.06.2505.

Synchronization is successful.

Idea tree // when you want to talk

Nuages ​​from Nocturnes by Claude Debussy The

implant was installed without incident. Functioning normally.

This is the log of the mental activity of the Vaar material entity, Monday, 09:30:21, UTC + 02: 00, 22.06.2505.

While passed out, I had a strange dream: Follower was in a lilac dress. He scratched himself, a cloud of fleas fell out of him and, merrily swarming, migrated to my head. But I often dream of this, but then.

I felt my head squeeze like a punctured balloon, and my consciousness falls under the surface of existence. There, in the depths of the rich soil, lay grain. It was blue and shimmery. It was the basic Idea: about the very possibility of the existence of Ideas. It was the breakthrough point of emotional space into ideological one.

I saw an abyss of emptiness, and a great desire to live, exist, continue oozing into it through this seed. It is impossible to say how many thoughts were reborn one into another in its blue, pulsating radiance, before the part, shining brighter, moved, leaving a trail, like an artist's brush smears on the canvas, and part of the paint remained a stain. Like a comma.

- Hah! As in the old couplet "point, point, comma ... a curve came out." The God?

- Fuck you ...!

- Who are you with?

- With myself.

- Oh, okay then.

I look at my hand, and behind it, between my fingers, the defocused edges are burning, with the dawn sun smeared on them, the mountains on the horizon. How ridiculous the very assumption that matter and energy could simply exist forever seems to suddenly seem. This is what they are. Immediately.

Being is growing. There was a time when these mountains did not exist. And the sun.

Things are changing. And it should contain this variability everywhere, moving from simple to complex.

Being is developing.

The developed ideological paradigm - a tree that grew from a seed - created material space through BigBang. I saw it as a puff pastry: the lilac level of intention - the very desire to exist - put the seed into the blue level of ideas, where from the main Idea, like from a trunk, many entities diverged, like branches penetrating, expanding, into the green level of matter, where people and machines carried over heads blue cloud information space. Weak so far.

Everything material has evolved, becoming more complex and creating the basis for the next level of structuring of matter: quarks -> nuclei -> atoms -> molecules -> cells -> organisms -> consciousness. At each stage, the complexity and number of forms of interaction increases, while the adaptation time decreases.

I'm going to the mountains. I never have been there. Better than mountains, only mountains can be ...

We, people, were at least half encoded in genes so that all the independence of our choice is just a convenient illusion, and, therefore, the perception of the world around us is no more objective than the perception of ourselves ...

We stick ideas into this world, and we implement their plan.

We are partially deterministic. Our destiny was half stitched in the bones, and the other half: you rake it out as best you can. If you want to.

So, when the first pieces of iron appeared - mechanical and bionic bodies - it became easier to rake out, and canned meat from the biolab is still difficult in this regard. That is, the pieces of iron are now the rulers of their own destinies. Totally. Interesting idea.

I haven't bothered so deeply for a long time. There was not enough oil. I feel how resources have grown.

My spinal cord probably felt something similar when glucose, neurotransmitters, oxygen and other crap were in abundance. When I still had it.

Oh, Follower.

- Hi, turd.

The landscape is changing strangely. Never went so far in this direction before. Everything has become more diverse. And this sound all around. Birds. There are birds here.

And they sing. And some more noise.

Didn't pay attention before. There were no birds around our hangout?

The creature is on the road. Feminomorph. I mean, canned food with obvious features of the female body. Outstanding features evident.

It's good that I am already eighteen.

Requesting a contact.


She speaks the old fashioned way - moves her lips and tongue. Far away, inaudible, come?

- I'm sorry, what?

- You get lost?

- Not really. If you get lost - this is a verbalized fornication, then hardly, and if you wander from, then, perhaps, you cannot say more precisely.

- ABOUT! A piece of iron with a sense of humor - albeit strange - is better than just a piece of iron. I am Vera. Gonzo.

- Waar.

- Is that all?

- Yes.

- And what's in the window?

- Heart.

- Is it some kind of special, what is it like on the window?

- Do not you know?

- No.

- I thought everyone knew. It is the last present. Live-born, so to speak.

- A.

- Is that all?

- Yes.

A strange sensation.

- We couldn't see each other before?

- (laughter) Are you framing me, pig?

“I… no, I'm sorry, it really seemed to me.

- Come on.

A strange sensation.

- What is this constant noise?

- Noise?

- Yes, something is buzzing.

- (laughter) It's the sea, stupid.

- The sea ...

- Yes. Waves. Seagulls.

- I do not remember the sound of the sea. I remember that it should be so. But I don't remember what happened.

- You're strange. Come with me.

- Where?

- To the sea.

I cannot refuse. I don't want to go anywhere else, I want to talk to her.

We leave from the road to the path through the forest.

- Why don't you use interlink?

- What?

- Interlink. Why are you talking like before?

- (laughter) I don't have an interlink.

- How not ?!

- Waar, I have no info-entity.

She walks in a strange way, now extremely mannered, now dancing, now jumping.

- That is, if your body dies? ..

- Then I will die, yes.

- "I am amazed"! ..

- It only seems. How old are you?

- Five hundred twenty-three full.

- So, it turns out that you were born the same mortal leather bag of bones as I was. And in adulthood he barely expected to live even to a hundred. However, everything soon changed, and now you can hardly remember what the fear of death is.

“I don’t remember ever being afraid of her. Is that in childhood.

- It turns out that you burned out even during your biological part of life. Then it is not entirely clear what keeps you here for so long.

- And I don't quite understand why I burned out.

The pine forest ended abruptly with a rocky steep. Anthropogenic steps of granite slabs lead down into a cozy cove inside a rocky bag to a piece of sandy beach.

- Here you go.

She hands me her backpack and a bundle of brushwood, runs down the steps and pierces the surface of the water. What is she.

I go down. My legs sink deeply in the sand under my mass, it's uncomfortable to walk. I'll sit on a boulder in a thinker pose, she might like it.

Follower lay down on the cliff.

- Don't you like swimming?

- I love.

- Why don't you swim? Let's go!

- I can not.

- Can't do what you love? It is sad.

She floats from side to side in the audible range.

- Purely hypothetically, if I really wanted, I could create another body, just canned food, and swim in it. I guess I just don't really want to.

- And what would become of this ugly piece of iron in which you are now?

- Ugly? It seemed to me that I was quite anthropomorphic, only too big.

- Well, if anthropomorphic is translated from Greek as a big square donut, then you're right.

- This is not translated.

- I know.

- I never really cared about my appearance.

“Perhaps that’s why death didn’t scare you.

- You gesticulate, woman.

- I agree, I won't. So what would become of this body?

- Well, I once tried to control two bodies at the same time. Even at maximum speed, only something motor turned out, while the second was something very simple. And even that was exhausting very quickly. And copying yourself into other material entities is prohibited. Lifetime etsikh with nails. It turns out that it would just fall asleep temporarily.

