See with your own eyes: the universe and the Big Bang

Metamaterials - composites with structural elements much smaller than the radiation wavelength, have not only unusual properties, such as negative refractive index , but also the ability to imitate cosmological equations . They open up new possibilities for good old analog computers . What is good about analog computing? The result is visible almost immediately. So, in the picture below we see ... Big Bang! We read how it happened.

The Big Bang and Time Travel


, - . ( ), -. , (2+1)- -.

ϵx=ϵy=ϵ1 ϵz=ϵ2 Ez=ϕ :


ϵ1>0 ϵ2<0 -:


. z t -. , (2+1)- -, m. , x,y z.

, , :


r, ϵθ>0 ϵr<0 . r=0 . , , ( r=0).

. . — . , , , , . .


. , , , "-", (). : - , - . — -, .. .

-, , / , . -, ( ) . General relativity in electrical engineering.


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