Digital Rights Mapping, Part IV. Right to access the Internet

TL; DR : Experts share their vision of the problems in Russia related to digital rights to access the Internet.

On September 12 and 13, Greenhouse of Social Technologies and RosKomSvoboda will hold a hackathon on digital citizenship and digital rights . Ahead of the event, the organizers are publishing a fourth article devoted to mapping the problem field so that programmers and activists can find an interesting challenge for themselves. Previous articles: on the right to publish digital works can be found here (part 1) , on access to information - here (part 2) , on anonymity (part 3) - here .

Right to access the Internet

The right to access the Internet (the right to Internet access, the right to connect) is a legal conviction that all people should have unhindered access to the World Wide Web. only if they have access can they exercise their rights to self-expression, freedom of speech, and assembly.

In 2016, the UN Human Rights Council adopted resolution A / HRC / 32 / L.20 , which, unfortunately, did not equate Internet access to basic human rights, as some media reported, but recorded a number of important declarations:

  1. β€œThe same rights that a person has in an offline environment must also be protected in an online environment, in particular freedom of expression , which applies across borders […]”.

  2. The UN "unreservedly condemns measures to deliberately prevent or disrupt access to information or its dissemination online."

Despite the fact that globally the right to Internet access is not (yet) included in the universal declaration of human rights, some countries (Costa Rica, Estonia, France, etc.) recognize Internet access as a human right.

In Russia, the right to access the Internet follows from the rights and freedoms described in article 29 (even despite the 2020 update).

But, in addition to legal issues, we ourselves do not even understand, but we feel that in the modern world, Internet access has become just as important an infrastructural element of our life as electricity, water supply, and heat in our homes.

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