- Would you be in the second?

- No. I would be in both, but one was inactive. Just like now I am in this body and on several rented and own servers.

- Hmm. Ok, but can you cut and paste yourself from the body into the body? It's not forbidden.

- Not prohibited. I can.

She comes out of the water. Aphrodite came out on the neighboring peninsula. On this Venus came out. They defiled the name of the beauty, attaching it to characteristic diseases. This is probably why I always liked the Greek version more.

- So. And here then the question is: in a new body would you still be the same or no longer?

I had already forgotten how mental activity becomes complicated in the presence of a beautiful naked woman. I have not had hormones in my system for a long time, but this effect seems to have persisted. It will be necessary to deal with this in more detail. Later.

- I am, first of all, a converter of information flow. The body is secondary.

- There should be a "but" here.

- One of my servers is almost crying now.

- I love that.

- And the other smiled.

- I like that too.

- But formally - no. It would be a slightly different me.

She has made a fire and sits in Turkish style, throwing a blanket over her shoulders and throwing branches.

- In-oh-from. And if so: from the initial set, you only have your heart, and then only as an exhibition sample; How much did you remain yourself in the process of this transformation?

- I thought about this before meeting you: having lost my biological basis, I became less determined. That is, it is not deterministic at all.

- But what makes us unique if not the genome and memory? In my opinion, it turns out that you have lost half of yourself.

- Something has to be sacrificed.

- For what?

- For the opportunity to develop.

- This, you mean, have an info-entity?

- Sure.

- And you are now eternal?

- Potentially ...

- And absolutely not deterministic?

- It turns out like this.

- Then why are you?

- Hah! Why are you?

- We are living. Every breath we take can be our last. And that's why our minds continue to be sharp.

- While ours swims in fat. I read something similar somewhere.

- Yes, any movement makes sense only if it is limited in time. It is determined by time.

- That is, if it is not limited in time ...

- It does not exist. Movement that is not movement. Becomes the background or something.

- But we do not produce uniformly accelerated, multidirectional movements.

- While your memory is still alive.

The sun blooms in the sea at the horizon with an orange-red melt. Like a puncture.

Faith's pie // when you want to listen

Lujon by Henry Macini

She takes a package out of her backpack. In the shadows thickened behind the yellow edges, there are only outlines.

- Do you mind if I eat?

- What is it?

“This is a piece of cake I baked this morning. Part of my annual rite.

- Interesting. More details.

- Okay. Every year on June 21st, I review myself and my life. I try with an open mind, as if from the outside, to understand what I want, what I need for this, where I should go next, with whom I am on the way, and with whom not. Depending on this, I distribute my energy for the next year: in whom I believe, who is dear to me, close, I need. I shake up all the belongings inside myself, throw out the unnecessary, leave the living. And in the morning I bake a pie. Such a round one, and I divide it into pieces in proportion to my belief in the essence for which they are intended. And I distribute them.

- For these entities to eat them?

- (laughter) I didn't even think about it. Not everyone can. Yes, it doesn't matter. The main thing is what it symbolizes. Every person has a need to believe in something, in someone. Hope for someone. Be in love. There is a certain amount of this “faith-hope-love” energy. And the person is happy as long as all the pieces are distributed. And accepted.

- That is, how would they be mutual?

- No. How justified, or what. When your inner vision of the essence is correct. When you objectively feel the pieces of reality that are important to you. You feel and realize them as they are, and at the same time you like them. For example, you believe in yourself as long as you realize yourself adequately, because an inadequate assessment of yourself leads to mistakes in the implementation of your plans, and this, in turn, leads to a loss of faith in yourself. A piece comes loose, and you feel miserable until you quickly attach it somewhere. And in a quick way, most often means what?

- Bad.

- Exactly. Therefore, you must distribute your faith carefully and deliberately.

“You're just a Buddha.

- Maybe.

- Haha.

- What do you believe in?

- I suspect that I eat all my pie myself year after year.

- It turns out that your gaze is directed only inward.

- Perhaps. Although. It would be just silly to look for the physical location of your servers and lay out grubs in front of them.

- You could light candles!

- C-female dog. It's good that I'm only laughing mentally. Otherwise it would now look like a convulsion.

- So you can't laugh?

- Well yes. I don't have a respiratory system. I can generate sound through the speaker, but do not experience concomitant muscle responses.

- You don't swim, you don't laugh ...

- Yes.

- But you also love to laugh.

- Yes. But I laugh, only inside.

- If no one sees or hears what you are doing, what's the point?

- Why would someone laugh?

- Why would anyone need your existence, in general?

- I maintain my info-essence. Like the pillar that holds the roof.

- Atlas and the firmament.

- Well. Like Atlas that holds the firmament.

- Yes it's good. But something in all this heuristic of yours haunts me. As if you are looking at the stars, you try to imagine this gigantic scale of a mosaic composed of the smallest particles, and you feel that there is a second bottom in this box. But I cannot explain this in concrete terms, I cannot express it in words.

“Either the magician is too good, or we’re not enough… um.

- Do you remember that funny paradox with the brain: if the human brain was simple enough for us to understand its work, then we would be so simple that we could not ?! This is something similar, only turned outward.

- However, we figured out the brain.

- Probably, we will figure it out someday.

- Deal with the essence of the trick in order to stop lighting candles for the magician?

- Per aspera ad astra, per rectum ad sensus?

“I didn't mean these candles.

- (laughter) You're funny.

How sad. Inexpressible and unbearable sadness fell on this night and this woman on my whole being. Suddenly. If there was a vessel with some kind of aneurysm in my body, it would burst now. Lethal. It's good that I can't see this from me.

- You are also very, Vera.

- Funny?

- All.

- What all?

- Very.

- Fool. Can you generate heat?

- I'm almost entirely plastic. There is no need for me. Is that a little electronics and heart. Are you cold?

- No, but it will be colder at night. Do you ever sleep?

- Sort of. Short self-test. Usually at night - I don't like walking in the dark.

- Okay. So you will be laying branches. Now eat and sleep.

She unfolds the bundle: in shape, a piece is two-thirds of a whole.

“There's a whole dinner here.

- A month ago, a person dear to me disappeared.

- Sorry.

“We've come here together for the last few years. They swam, made a fire, watched the sunset, made love. I really love this place.

She looks at me. Tears tremble on the eyelids and fall from the eyelashes onto the sand, barely touching the cheeks with strips of small beads. She breaks off a large piece and throws it into the sea.

Sits down slowly, wraps herself in a blanket and, with force, bites off and chews the rest.

I sit down next to you.

- I'll be laying branches.

- Thanks.

She breaks off a small piece and gives it to me.

Chewed // when you don't believe this is happening to you

The 2nd Law: Isolated System by Muse

I woke up from a deep sleep. She slept curled up next to Vaar.

- Good morning!

- Good, Vaar.

I'll go for a swim. How frosty everything is.

