Digest of ITMO University: AI systems, neural networks, data analysis and ML - discussing personal experience

This is a selection of text materials and thematic podcasts with the participation of ITMO University representatives - students, graduate students, researchers and teachers. We share our personal experience in developing projects of various levels and opportunities for development.

Screenshot of the Shadow Samurai TAU Tracker Demo Demo Level (CES 2019)

What's in store for aspiring machine learning scientists . Andrey Filchenkov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty ofInformation Technologies and Programmingand the head of the machine learning group of the international scientific laboratory "Computer Technologies" tellswhat he and his colleagues did for the TVC channel and the social network Vk, sharesinsights about preparing publications and analyzing the work of colleagues in the workshop, and alsobasic prerequisites for startingin the field of machine learning. We published the interview inpodcastandtext transcriptformaton Habrรฉ.

โ€œ We did not wait for investments, but began to provide for ourselves . โ€ So did Statanly Technologies, a company specializing in ML and AI solutions. The project team includes several university representatives at once. ITMO.NEWS editors interviewed Sergei Fedorov, CEO of the firm. He told what the team is doing and what tasks it sets for itself. Statanly Technologies experts took part in several acceleration programs at once, and in this interview Sergey shared the intermediate results.

How to decide on an internship . Our students tell how they approached work in one of the largest IT companies - cooperation with Huawei, which helpsdevelop technology start-ups and gradually expands scientific cooperation with the university. Two students of the Faculty of IT and Programming share their personal experience , plus a student of the Master's degree in Art & Science .

"The mistakes we make will be reflected in our children and grandchildren . " Alexey Sidorenko, head of the Greenhouse of Social Technologies , discusses developments with a long "life cycle" like artificial intelligence systems in their broadest and most global sense. In the material, he touches upon approaches that change the course of development of such technologies, and lists the most pressing problems (empathy, ethics, false correlations and the "black box") that have yet to be resolved by the expert community in the field of AI systems and other areas.

VK Hackathon: hit the ball like soccer legends... Our students took the Grand Prix of this event last year, and also received a cash prize and met potential partners. The winners' app helps you compare videos of your own practice with how professional footballers approach the ball. Two neural networks analyze user videos and correlate them with the reference video by body position (12 points), motion vector and ball flight path. As part of the hackathon, the guys showed a workable prototype, talked with colleagues from Sports.ru and outlined plans for the further development of the project.

How ITMO.STARS helps with non-classical admission... This material contains comments from 15 participants in the competition of unique achievements, representing Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk and other cities of our country. They talk about the opportunities this program and ITMO University offers for them. This is development in such areas as robotics, neurotechnology and programming, network technologies, infocommunication systems, technological innovation management, information security and bioengineering.

Modeling of real world processes and multidisciplinary game development .Andrey Karsakov, Ph.D., Senior Researcher at the National Center for Cognitive Development, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Digital Transformations, shares his experience in developing solutions forAR support of public events,data visualization, agent-based modelingand organization of a training program forgame developers. We have divided the interview into two parts - hereis the second transcript.

Possibilities of agent-based behavioral modeling in practice - projects of ITMO University... Andrey Karsakov, Ph.D., Senior Researcher at the National Center for Cognitive Development, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Digital Transformations, spoke about agent-based modeling using the example of the reconstruction project for the Konyushenny Dvor in St. Petersburg and the Olympic Park railway station in Adler. In addition to this pair of cases, he shared his comments on the historical reconstruction of the process of development and building of Kronstadt in the 18th or 19th centuries.

Shadow Samurai Game: From "God Simulation" to Medical and Automotive Perspectives . Andrey Karsakov talks about TAU โ€‹โ€‹Tracker products for real-world object tracking and motion capture. He also shares details about the game itself - the mechanics of interacting with the virtual setting, intermediate achievements and the difficulties the team faced.

" In games, you can't just be a programmer . " Andrey Simonov and Alexander Gutrits, the first graduates of the master's program " Technology and development of computer games ", which Andrey Karsakov talked about in our podcast , shared their personal experience and their impressions of the educational process and the start of practical activities in the game industry.

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