Apple ruined my laptop almost immediately after purchase and is still not going to fix it

As you can imagine, this is a cry from the heart. For more than a year now I have been the "happy" owner of a 13-inch Macbook Pro 2019 for 170 thousand rubles.

When I bought it, I naturally knew that these laptops had a lot of keyboard problems and screen cable breaks, but this was already the third reincarnation and all reviews spoke in favor of the fact that most of the problems had already been resolved. In principle, this is the case: minus the space bar that fell a couple of times, the keyboard does not float much. The trouble came from the other side.


The laptop came with Mojave 10.14.5 operating system and a couple of months after the purchase everything was fine, but then the 10.14.6 update came out and [bad things] started. At random moments in time with a random frequency, "broken frames" began to appear. Mostly at the bottom of the screen, stripes 2-3 centimeters high with debris from the video memory appeared on exactly one image frame. Sometimes they might not be there for half a day, sometimes they appeared every 30 seconds. It doesn't sound very scary: a small strip for only 1/60 of a second, but in reality the eye notices such a sharp movement, the brain instantly reacts to the stimulus, you become nervous.

Naturally, I considered the option that the problem was with the hardware. But the connection between the start of the bug and the update to 10.14.6 was all too obvious. In addition, a friend of mine had a very similar problem with the 2015 firmware and also after the update to 10.14.6. Well, messages from people with exactly the same problem began to appear on the network (someone was even able to catch it on video ). Naturally, no dumps of any PRAM helped. People turned to the service center, they shrugged it off, maybe they changed the laptop to the same, and the problem always remained.

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