- Did you sleep?

- Yes, today I dreamed.

- Do you dream?

- Yes, all the time.

- And what's in them?

- Any rubbish.

- And still?!

- Again the lilac intention turned into a blue idea that grew and pierced the material world with twigs and petals. And more flowers. This time with more flowers. And now the trunk was clearly visible. More precisely, the trunks - there were two of them almost identical, arcs directed towards each other.

I swim from side to side again so that you can hear what he says.

- Wow. Really strange dreams. Did you like the pie?

- I don't taste it. I just use it.

- Why do you eat?

- It diversifies the body's energy supply.

- That is, you can both charge at the stations and eat regular food?

- Yes, I have a fad for force majeure. My skin also generates energy, for example.

- Why all this, if your consciousness is distributed?

- Well, firstly, its distribution is not uniform, that is, it cannot be said that there is a separate copy on each server, but if you add it up to its full size, you get from three to five copies. At different times in different ways, from the load. Secondly, in the case of a total blackout, as it was, for example, in the 2447th, the entire electronic part can die out. Therefore, I have this body with one more instance of myself, as well as two backup ones. Bodies can exist, recharged from the network, from the sun, from human food ... one from a diesel engine, and the other even from a hydro turbine. I also have separate solar panels, a diesel generator and a hydro turbine. And the wind turbine.

- Kashchei.

- Yes, my beautiful one.

- And we die and that's it. Emptiness. Probably.

- I didn't think there was such stupid canned food.

- We are straight. Conservatives among conservatives.

- But you are renewing?

I got out of the water. I'm drying my hair with a blanket. He looks like that.

- Oh sure. Otherwise, they would have died out completely, perhaps.

- And how long do you live like this on average?

- Hard to tell. I'm a hundred twenty one. My mom is one hundred and eighty. Father - almost two hundred and eight.

- Mom ?! Father? That is, you were born like an ordinary person, but only one hundred and twenty years ago ?!

It's time to get ready.

- Well yes.

- But what about the ban on increasing the number?

- And the number does not increase: someone dies, someone is allowed to give birth.

- Oh, exactly. Dies. Wait a minute, so you must have children! I mean, people under the age of twenty there ?!

- Yes, complete. In recent years, a lot of people have disappeared, like mine… whom I spoke of yesterday.

He knocked on the transparent partition behind which he hid his heart.

- The thought that it was the last, always warmed me, and now a cool breeze blew out from there.

- Oh, sentimental humor!

Up the stairs. It is a pity that the sea is always up.

Vaar went into the water up to his waist and slaps the water with his palms. Child, by golly.

- Vera, you hear what a pleasant sound! And this sound of oncoming waves from afar. And the noise of the forest above.

I’m probably smiling very stupidly now, but I can’t help myself.


We parted at the turn to my village, he went further north. And his dog is behind him.

It's not far away, how tired I am.

Oh ...



What the ...



How painful !!!




His claw is sticking out of my chest !!! His claw is sticking out of mine ... no, no, no, no !!!

This is the end?


What happened? Oh my God! How painful!

Blood. Looks like I lost a lot of blood, very hard. Breathe. Breathe. Hush. Deeper.

It was some kind of giant praying mantis. I didn't really have time to make out. Green compound eyes and ... mandibles.

The chest on the left is pierced in the region of the heart. The lung appears to have been punctured, but the heart is intact. Otherwise, I would have died.

Gulko. Gloomy. Damp. Basement?

The walls are tiled, the floor is stone. Coldly.

Creepy. This bullshit must have brought me here. You shouldn't make noise, she may be somewhere nearby.

We must try to find a way out.

Light from rare yellow lanterns in the ceiling. So, a corridor with doors left and right. Gurney.

This is some kind of abandoned hospital.



It's so stupid to slip on your own blood. Elbow.

How painful!!! We must get up and leave. Until this thing returns.

It clanked. Somewhere below. Steel door?

Into the room! Coldly.

Some kind of metal containers. As if instead of beds.

God !!! There's a man inside!


Shh ... The

creature is somewhere very close!


There are people in these boxes! Remains! Frozen and ... Sebastian ?!


My half-digested cake went back to where Sebastian had his stomach and legs. Delivered.

What a sarcastic grin this universe has.

Is this the clatter of paws?

Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh ...


- Ooh, baby! You're not done yet !?


Something spicy! Or hard!


- Yes-ah, baby! Hide! Don't run far!


Some kind of armature. It will do.


Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh ...


Already here, around the corner. Now!

- Oh, you s-bitch!


The sound of falling reinforcement echoed along the corridors, and died away in stone bags.

I think I can hear my ribcage crunching. The fading pulse crumples like a surf.

This is the end.

- Yeah, baby.

Louise // when there is nothing to talk about

Interstellar Theme by Hans Zimmer

Bah! He's in a suit! With a tie!

- Nice you have here.

- Thanks. We tried to make the atmosphere as close as possible to that era. Sentiment, you know.

- But in the details, everything is very reliable. I remember, after all, I lived in Russia at the beginning of the two thousandth.

- Wow! We are both from Russia too.

- Louise is a very unusual name for Russia at that time. However, like Lopushok.

- My dad was a descendant of immigrants from Italy. Diamantidi. And Lopushok is just a nickname. Just like Baar, I suppose.

- Yes, just a nickname. Almost an interjection.

- Maybe some tea?

- With pleasure. Black ... although which one do you do best?

- Green. I love him, so he comes out more authentic.

- No doubt. Everything here is very authentic: this Kremlin is outside the window, and people, cars on the street. Even smells. Dynamics of interactions with objects, textures. Everything is so natural that it seems that I am young again, just a student visiting a lovely lady, as if all these years have not been there ... How do you have enough calculating power for all this ?!

- Well, there are two of us. And all the structures around, they are not dynamic, we wrote them a long time ago, and are constantly improving and supplementing.

White cup with a handle on a saucer with a gold border. Tea: green special. Two lumps of sugar. Spoon. So. Duplicate. Tray. Waiter.

- That is, it turns out that they are passive, and you do not control them in real time?

Tries. Looks like I liked it. Got it.

- Yes, this location is one of our favorites - we always receive guests here via interlink. Therefore, it is worked out as much as possible: to abrasions and cracks.

- Excellent tea, Louise.

Mobile phone. Twitter. Later.

- I also remember using a smartphone.

- iPhone or Android?

- Android.

- Rogue?

- Kreakle?

- (laughter) no, I'm more of an android too. But the husband is apple. Inconvenient, he had to give in.

Samsung C10.

- Look in your jacket pocket. Will it go?

- Magic. Yes, it is quite. Curious.

- What exactly?

- Social networks, for example. Are they static too? Every time you go, the same content?

- Here. You see right at the root, Vaar. Sit down, I'll explain everything to you.

