Angular 9. Restarting the guards of the current page. Trigger current route guards

Faced the need to restart guards for the current page, regardless of which page is open.

I did not find a standard solution, and those offered on the Internet are limited to one page. Therefore, I wrote my own and decided to share it.

Case description

Application pages are divided into 3 groups:

  • For authorized users only

  • For unauthorized users only

  • For any users

You can log in or log out on any page.

If you enter / exit on a page with limited access, then you need to go to the allowed page.

If the page has no restrictions, then you need to stay on the current page.

For a better understanding, it is advisable to know about:

  • Guard - CanActivate

  • Route

  • Router

  • ActivatedRoute

  • Router-outlet


Differentiation of access rights to pages is carried out through guard - CanActivate. The check is carried out when you go to the page, but does not react to changes in rights when the transition has already been made. To avoid duplication of logic for access rights, we forcibly restart the guards.

Restarting guards for the current page is done by navigating the current url. And changes to the strategies Router.onSameUrlNavigation and Route.runGuardsAndResolvers.

Here's a ready-made solution. More details in the next section.
  import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
  import { ActivatedRoute, PRIMARY_OUTLET, Router, RunGuardsAndResolvers } from '@angular/router';

  export class GuardControlService {
      private route: ActivatedRoute,
      private router: Router,
    ) {}

    *   guard-  url
    forceRunCurrentGuards(): void {
      //   Router.onSameUrlNavigation       url
      const restoreSameUrl = this.changeSameUrlStrategy(this.router, 'reload');

      //   ActivatedRoute  primary outlet
      const primaryRoute: ActivatedRoute = this.getLastRouteForOutlet(this.route.root, PRIMARY_OUTLET);

      //   runGuardsAndResolvers  ActivatedRoute          url
      const restoreRunGuards = this.changeRunGuardStrategies(primaryRoute, 'always');

      ).then(() => {
        //  onSameUrlNavigation
        //  runGuardsAndResolvers

    *  onSameUrlNavigation    
    * @param router - Router,    
    * @param strategy -  
    * @return callback   
    private changeSameUrlStrategy(router: Router, strategy: 'reload' | 'ignore'): () => void {
      const onSameUrlNavigation = router.onSameUrlNavigation;
      router.onSameUrlNavigation = strategy;

      return () => {
        router.onSameUrlNavigation = onSameUrlNavigation;

    *   route  outlet-
    * @param route - Route    
    * @param outlet -  outlet-,    
    * @return  ActivatedRoute   outlet
    private getLastRouteForOutlet(route: ActivatedRoute, outlet: string): ActivatedRoute {
      if (route.children?.length) {
        return this.getLastRouteForOutlet(
          route.children.find(item => item.outlet === outlet),
      } else {
        return route;

    *  runGuardsAndResolvers  ActivatedRoute   ,    
    * @param route - ActivatedRoute    
    * @param strategy -  
    * @return callback   
    private changeRunGuardStrategies(route: ActivatedRoute, strategy: RunGuardsAndResolvers): () => void {
      const routeConfigs = route.pathFromRoot
        .map(item => {
          if (item.routeConfig) {
            const runGuardsAndResolvers = item.routeConfig.runGuardsAndResolvers;
            item.routeConfig.runGuardsAndResolvers = strategy;
              return runGuardsAndResolvers;
              } else {
            return null;

      return () => {
          .forEach((item, index) => {
            if (item.routeConfig) {
              item.routeConfig.runGuardsAndResolvers = routeConfigs[index];

Additional solution description

The first thing you want to try to restart the guards is to use navigation to the current url.


But, by default, the current url transition event is ignored and nothing happens. For this to work, you need to configure the routing.

Setting up routing

1. Change the Router strategy. onSameUrlNavigation

onSameUrlNavigation can take the following values:

onSameUrlNavigation: 'reload' | 'ignore';

For sensitivity to the transition to the current url, you need to set 'reload'.

The policy change does not reload, but generates an additional navigation event. It can be obtained through a subscription:;

2. Change the Route strategy. runGuardsAndResolvers

runGuardsAndResolvers can take the following values:

type RunGuardsAndResolvers = 'pathParamsChange' | 'pathParamsOrQueryParamsChange' | 'paramsChange' | 'paramsOrQueryParamsChange' | 'always' | ((from: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, to: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) => boolean);

For sensitivity to the transition to the current url, you need to set 'always'.

