Digest of interesting materials for a mobile developer # 360 (August 31 - September 6)

In the new release, we deal with icon rounding (twice!), UI tests and MVI, multiplatform applications and CI / CD, interface design, the most earning applications and much more.

The story of a long search for devices and / or wires began to touch me every day. Such a trivial task, how to find Xiaomi Mi A1, took a lot of time and brought mental anguish. After a while, I came to the conclusion that it pisses me off and it shouldn't take so long to find a device. I found a bottleneck in workflows and decided to eliminate it.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And every day we send news in the Telegram channel .


β€’ (+66) The secret of the iOS icon shape: is it a squirrel? Parsing

β€’ (+3) Translation formulas: clever localization for iOS and not only

β€’ (+3) Swift Best Practices which are not ashamed to know

β€’ Apple postpones privacy protection in iOS 14 until next year

β€’ Implementation features of the horizontal scrolling calendar

β€’ Promo codes for subscriptions are launched in the App Store

β€’ 10 tips for developing widgets for iOS 14

β€’ Apple will not delay fixing bugs in the App Store

β€’ Apple does your search service?

β€’ My Favorite iOS Development Apps in 2020

β€’ How to Create an Interactive Bottom Sheet in Swift 5

β€’ In -App Purchases and StoreKit in iOS 14

β€’ Anchor to Scrolling an Element

β€’ How to Create a Navigator to Navigate to Any Page in Swift

β€’ Your first UITest in Swift

β€’ What's new in Xcode 12.0?

β€’ Video processing in SwiftUI in real time using Core Image

β€’ Don't do it with Swift Optionals

β€’ Assembler in iOS

β€’ Apple Silicon for app developers

β€’ Swifty Guitar Chords: guitar chords on Swift

β€’ MultiplatformApp: a multiplatform application on SwiftUI


β€’ (+ 10) What to write Android UI tests on

β€’ (+4) To be or not to be: discussions about testing in mobile development

β€’ (+3) Download and build AOSP

β€’(+2) So why do we still need MVI in mobile development

β€’ (+2) How to embed a voice assistant into any mobile application. We analyze using the example of Habitica

β€’ (+1) Analysis of SMS receiving services for Android versus sites-services and experience in developing new functionality for Android

β€’ Android Broadcast: Dagger Hilt: Deep Dive / No more Koin

β€’ Android Broadcast: Kotlin 1.4: faster and better

β€’ Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Alpha Released

β€’ Thermal in Android

β€’ Private Libraries in Android - Why You Should Consider This

β€’ Retrieving Interactions from ViewModel

β€’ Android touch, double tap, pan and pinch recognition

β€’ Make your (Kotlin) code express itself

β€’ Common developer mistakes when creating RecyclerViews and how to fix them using the ViewRepresentation class

β€’ Format Kotlin code with Ktlint

β€’ Shape Drawables are the most powerful tool for Android UI

β€’ Exploring Kotlin Multiplatform

β€’ Configuring Logcat in Android Studio

β€’ 20 Android Development Tools You've Probably Never Heard About

β€’ Adding a Ribbon to an Android Application Icon (Again) )

β€’ Preferred data storage in the Jetpack DataStore

β€’ Jetpack Release Tracker: tracking AndroidX updates

β€’ TrackerControl: tracking data collection on Android

β€’ Jetpack Compose Samples: examples of working with Compose


β€’ (+43) Your squares are wrong

β€’ (+18) Create destructible objects in Unreal Engine 4 and Blender

β€’ (+17) "Well, go for it!" or CI / CD of mobile applications based on a contract

β€’ (+9) How was the open Demo Day at Raiffeisenbank

β€’ (+7) Testing Flutter applications: tools, advantages, problems

β€’(+7) How mobile wallets work on the example of the Mir Pay application

β€’ (+4) Improving the work with scenes using ScriptableObject

β€’ (+4) Advanced bike building or client-server application based on C # .Net framework

β€’ (+3) Test Engineer Tip # 1: Dockerize Your Selenium Grid

β€’ (+2) Apple Design Awards Winner: Statistically Average Portrait

β€’ Podlodka # 179: Rationality

β€’ How to Build Your Game Business

β€’ App Design: Inspirational Examples # 15

β€’ Google and Apple Developed simplified COVID-19 warning system

β€’Pokemon GO ends support for old smartphones

β€’ Unity Distribution Portal will allow working with many application stores at once

β€’ Designing a game in Sketch: interview with the creator of King Rabbit

β€’ Do not design for mobile devices (Mobile-first)

β€’ How to start designing a mobile application. UI Design Basics

β€’ What is Actions Builder? Actions Builder and Actions SDK for Google Assistant

β€’ Reverse engineering: developing a server emulator for Marvel's Avengers

β€’ 10 best and most popular Flutter packages

β€’ 5 tips for better button design

β€’ Improving Flutter applications with autocomplete

β€’ Clean code for leading developers

β€’ Automating the Flutter project lifecycle with GitHub Actions

β€’ Yes, TDD slows you down

β€’ Developing a mood diary on Flutter in 2 hours

β€’ 6 steps to find a suitable test automation framework (with case study)

Analytics, marketing and monetization

β€’ Avo: next-generation analytics

β€’ The most earning apps in August 2020

β€’ India has banned PUBG and a hundred more applications

β€’ Google launched Growth Academy for Ukraine and Belarus

β€’App Annie Releases First Half Gaming Report

β€’ myTracker analyzes in-app ad revenue

β€’ Localization: How to Go International and Increase Installs?

β€’ Monetization model: changing and cheaply testing a new one

β€’ Why retention is the best way to grow

AI, Devices, IoT

β€’ (+20) Raspberry Cinema Center or how to make an unbreakable smart TV

β€’ (+18) How games became the driving force of two schools of AI research

β€’ (+1) A microwave that knows everything about you: what is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

β€’ Apple iPhone 11 became the best-selling smartphone in the first half of 2020

← Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or you have found an error, please send it to the mail .

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