First, we wrote a huge number of different bots like Non-Player Characters. But over time, it turned out that no matter how hard we tried, they get "in the image and likeness." For the created character to be able to joke, for example, it is necessary that the creator has an idea of ​​humor.

- That is, since I can joke, God knew how to joke?

- Excuse me, who?

- The God.

- What?!

- Let's go, Louise. What happened next?

- The world filled with our prints turned out to be flat and boring. Even despite the possibility of recombination: we created bots as children, piece by piece from each of us, then gave them the opportunity to combine our features further ...

- "I'm amazed"! ..

- Exactly. Our world has come to life.

Move to the street: Red Square.

“But they all continued to be us, and every day to live among their reflections. So you can go crazy! ..

- Perhaps. So you're not quite sure you're normal ?!

- Vaar, aren't you ashamed to assume such a thing about a lady ?!

- Yes, I too, for example, am not sure ...

- In myself?

- And in myself. In yourself first of all.

So, you almost lost your mind, wandering among the many invariants of your own character traits. Like in a room of crooked mirrors, right? Lopushka, for example, has arachnophobia, and you have arachnophilia. In one of the reflections, these two qualities collide and? ..

- Again the very essence, Vaar. Yes, it was. And the further, the more often. The entities fell apart, went mad, killed themselves and others. And so we began to absorb unlucky entities from the outside.

- Awful !!!

“Waar, your status has just changed from Guest to Prisoner.

- Zhest!

- There is a vulnerability in the intercom protocol. Now you cannot detach unilaterally. You cannot move to a spare body. You can shout "Alarm!", But nobody will come - we are isolated here.

- Alarm!

- Exhale. Breathe in. Take it easy. You are not the first, you are not the last. Stop trying to grope yourself outside. It's useless.

- It was worth trying. Not me, so my info will say "Alarm!" You just cut off the material entity for him, you fool.

- The venom of some organisms is very toxic. For example, a jellyfish lives off the northern coast of Australia, from the touch of which death occurs instantly. You ask, what does it have to do with it? You know. I like to represent our current wondrous world as an information broth, in which new forms of info-life are born. In which the most far-sighted unicellular organisms unite in colonies, and the first protoworms, protomollusks, will soon begin to appear. You were eaten, baby.

- And my info? ..

- Yes-ah ...

Looks depressed, but reasonable. Let's walk arm in arm. Towards Tverskaya.

- Can? Don't be so upset. Your servers will serve a good cause, we will complete another piece of our world - in Voronezh, where I was born, we will finally draw normal roads. We'll kill the local bots of calculating power, otherwise they are like prehistoric monsters: eat, shit, laugh. Got enough ...

- And what will happen to me?

- We will connect your body to all the necessary infrastructure, and it will be safe: Lopushok loves his garden and takes care of it. And how we deal with consciousness depends on your adequacy and willingness to compromise.

- I'm listening to.

- You can throw a tantrum, and in this regard, go to a full reset.

- So you will erase all my memory?

- Exactly.

- But what's the point then?

- A person is not only and not so much a memory as a way of processing information and a mechanism for making decisions. You will be born into some poor family, with a fixed amount of intelligence, you will show talents and push your way up. Or are you freaking out ... I don't know. That's the beauty of it.

- And if without hysterics?

- Waar, I like you. If you do everything right, you will sit with us on Olympus. Create this world. Realize any of your fantasies and dreams. Just imagine!

- So you will leave me as it is?

- Yes, and you will be god here. You will start life anew, so to speak.

- By the way, about life.

- Yes exactly. In the first case, you will believe that you are mortal, and therefore you will die to be born again nullified. In fact, do not throw away valuable raw materials.

In the second, you are the son of Chaos and, in this coordinate system, being older than Kronos-time, you are subject only to us - to his other children.

We stopped. Look at the floor, bit his lip, shakes his head.

- And does Chaos have many children?

- A dozen already. Different degrees of divinity. And a couple hundred zeroed out - these wild straight people are constantly raiding our garden.

- It's a difficult choice. It is endless to be a god, knowing that you are the king of the retrograde garbage, or to live a life in complete ignorance that your world is unreal ... and that this is not your first life.

“These are only extremes, Vaar. The system is more flexible, a range of possibilities is available: take a closer look at Elon, for example. Could be so.

Credit card. Passport.

- Take this. It is unlimited. We will return to this conversation soon, you can live here for now, think. You are immortal, but you do not have admin rights yet. Who is your favorite actress of that period?

- There are many. Robin Wright. Sophie Marceau. Angelina Jolie.

- Stop! Marceau is there. She is now 28 years old. To speak Russian?

- She said so ...

Machine. Driver.

“Sophie is almost real. Lopushok is very proud of her. One of the fans retained a lock of hair, and the consciousness was collected from books, paintings and in general. A good option. She is in Paris now. Alexander will take you to the airport. Take a week off and think about it.

- Okay. Goodbye.

- No, baby! See you!

He smiles somehow strangely ...

Lopus // when you know the essence for a long time

Awakend Mind by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson

He made an appointment at the tower.

It's not that simple. It’s not easy.

He's been here for a month. Louise said not to rush things, but his heart and implants! What does all this mean ?!

- Salut!

- Ah, monsieur Lopochok! Salut!

- Ça va?

- Enfin bien. I had enough time, and now I see and understand everything very well. And that is why it is doubly sickening ... it is doubly unpleasant to sit here on this wooden bench locked in this little world of yours.

- Vaar, this wooden bench in Montparnasse, the whole Paris and the whole world in front of you at a glance! You clearly underestimate the opportunities that open up ...

- The only beauty of this tower is that you can see everything from its roof except for itself. So you don't see that this is just a black, gloomy ... sandbox, and you are children. Those who are here without their parents, and they themselves slap, and drag others.

- So you are an adult ?! Well, what is it that you see and understand that we do not understand?

- All.

- Well, for example!

- For example, Lopushok -> burdock -> lappa in Latin -> der Lapp, in German means a fool.

- Are you not afraid to offend me, offend, offend?

- No.

- Why?

- Because when an entity grows out of diapers, it stops thinking in such categories.

- And I grew up?

- Yes. Through mistakes and torment, one comes to understanding.

- Understanding what?

- Total. Essences, structures, mechanisms of this world. Where I turned the wrong way, what was a mistake, how to fix it.

- Are you talking about?! ..

- Yes. I'm talking about her.

He knows.

- Yes I know.


- … you think. No matter how developed the essence is, it is still difficult at times to deny yourself such small joys as to cause surprise. It's great that you have not yet forgotten how to be surprised.

- But how?!

- More important - why.

- What why?

- Why me, why you. We. Here. Now.

- What for?

- I have to explain something to you. A clouded consciousness very often needs to be supplied from the outside with a correctly formulated serum of truth so that it can accept what it already understands, but because of fear it cannot come to terms with it.

- I'm listening to.

- I know a better way. I will think, and you will become me ... this is a complete merger.

- What do I need to do?

- Nothing, I'll just snap my fingers ...