Configuring Routing During Application Configuration


const routes: : Route[] = [];
  imports: [
      { onSameUrlNavigation: 'reload' }


const routes: Route[] = [
    path: '',
    component: AppComponent,
    runGuardsAndResolvers: 'always',

Configuring Routing at Runtime

  private router: Router,
  private route: ActivatedRoute
) {
  this.router.onSameUrlNavigation = 'reload';
  this.route.routeConfig.runGuardsAndResolvers = 'always';

Restarting guards

To restart the guards of one specific page, it is enough to configure routing during configuration.

But to reload the guards of any page, changing runGuardsAndResolvers in each Route will lead to unnecessary checks. And the need to always remember this parameter - to errors.

Since our case assumes a restart for any page without restrictions in setting up the application, you need:

1. Replace onSameUrlNavigation and keep the current value

//   Router.onSameUrlNavigation       url
const restoreSameUrl = this.changeSameUrlStrategy(this.router, 'reload');

*  onSameUrlNavigation    
* @param router - Router,    
* @param strategy -  
* @return callback   
private changeSameUrlStrategy(router: Router, strategy: 'reload' | 'ignore'): () => void {
  const onSameUrlNavigation = router.onSameUrlNavigation;
  router.onSameUrlNavigation = strategy;

  return () => {
    router.onSameUrlNavigation = onSameUrlNavigation;

2. Get ActivatedRoute for the current url

Since the inject ActivatedRoute is carried out in the service, the resulting ActivatedRoute is not associated with the current url.

ActivatedRoute for the current url lies in the last primary outlet and you need to find it:

//   ActivatedRoute  primary outlet
const primaryRoute: ActivatedRoute = this.getLastRouteForOutlet(this.route.root, PRIMARY_OUTLET);

*   route  outlet-
* @param route - Route    
* @param outlet -  outlet-,    
* @return  ActivatedRoute   outlet
private getLastRouteForOutlet(route: ActivatedRoute, outlet: string): ActivatedRoute {
  if (route.children?.length) {
    return this.getLastRouteForOutlet(
      route.children.find(item => item.outlet === outlet),
  } else {
    return route;

3. Replace runGuardsAndResolvers for all ActivatedRoute and its ancestors, keeping the current values

A guard restricting access can be located in any of the ancestors of the current ActivatedRoute. All ancestors are located in pathFromRoot.

//   runGuardsAndResolvers  ActivatedRoute          url
const restoreRunGuards = this.changeRunGuardStrategies(primaryRoute, 'always');

*  runGuardsAndResolvers  ActivatedRoute   ,    
* @param route - ActivatedRoute    
* @param strategy -  
* @return callback   
private changeRunGuardStrategies(route: ActivatedRoute, strategy: RunGuardsAndResolvers): () => void {
  const routeConfigs = route.pathFromRoot
    .map(item => {
      if (item.routeConfig) {
        const runGuardsAndResolvers = item.routeConfig.runGuardsAndResolvers;
        item.routeConfig.runGuardsAndResolvers = strategy;
        return runGuardsAndResolvers;
      } else {
        return null;

  return () => {
      .forEach((item, index) => {
        if (item.routeConfig) {
          item.routeConfig.runGuardsAndResolvers = routeConfigs[index];

4. Go to the current url


5. Return runGuardsAndResolvers and onSameUrlNavigation to their original state


6. Combine stages in one function

  private route: ActivatedRoute,
  private router: Router,
) {}

*   guard-  url
forceRunCurrentGuards(): void {
  //   Router.onSameUrlNavigation       url
  const restoreSameUrl = this.changeSameUrlStrategy(this.router, 'reload');

  //   ActivatedRoute  primary outlet
  const primaryRoute: ActivatedRoute = this.getLastRouteForOutlet(this.route.root, PRIMARY_OUTLET);

  //   runGuardsAndResolvers  ActivatedRoute          url
  const restoreRunGuards = this.changeRunGuardStrategies(primaryRoute, 'always');

  ).then(() => {
    //  onSameUrlNavigation
    //  runGuardsAndResolvers

I hope this article was useful to you. If there are other solutions, I will be glad to see them in the comments.

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