Black [O] lives Matter: Race, Crime, and Fire to Kill in the United States. Part 1


Knowing how much this publication can be perceived as "political" and how different people's opinions on certain topical issues are, I will immediately introduce the following reservations:

  • The author of the publication is not a racist, does not believe that representatives of some races should have any privileges or preferences in comparison with representatives of other races. For me, all people are brothers!

  • , - , .

  • - ; .

  • , , , . . , " " . , .

  • Data Scientist ( , , ). , !

During the Soviet Union, our dear readers, fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers were tirelessly and everywhere reminded of how the "imperialists" oppressed and oppressed representatives of other races, how after the abolition of serfdom in the Russian Empire, American capitalists continued to use slave the work of Africans and their descendants, as in the current (at that time) twentieth century, does not stop bullying even after the formal abolition of slavery, expressed in the most outrageous forms of apartheid, humiliation, racism and hatred ... Classical novels like Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee further reinforced the resentment of freedom fighters around the world. Yes, white racism flourished in the United States until the 1960s and 1970s. But also, of course,these oppressions were an excellent tool for socialist propaganda, not sparing colors in depicting the "atrocities of the sharks of capitalism." In the mid-1950s, a strong movement to combat racial inequality began in the United States, which was eventually supported by the authorities and radically changed the situation with social freedoms by the 1980s. You can read about all this at least inWikipedia . Now what? ..

Illustration for the novel by G. Beecher Stowe "Uncle Tom's Cabin".  The "classic" depiction of African slave labor.
Illustration for the novel by G. Beecher Stowe "Uncle Tom's Cabin". The "classic" depiction of African slave labor.

Almost everything that our relatives read from the pages of Pravda in the 1960s, we now hear from all the American media. Racial injustice! Violence from the police and other servants of the law! As we all saw, after the death of George Floyd , mass protests began in the United States , which in some places turned into riots and pogroms under the slogan Black Lives Matter . The bottom line of the officially voiced and supported public opinion in the United States to date: Police kill blacks because of massive white racism.

Research Objectives

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Crime Data Explorer, API , , 1991 2018 .

Fatal Encounters, . ( ) 28 2000 , , , .. , , MappingPoliceViolence ( 8400 2013 .) Washington Post (. 5600 2015 .). Fatal Encounters (FENC) (20 ), . , () , . .

, , , - . , 2010 2018 . : 1) 2018 ; 2) 2000 2009 , ( ). , 2000 . ( FENC) 2018 . ( ). 18 .

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: CSV ( XLSX, CSV ). Google Spreadsheets, CSV.

( ):
  1. Unique ID - ID

  2. Subject's name -

  3. Subject's age -

  4. Subject's gender -

  5. Subject's race - ( )

  6. Subject's race with imputations - ( )

  7. Imputation probability -

  8. URL of image of deceased -

  9. Date of injury resulting in death (month/day/year) -

  10. Location of injury (address) -

  11. Location of death (city) -

  12. Location of death (state) -

  13. Location of death (zip code) -

  14. Location of death (county) -

  15. Full Address -

  16. Latitude -

  17. Longitude -

  18. Agency responsible for death - ,

  19. Cause of death -

  20. A brief description of the circumstances surrounding the death -

  21. Dispositions/Exclusions INTERNAL USE, NOT FOR ANALYSIS - ( )

  22. Intentional Use of Force (Developing) - ()

  23. Link to news article or photo of official document -

  24. Symptoms of mental illness? INTERNAL USE, NOT FOR ANALYSIS - ( )

  25. Video -

  26. Date&Description -

  27. Unique ID formula - ID

  28. Unique identifier (redundant) -

  29. Date (Year) -

Excel 2000 - 2009 ., . Excel CSV.

( ):
  1. Year -

  2. Whitepop -

  3. Blackpop -

  4. Asianpop -

  5. Native Hawaiianpop -

  6. American Indianpop -

  7. Unknownpop - /

- . Python, API API- ( ). API REST JSON. DataFrame, CSV. . CSV.

( ):
  1. Year -

  2. Offense - , :

    • All Offenses -

    • Assault Offenses -

    • Drugs Narcotic Offenses - ,

    • Larceny Theft Offenses -

    • Murder And Nonnegligent Manslaughter -

    • Sex Offenses -

    • Weapon Law Violation - /

  3. Class - ( , , ..)

  4. Offender/Victim - ( )

  5. Asian - ,

  6. Native Hawaiian - ,

  7. Black - ,

  8. American Indian - ,

  9. Unknown - ,

  10. White - ,

  11. Whitepop -

  12. Blackpop -

  13. Asianpop -

  14. Native Hawaiianpop -

  15. American Indianpop -

  16. Unknownpop -

  17. Asian pro capita - , ( 1 )

  18. Native Hawaiian pro capita - , ( 1 )

  19. Black pro capita - , ( 1 )

  20. American Indian pro capita - , ( 1 )

  21. Unknown pro capita - , ( 1 )

  22. White pro capita - , ( 1 )

Python 3.8, Jupyter Notebook. :

  • pandas 1.0.3 ( )

  • folium 0.11 ( )

"" ( Python) WinPython, Windows - . , , ( Anaconda) Python, .

, / : R, MatLab, SAS Excel. , :)

In the next part, let's proceed directly to the analysis.

Link to English translation (at the request of workers)

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