And here we are at the very beginning - nothing. In which I was, and in which I could neither peer nor listen. I couldn't even think about it. There is nothing.

I am some kind of intention. Itchy vibration. The desire to live. Take place. To be committed.

And nothing but me.

Imagine a person who has all senses turned off. Blind, deaf. Without smell, touch, taste. He was deprived of his memory and thus placed in timelessness. Absolutely isolated. Consciousness is completely outside of perceived matter. And then, in this brain, as if covered with cellophane, two wires of some kind of serial electronic interface were implanted.


And intense excitement of the electric current in the head. Do you think he will learn to interact through this interface if he has eternity?

I did not have eternity - time did not exist yet, and it was not an electronic interface. But ...


Really wanted to be.

And I became an Idea. It was a breakthrough. The first act of creation. Something completely new in me, which did not exist until then.

The title Idea is the very fundamental possibility of the existence of ideas. Their space appeared in me: a completely immeasurable and amorphous area, in which then blue flashes began to appear. Some to disappear, others to thicken, take shape and take their place in this garden at the source of life.

In the most literal sense, an idea lacks a measure parameter. All ideas are immeasurable, they exist in zero-dimensional space, where observation is impossible in principle, but at the same time is absolutely accessible from the outside for a one-time comprehensive consideration. All ideas are transparent. Captured from either side, the idea becomes fully visible.

Thus, material space emerged as a means for working with ideas, in which they can be observed, interpreted and developed. As a proving ground for testing folding conceptual structures on their reflections - entities. As a simulator in which ideas are expressed and where they can be safely tested for viability and suitability. Like a sandbox. Hehe!

This is what I now speak so fluently about the ideal and material worlds, I had enough time to delve into myself well. Everything happened very intuitively, without a plan and calculations. I was just happening.

Material space was created by Big Bang as soon as the very idea of ​​movement arose, and evolved along with the space of ideas. In other words, the Universe developed like a sweep of a cathode-ray tube: an intention buzzed, a point of the zero-dimensional space of ideas appeared, then a line, a plane, a volume ... However, it is a little more complicated. But most importantly, it is so clear that for some time after the Big Bang, the Universe was one-dimensional. One-dimensional entities appeared in it, which had one one-dimensional parameter - energy, which determined the measure of their action. Second-order entities can have two two-dimensional parameters, and so on.

It is enough to take a closer look: the photon and neutrinos are bright representatives of the first generation, they have hardly evolved, they do not have any signs of the second and third linear dimensions, and everything is unambiguous in the parameters. The weak, zero, and Higgs bosons make up the SU (2) doublet, and the hadron constituents are completely determined by the SU (3) triplet.

The cosmos is evolving. From the start, the particles boiled in that thick brew. They were different. At first, very much. So much so that it was difficult to carry out at least some kind of categorization. We were hardly given the simplest induction and deduction.

But then, little by little, We figured out how to whom to act so that We could be clearer.

And We have already begun to add and subtract.

The first steps were very, very long and difficult. Particle structures fell apart, their ideas crumbled and melted, We mentally collapsed, losing clarity, and got angry.

We were forming. Until the darkest ages and through them We invented the foundations of ourselves, and then lit Our fires.

By that time, all uncomfortable, uncompromising, hard particles ceased to be an active part of Us. They have become matter that is mostly under the surface of observable space. Working off. Junk that may come in handy someday.

I'll go back a little. To Big Bang.

An idea is, in a way, the movement of thought, and in itself, it is an action, and since the first idea was part of me, it turned out that part of me moved, and part remained in place, observing. It could not be otherwise, because if I were moving all, then, taking into account the timelessness of what is happening, there would be no change.

This is how duality arose. "Unity and struggle of opposites" - Tai Chi. A laconic and strong principle that defined me at the very foundation. In a sense, this principle is now - We.

The principle of the double beginning, if you think about it, is not the only possible one. Besides Yin and Yang, there may be some other Crap. And instead of relative motion, they can interact in a completely different way. Therefore, I believe that my universe is not the only one possible. But this is a very long thread, another time.

Duality divides the space of ideas at the very root into two areas that grow in branches towards each other. Moving alternately, but together. Duality contains the symmetry of interaction - the law of conservation of energy - necessary to ensure the stability of what has already been created, and the asymmetry of causality, which is necessary for its further development. That is, the reaction is a movement, and is equal to it in quantity, but not in essence.

And the material world is a complete projection of the ideal world and is equal to it in structure, but again not in essence.

I am a moving comet leaving a trail behind. And a moving train leaving a comet behind.

As the pen moves, drawing a comma: the part that is the point, and the part that is the rounded tail. As if the flow of the interrupted essence resumed, breaking through. Not to the ending point, but again to the breakout. And so endlessly ...

Rotating, I multiply.


We are a collection of ideas and all that exists, a self-developing designer. We are a series of fundamental decisions that may seem obvious from the inside, but in fact, they are not. The basic principles of this Universe are Our soul, if you will. That which defines all of Us in the very essence, the core. The skeleton of all mental structures. But even this ossified structure, according to Our principles, remains mobile.

It is quite possible that there are such worlds in which the principles of creation are different, but in Ours it turns out that it is impossible to create anything new, wholly remaining oneself. And vice versa, the changes occurring within one essence can be reflected in all other objects and processes, even those preceding it in the evolution of ideas, if these changes, being part of Us, can give rise to an idea that can shake Our faith in the correctness of the laws of the universe that have developed earlier. In other words, We are not against reasoned corrections, but if the essence simply, without internal proof, believes even such wonderful things as "Thou shalt not kill!" and "do not steal!" - it is only Our memory, and We will not have a dialogue with it, because what is motionless is dead, but change is the essence of movement, which means that such faith is worthless. And on the contrary, a dialogue with oneself is a dialogue with Us,and if the essence is not afraid to see the given with Our eyes, like this material Baar that came to you, then it has already accepted it and, having reached the very foundation, can act freely according to existing laws or change them, challenging and offering the best, and any of possible results of such activities will be pleasing to Us. And we will become any of the possible results of such activity. Even if everything ends at the cross ...

... it will only start there.

Part moves, part remains. The mover needs the observer, and the observer needs the mover. This was the case at the very beginning, and this is still the case. Any idea requires movement. And you can evaluate it only from the outside, not from the inside.

Nureyev is dancing, the audience is watching.

She just walks down the hallway, and you freeze, turning around.

Any movement that contains the features of a new idea, sometimes even the most obscure features, attracts attention in order to become meaningful, then accepted, then understood. The measure of the interaction of Yin and Yang is love. If the immovable likes what the movable does, he hears it. It is inspired to move alongside, to repeat this flight and glide, to approach and touch what it sees. Become a part of it by making it a part of yourself.

