PHP Digest # 187 (August 18 - September 7, 2020)

Fresh selection with links to news and materials. In release: PHP 8 beta 3, new attribute syntax adopted in PHP 8, Zephir everything, a whole bunch of useful tools, articles, videos, podcasts.

Enjoy reading!

News and releases

  • PHP 8 beta 3 - The last beta in the cycle. The next release will be RC 1, which is expected on September 17th.
  • PHP 7.4.10 , PHP 7.3.22
  • Zephir Phalcon β€” Zephir PHP- Phalcon , Zephir , Phalcon 5 PHP.
  • WordPress PHP. Matt Mullenweg, PHP 5.6 . PHP ≀5.6 21.6% WP.

PHP Internals

  • check [RFC] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change β€” - . #[Attribute].
    class User
        #[ORM\Id, ORM\Column("integer"), ORM\GeneratedValue]
        private $id;
        #[ORM\Column("string", ORM\Column::UNIQUE)]
        #[Assert\Email(["message" => "The email '{{ value }}' is not a valid email."])]
        private $email;

    , @@Attr PR. #[ ] , .


  • new [RFC] any() and all() on iterables β€” :

    any(iterable $input, ?callable $callback = null): bool β€” , , true.

    all(...) β€” true , true .


    $satisifes_predicate = false;
    foreach ($item_list as $item) {
        if (API::satisfiesCondition($item)) {
            $satisfies_predicate = true;
    if (!$satisfies_predicate) {
        throw new APIException("No matches found");
    if (!any($item_list, fn($item) => API::satisfiesCondition($item))) {
        throw new APIException("No matches found");




Async PHP


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