Voice in a mobile app: learning to call screens and fill out forms without hands

How to quickly and seamlessly embed a voice interface into your mobile application? And how to teach an assistant everything that it can do? The last time we took opensorsnoe lifestyle application Habitica and shown how to add the assistant and gash basic voice script "out of the box" (update weather forecast and time). And now let's move on to a more advanced stage - we will learn how to call certain screens by voice, make complex requests with NLU and form-filling using a voice inside the application.

(Read the first part of the tutorial)

, Habitica โ€“ : ,     . , , , , .

โ€“ . , , . AndroidManifest . PrefsActivity, , FixCharacterValuesActivity, , , , FullProfileActivity AboutActivity.

, , CustomSkill. -, , , response.action โ€œchangeViewโ€. response.intent , โ€“ . :

class ChangeViewSkill(private val context: Context): CustomSkill<AimyboxRequest, AimyboxResponse> {

    override fun canHandle(response: AimyboxResponse) = response.action == "changeView"

    override suspend fun onResponse(
            response: AimyboxResponse,
            aimybox: Aimybox,
            defaultHandler: suspend (Response) -> Unit
    ) {
        val intent = when (response.intent) {
            "settings" -> Intent(context, PrefsActivity::class.java)
            "characteristics" -> Intent(context, FixCharacterValuesActivity::class.java)//
            "profile" -> Intent(context, FullProfileActivity::class.java)//
            "about" -> Intent(context, AboutActivity::class.java)
            else -> Intent(context, MainActivity::class.java)


 val dialogApi = AimyboxDialogApi(
                "YOUR KEY HERE", unitId,
            customSkills = linkedSetOf(ChangeView()))

 JAICF ( Just AI Kotlin).


, JAICP (Just AI Conversational Platform) c Aimybox (SDK ), โ€“ connections. , . AimyboxConnection.

package com.justai.jaicf.template.connections
import com.justai.jaicf.channel.http.httpBotRouting
import com.justai.jaicf.channel.aimybox.AimyboxChannel
import io.ktor.routing.routing
import io.ktor.server.engine.embeddedServer
import io.ktor.server.netty.Netty
import com.justai.jaicf.template.templateBot

fun main() {
    embeddedServer(Netty, System.getenv("PORT")?.toInt() ?: 8080) {
        routing {
            httpBotRouting("/" to AimyboxChannel(templateBot))
    }.start(wait = true)

, NLU-, NLU- Caila โ€“ app.jaicp.com, API conf/jaicp.properties. , app.jaicp.com.

NLU- โ€“ , , NLU.

. , . , , DATA , (settings, characteristics, .. ).


, . . , , , , views . .


, , - ยซยป . .


, catchAll โ€“ , , . changeView, activators JAICP , actions โ€“ , Aimybox , .

views , Caila, action , , Aimybox , , . ยซยป. - .

        state("changeView") {
            activators {
            action {
                reactions.say("..." )
                var slot = ""
                activator.caila?.run {slot = slots["views"].toString()}
                reactions.aimybox?.response?.action = "changeView"
                reactions.aimybox?.response?.intent = slot


skills .

. ngrok, heroku. app.aimybox.com, , Aimylogic webhook URL. : , .

, , Try in Action.

, โ€“ , .

. . , .

! .

, , , - (- ), .

. response.action == "createTask", , response.intent. 

, , , , , TaskFormActivity, . .

class CreateTaskSkill(private val context: Context): CustomSkill<AimyboxRequest, AimyboxResponse> {

    override fun canHandle(response: AimyboxResponse) = response.action == "createTask"

    override suspend fun onResponse(
            response: AimyboxResponse,
            aimybox: Aimybox,
            defaultHandler: suspend (Response) -> Unit
    ) {
        val intent = Intent(context, TaskFormActivity::class.java)
        val additionalData = HashMap<String, Any>()
        val type = response.intent
        additionalData["viewed task type"] = when (type) {
            "habit" -> Task.TYPE_HABIT
            "daily" -> Task.TYPE_DAILY
            "todo" -> Task.TYPE_TODO
            "reward" -> Task.TYPE_REWARD
            else -> ""

( ) , . .

response.data, , .

. onCreate TaskFormActivity.

// Inserted code for voice activation
        textEditText.setText(bundle.getString("activity_name")) // presetting task name
        notesEditText.setText(bundle.getString("activity_description")) //presetting task description
        if (bundle.getBoolean("sentiment")) {  // presetting task sentiment
            habitScoringButtons.isPositive = true
            habitScoringButtons.isNegative = false
        } else {
            habitScoringButtons.isNegative = true
            habitScoringButtons.isPositive = false
        when (bundle.getString("activity_difficulty").toString()) { // presetting task difficulty
            "trivial" -> taskDifficultyButtons.selectedDifficulty = 0.1f
            "easy" -> taskDifficultyButtons.selectedDifficulty = 1f
            "medium" -> taskDifficultyButtons.selectedDifficulty = 1.5f
            "hard" -> taskDifficultyButtons.selectedDifficulty = 2f
            else -> taskDifficultyButtons.selectedDifficulty = 1f

JAICF Caila.

Caila: , ( , Pattern ).

data , โ€“ habit, pattern .

, Name Description, , . .


, task_type . , โ€“ , , , .

, (, ). , .

, . 

@ โ€“ , โ€œ โ€“ .


state("createTask") {
            activators {
            action {
                val taskType = activator.getCailaSlot("taskType").asJsonLiteralOr("")
                reactions.aimybox?.response?.action = "createTask"
                reactions.aimybox?.response?.intent = taskType.content
                reactions.aimybox?.response?.run {
                    data["taskName"] = activator.getCailaSlot("taskName").asJsonLiteralOr("")
                    data["taskDescription"] = activator.getCailaSlot("taskDescription").asJsonLiteralOr("")
                    data["taskSentiment"] = activator.getCailaSlotBool("taskSentiment").asJsonLiteralOr(true)
                    data["taskDifficulty"] = activator.getCailaSlot("taskDifficulty").asJsonLiteralOr("easy")
private fun ActivatorContext.getCailaRequiredSlot(k: String): String =
    getCailaSlot(k) ?: error("Missing Caila slot for key: $k")

private fun ActivatorContext.getCailaSlot(k: String): String? =

private fun ActivatorContext.getCailaSlotBool(k: String): Boolean? =

private fun String?.asJsonLiteralOr(other: String) = this?.let { JsonLiteral(this) } ?: JsonLiteral(other)
private fun Boolean?.asJsonLiteralOr(other: Boolean) = this?.let { JsonLiteral(this) } ?: JsonLiteral(other)

, intent, data, action, Aimybox , .

, ! :

, โ€“ , . !



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