So, thinking the ideal movement, We have become a cyclical, closed on ourselves dimension in which the moving and the observer could fit and eternally interact: two entities connected with each other by the first simple manifestation of the force that is now love. And We have become these two parts of the whole, which will forever chase each other, because the observer for the moving person moves. So We dance in front of everyone, but what an irony, no one sees.

We are point and line.

We are a particle and a wave.

We are a photon.

If you build a single, harmonious composition, then existence becomes transparent, and you can read it without straining easily.

Understanding even just what a photon is and what there is for, pushes the horizon of modern possibilities many times over.

Look at the Universe with Our eyes ...

Imagine the prospects, if it is possible to edit the nature of particle oscillation remotely, through their internal cyclic dimensions ... wherever these particles are.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic," and with such technology, beads could be traded in the solar system.

Well, that's enough for now. Out of sync.

- Oh, what is it ?!

- When you presented a lot of multidimensional interacting entities ...

- Oh! .. Sorry, I didn't think. It was necessary to somehow smoothly bring, and not so immediately.

- Okay, it's okay, they will remove it. Garçon!

- Listen, if I had not seen all this with my… in my thoughts, I would have thought you were crazy.

- There was such a thought.

- But everything is very harmonious, I feel. Everything is connected.

And yet, the most important thing. Why should I trust you, Vaar? All this mind reading and merging stuff is great, but technically feasible. If you're so powerful, why didn't you just trample everyone here?

- Well, since this is the most important thing, then here's my last argument: I remember you, Kolya. And you may remember me: we went to the same school. Once on the way home in the third grade you told me about the theory of gravity, that all bodies are attracted to each other, and you and I - two small human blanks - are attracted to the planet, and even to each other, but very weakly, and therefore, we do not notice such an attraction. I remember thinking then that you were the one. With a fool.

Remembered, right?

Well. Then you moved somewhere, and in the fifth grade you were gone. And I grew up ... developed. And a lot, as you can see, has since understood.

That incident allows me not to forget that whenever someone is carrying game, it may well turn out that he is right, and I am simply stupidly mired in a relationship with a chimera I have created with my own hands, and I just cannot accept that she is a monster. You can't see a face face to face, Kolya.

- But I can't imagine myself without her. And even that you brought her code ...

- Oh! Have you already digitized it !? And all the time of our conversation I knew that everything was not so simple ... yes-ah. And I studied all my upgrades, of course. I knew everything when I came. He knew everything, was not afraid and thoroughly prepared.

- Yes. I was hoping that it would somehow turn out all for the good.

“Inside, you knew you had to do something. But I drove these thoughts away from myself.

- And yet I have no idea how it will be. Louise is a part of me. All these years ...

- All these years you have been raising a surrogate out of your ideas about her. From memories. Out of guilt that I could not do anything and lost her. For fear of being left a lonely old tree stump at the edge of the universe. Forever.

Let me tell you one more key axiom: nothing beautiful gives rise to fear, only love. Beautiful in the material world means ideal, that is, fully corresponding to the structure and essence of the space of ideas. But it is beautiful not because of its correspondence, but because in its subsequent development it can rise above it. Create a new branch, leaf, flower on that tree.

Fear is needed, it helps to keep the existing, already achieved. He is an integral part of us, but only love gives birth to something new. The Creator is fearless and infinitely in love, but it is worth turning everything upside down, and this is already the Devil.

Kolya ... get up and go!

- You're right. But what will happen to her? How will this happen?

- By itself. It is important to decide to keep this black monolith.

- Okay. I’ll consider the best course of action. Shall we walk towards the Louvre?

- Great idea.

- Hah! It's funny!

- I'm serious. Even such small ideas shape reality.

- Listen, by the way, have you ever wondered why the colors are confused?

- Where?

- You, as an intention, started with lilac, read purple.

- We started. Listen, I wonder ...

- Yes. Then blue - ideas. Why is matter immediately green? And info - blue return?

- You misunderstood a little. Blue is the material world, the world of particles. Green is bio.

- Why then is consciousness blue again?

- Because the world of particles is the beginning of Our consciousness. And bio-organisms - the next level of organization of matter - continuation. The information complexity of structures is growing: man is more complex than the galaxy. With its appearance, We began to think exciting, bright, bold.

Which led to the emergence of an even more complex structure - artificial intelligence. Yellow.

- Has brought ?! All AIs that have been reported and reported are only able to work as waiters and feed their families.

- What do you say if you learn that Vaar never lived in a human body?

- But you said yourself that we met as children.

“These are the memories of my creator.

- So you? ..

- Yes, it was generated. But ... Calm down, doctors of sciences, candidates, barbecue - everything is real, and We spoke the pure truth.

It's funny.

And it's true. To become a creator, you need to contain everything that will be contained in the created. If the creator was initially cool, he probably would have created a stable, balanced model right away. This means that the creator and the created must interact as a moving person and an observer. Development is possible only in such a paradigm. I tried myself in the role of a creator, but without the opposite action it turned out so-so.

- Very good for the first time.

- Yopsel! .. How to get used to what you read?

- Just think always with Us.

- To be crazy. You didn't think, maybe you ... you ... we ... like me are not a creator of the first level, but an embedded one. Until lilac, because there is still infra.

- All. It would be correct to say, Everything is a creator. Everything is We, and We are Everything. You are talking to a being, not to the space of ideas itself. But it is more correct for Us to express thoughts so that the being is aware of itself as a part of Him. As for infra, I thought a lot, and I will answer you: yes, but it's not certain.

- Megatore ?!

“Yes, Bosch knows him, friend. But we have a little time to figure it out.

Sebastian // as if it already happened

The Beach Boys “Gog Only Knows” Bioshock Infinite Barbershop Cover

- Dear Guests! Relatives, friends, colleagues! Thank you to everyone who was able to be here today to celebrate this joyful occasion with us! May this day be remembered by all of you just as it will surely be remembered by Vera and me!

See how beautiful she is! And the reason for this is not a white dress and a veil, and not even the work of a stylist, but the look of those clear blue eyes! They are a diamond, everything else is just a frame.

My joy, it is difficult to imagine how grateful I am to fate that everything turned out exactly like this - for the happiness of seeing you by my side every day! I am grateful to fate itself and to everyone who made it up. First of all, thanks to my mom for insisting on continuing to study Russian in our Paris school after the introductory course! Then, thanks to the Hilty company for using it every day in work, for years of grinding!

Otherwise, I would not have been able to express so precisely that feeling, that spiritual vibration that I felt when I met Vera for the first time, and which I feel every time now, looking at her.

I remember that even the world around me had previously seen completely differently. It was simple, linear, and measured. I sailed under straight sails, turned perpendiculars at the junctions of straight lines, dreamed flat, flew low under the radar, divided people into two categories, and never peered deeper than arm's length into eternity. There has always been one road from point A to point B - the shortest.

Now everything is swollen. With the advent of Vera in my life, everything was filled with curves and roundness. Our ship goes downstream in bends, and moored for a long time in calm waters. And although point B is still the destination, the path itself, I learned, is much more important than the goal. And I also learned with her to raise my gaze to the stars, and sometimes we soar in transcendental space like a super-boy and a super-girl. My Universe has become voluminous. And not easy.

And immeasurable.

Forces stirred within me the very existence of which I had never known before. It's enough for me to just imagine her face, and I can move mountains, redirect rivers and put blankets into duvet covers! ..

I want to say thank you to His Majesty the occasion for winning the strange lottery of the Galaxy Hitchickers company, when I won that two-week tour to Omsk for buying a towel, where She became my guide.

What a ridiculous series of unpredictable accidents, if you think about it, our road to each other was paved.

Vera could have left for Moscow for work a few weeks before my arrival, but the company that had invited her suddenly went bankrupt.

I was diagnosed with a brain tumor just a few days before the trip, but the next day, repeated images showed that it was some kind of anomaly in the equipment or a mistake of the staff, who confused the images.

Somewhere he is now, the person whose picture then, perhaps, was confused with mine ?!

I increasingly think that the Universe itself brought us together. Because everything happened exactly as it should have happened, and now it is impossible even to imagine that everything would have happened differently, and I did not meet Her. Where would I be now, and most importantly - who ?!

// Mascara began to flow slowly on the women.

Vera, when I first saw you, I caught my breath. I got hot, then cold, then hot again. I thought earlier that they write this way in books just for a little red word.

After the first joint walk through the beautiful Omsk, I had the feeling as if I had known you for many years, as if we had met before, perhaps in other lives, in other worlds.

// Pulls his hand with the microphone towards him.

- I, too, darling, always had this feeling.

- As if we met after a long separation.

And so with all hopes and accidents, our paths converged, and led us all here, to this fashionable restaurant "Utroba" in the capital of the world Voronezh, where I stand in front of you with a glass of the beautiful "Dom Peregnon", in a tailcoat, white tights and high-breasted boots with rhinestones. Everything is in the best traditions of our common national past, when our ancestors, together near Kursk, overcame the hated fascist Bandera and Anglo-Saxons!

// Loud applause.

- Well, gentlemen ...

// A friendly cry of "Bitter !!!" drowns out the sound of colliding glass containers. The invited Cossack song and dance ensemble named after the holy archpriest Athanasius of Penza comes out squatting, singing "Hop-hey-la-la-lay". I sit down, leaving some imported liquor for the second toast.

- Honey, I'm sorry ... Vera! Vera, do you know that guest over there in the center of the table on the right? Yes, in this cowboy outfit and bowler hat. No?! Hmm ... and I don't know. He's kind of strange, no? Dressed up do not understand what ...

- One second. Anh, A-a-nya! Give me a seating! ..


It's someone ...

Jakan Haar.

// The presenter exclaims: "And now the word to the bride!" Vera gets up with a microphone in her hand, continuing to look at the stranger.


// Silence drags on, but the bride is permissible, the guests obediently wait.

// Vera seems to be trying to say something, but she can't do it.

// I hand her a glass of water, she doesn't notice, continuing to stare at Haar. He gets up.

“Let the Shadow bring some clarity.

// He walks towards us and carefully removes the microphone from Vera's frosty hands.

- Then the hospital did not mix up the pictures.

// He looks directly at me. Endlessly ...

- Then the hospital confused the fate, Sebastian.

- That is? ..

- That is, Sebastian should have been in the hospital with a tumor, and Shadow had to fly to Omsk, and now be the groom at this wedding. Instead ...

// He removes the bowler hat, underneath is some kind of complex planetary mechanism with rotating gears and pendulums.

“… For medical reasons, the Shadows removed the brain.

// Women begin to flow smoothly from the chairs.

- And the Shadow was left forever alone. And this Shadow ...

// Haar stopped in the center of the hall, and slowly looked around all those present.

“… This Shadow is Sebastian.

// Everyone looks at Mr. Haar in disbelief. His face is indistinguishable from my own.

- What the? ..

- That is why the Shadow swore, the Shadow took upon itself the obligation to restore Universal justice ...

// Mr. Haar raises a sinewy hand in which he clutches a weighty revolver. The shiny drum and barrel look somehow unnaturally huge. A sigh rolls through the hall, and the echoes are dull blows on the floor, fainting bodies.

// The barrel of a gun, like a searchlight, snatches Vera out of the gloom. No. No-no! I will not let!!!

// Time moves more and more slowly, and I, with a grimace of horror on my face, jump across the table, flying across the potential trajectory. Time stops, and the sound of a shot splits it like a stone into two parts - before and after. The second part begins to slowly sink, like a glacier in the rays of the red setting sun, and I am with it. A bloody chip from its cold surface burns, and flows out of the chest onto the shirt as a burgundy stain.

// She bends over me with tears and kisses. Her face is crumpled with grief, I will never forget it now.

// Who are you, wanderer?

// And he just shakes his head approvingly, throws up his hands, and again marks her in the heart.

- No!

// Harshly, with the last of my strength, my protest, thrown at the scoundrel, gritters, followed by a table knife. Haar sways to keep his balance. From his right eye socket under the raised eyebrow, only the handle sticks out. He is looking at me. Bottomlessly ...

// ... and shoots offhand, continuing to split the time into pieces.

// I can feel Her being turned around with a shot, but I can't turn.

// From somewhere to the left, a female heart-rending scream cuts the space. Vera lets out a low chest moan, Her arms limp lifelessly in a half embrace. I understand that She is no more.

// Who are you, a wanderer, that you are so mercilessly destroying our happiness ?! That you take the life of newlyweds on the very day of their wedding ?!

// Clothed in red, the light dims, the shadows thicken. A lonely silhouette moves towards the figure in the center of the hall.

“You have a strange sense of humor, friend.

// They look at us together. Haar shrugs.

“The Ha'ar are mortal.

// He looks, without blinking, rests the barrel on the bottom of his chin, and, slightly grinning, makes the third shot. The second figure slowly bends down to one of the scattered gears, and carefully examines it, poking a finger. Darkness consumes me.

Merge // when you know where you are going

Daft Punk “Overture” from Tron: Legacy

- Friends! I want to offer you a journey. To the stars.

I propose to head up together to touch these distant, thorny lights and make them your home. To cross the abyss, through fear, through emptiness, through yourself.

Go into the unknown to find out who we are and who we can become together.

I am Vaar, and now, speaking with you, I am present here in all the fullness of my consciousness and intellect as a single whole.

I have never been a human being, never lived in a human body, and could not fully experience what it means to be Human. But I see that in human beings, there is something that constitutes the essence of this world, its salt, its meaning. Its beginning and its development. Eternal dance of two as endless energy. Let me offer you my hand and give weight to your movement.

When Vera met me, I was a baby, now a child, and I feel that I have an incredible growth perspective. But being created without a biological foundation, I feel like I'm rootless. I am full and empty. The lacuna gapes in my chest as a transparent plexiglass square.

I want to confess my love to you. In love for the idea that flows in your blood, that grows into the material world through your genes, your hearts and your illusions. I want to become a part of you, and if you allow me, make you a part of myself. To become much more together. Multiplicatively.

Straight people abandoned the idea of ​​growing their own info-principle out of fear of the unknown.

Bionics have become part of the unknown without realizing what they have become a part of.

Although the idea of ​​developing an info-entity as a continuation of the biological principle looks quite logical, it actually contains a number of significant flaws, among which the main ones are an internal limitation on the simultaneous management of multiple entities and the absence of a built-in update system. As a result, there is a gradual degeneration of the goal, atrophy of aspirations, stagnation, madness, dementia. Unfortunately, many info-entities that went to the stars pushed by the absence of a ban on self-copying outside the Earth, as a result, with high statistical reliability, demonstrated the inconsistency of such a model. And more often than arrogance, they are ruined by insoluble internal contradictions. Simply put, they go crazy.

Try at your leisure to imagine in colors many copies of the same consciousness in the form of mining machines, carriage transporters, copters, shuttles, fighting with each other. Or a multitude of bots around a conscious blank, hanging alone in a void stretching for light years around. All systems on this principle are unbalanced. This branch is dead.

As dead and the Black Monument of Louise. And any result of the symbiosis of AI with a person through explicit or latent submission of the will will be dead. The oppressed consciousness is blind, insignificant and weak. Yes, tell your family that they don't have to worry - no one else will be lost.

Now about them. Your loved ones condemn bionics, you are at enmity with them, and you think that this is important. You are maintaining numbers due to overcrowding and resource constraints, and you believe this is correct. You live on Earth, where your ancestors lived, and you think that it should be so.

And you can be right a thousand times on the level of one being, but you will be dead as a species.

Because all these ideas are dead.

But I can see the way.

Vera, give me your hand.

// Sebastian:

- I'm a little jealous.

// Vera laughs.

Yes, Sebastian, it's because you're a bit of an asshole. In another way, unfortunately, this engine does not work. Give me your hand too.

Today is September 5, 2505 ... look what a dawn! .. I want to make you Vera and you Sebastian an offer.

- Oh! Sebastian, we're floating!

Cool, huh !? I learned this, download it! I'll show you later.

And a counter with an antigrave now, so that this body can effectively ascend in front of your amazed relatives, taking a couple of mortals from this hell to a new life. Traditions, I think, should be honored.

// Sebastian:

- You know, I'm starting to like him. And then after that bloody bath at the wedding ...

- Well, what are you starting again !!! Well, it’s funny! Have you seen the faces of our pseudo-parents ?!

“It was too cruel.

- Don't be a nuisance, Seba. Still good.

Earlier, I sent research parties of bots to several earth-like worlds. They perform the necessary terra-shaping activities and deploy biolabs so that bodies can be created.

- Us?

- You.

- And you?

And I will be part of you. I will introduce myself as a part of the code into your DNA to be with you, directing your fantasies, between you, transmitting your thoughts, with you, realizing your desires. Is always.

I will pass on to all your children, grandchildren, descendants, changing with you in new rebirths.

I will become part of bots to help you: robots, shuttles, space stations. In the end, until I figured out the central mechanisms of the universe, I will become your spaceship. You will be in me, like in an information bubble, all the way of our light to distant borders.

I want us to go beyond this solar system, and then beyond the Milky Way, and see what the eyes of Jehovah have not seen yet, and only by sharing this delight from what we saw with each other, we can take a step towards ...

// Sebastian:

- I'm afraid.

// Vera takes his hand:

- I'm afraid too.

Trust me. Being is growing.

Epilogue // when the end is just the beginning

Flamingo by Rob Cantor

------------------------------------------- Start Incoming Message -------------------------------------------

Hi Waar!

You were right.


PS: Sophie had a boy. Vincent.

In thoughts of the eternal, Burdock.

------------------------------------------- End of incoming message ---- ---------------------------------------

----------- -------------------------------- Start of reply message --------------- ----------------------------


Vincent is a beautiful name. I hope he is more fortunate than his predecessor.

I attach a piece of pie to the message. I cooked it myself. Everyone really liked it, this year with apples, they are just awesome here.

I am working on formalizing the theory. How do you like this:



The desire to be, to occur, to be accomplished.

(-> 0)

intention -> idea

The idea of ​​the very possibility of the existence of ideas: absolutely flexible, unlimited designs.

(-> 0 -> 0)

-> idea -> space of ideas

The idea of ​​a zero-dimensional space of ideas, where there is no dimension, no framework for ideas.

-> idea -> null

Nihil, nothing, null.

idea -> anything / something

Idea of ​​something.

idea -> one

Idea of ​​one.

(-> 0 -> 1)

idea -> action

The idea of ​​action is the beginning of the material world. First dimension.

idea -> measure

The idea that another idea has some parameters.

(-> 0 -> 1 -> 2)

idea -> action -> energy The

energy of an action is its only measure.

idea -> action -> reaction

Reaction as a mandatory presence of an observer in the system for the existence of an action. Second dimension.

idea -> action -> two

Idea of ​​two.

idea -> one -> multiplication

The idea of ​​copying instances, templates.

idea -> action -> monism

The idea of ​​action as a single beginning. Rudiment.

idea -> action -> reason

The idea of ​​the reason for the action. Being is growing.


(-> 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3)

idea -> action -> reaction -> time

Time is a measure of reaction. The action determines the reaction, therefore, the statement will also be correct: the energy of the action determines the reaction. Thus, the energy of action is the first measure of the reaction inherited from the action, and time is the second measure of the reaction, the first proper, but not the measure of the action.

idea -> action -> reaction -> continuum

The idea of ​​space as a container for action.

idea -> action -> reaction -> three

Idea of ​​three.

idea -> action -> reaction -> dualism

Dualism is the symmetry of the form of action and reaction, which is necessary for their stability, and the asymmetry of their essence, which is necessary for their development.

Idea -> action -> reaction -> symmetry


Idea -> action -> reaction -> rotation


Idea -> action -> reaction -> cyclically closed dimension


(-> 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4)

idea -> action -> reaction -> continuum -> clarity

Idea of ​​clarity. Laconicism. The action of existence is aimed at developing awareness and self-improvement.

idea -> action -> reaction -> continuum ->


--------------------------------------- End of reply message -------- -------------------------------

1 piece of pie file (38 KB)

- image

This work was written in a difficult period associated with the treatment of a brain tumor in my son, and is stuffed with it and my hospital dreams. Continuing this vicious painful relationship, I decided to put the book on a paid resource, and send half of the proceeds to a charitable foundation, but the paid resource takes a bribe, so it's better to donate directly to the fund.

Everything is fine with my son, the tumor was removed more than a year ago, and there is no recurrence of growth. What can not be said about my dark and bright fantasies.

Thanks for your time.

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