Logging in Kubernetes: how to collect, store, parse and process logs

We will analyze the basics of logging in Docker and Kubernetes, and then consider two tools that can be safely used in production: Grafana Loki and the EFK stack (Elasticsearch + Fluent Bit + Kibana).

The material of the article is an extract from an open lecture of the Slurm school . If there is a desire, and even more so for a production need, you can complete a full training - sign up for a course on Monitoring and Logging Infrastructure in Kubernetes .

Docker logging

At the Kubernetes level, applications are running in pods, but at the level below they usually run in Docker. Therefore, you need to configure logging in such a way as to collect logs from containers. Containers are launched by Docker - so you need to figure out how logging works at the Docker level.

, : stdout/stderr, . Docker Daemon, , stdout/stderr. : ( Logrotate ), Docker Daemon .

Docker - . Docker Community Edition (CE) - , Docker Enterprise Edition (EE).

Docker EE : Southbridge Open Source , Docker EE .

- Docker CE:

local — Docker Daemon;

json-file — json-log ;

journald — journald.

Docker daemon.json.

“log-driver” , “log-opts” — . “json-file”, — “max-size”: “10m”; ( ) — “max-file”: “3”; , .

- . , -.


: -, json-file, . (Rsyslog, Fluentd, Logagent ) Elastic, Sematext .


Kubernetes : pod, , stdout/stderr. Docker , .


. . , , . Kubernetes --previous, Pod, .

. , . , .

, . (, Rsyslog), — Docker (, journal-bit - Docker journald). journal-bit — ( - Docker , journald), ( CentOS 7 systemd journald). , . , journal-bit , .

— . CentOS 7 (messages, audit, secure) var- . Docker json. , CentOS 7 Docker .

ELK Stack. : Elasticsearch, Logstash Kibana.

Elasticsearch , Logstash , Kibana , . ELK Stack , , , . , .

. , , , . , . , , , Pod , namespace . .

. , . , , . — .

, , — , «warning» «error». nginx ingress-, , 200. : - Nginx, .

, . , , . 200. — ingress-.

, : , , , .

. , Prometheus, .

: , — . , .

, Kubernetes :

, , -, ( — Logging Backend). , , Kubernetes.


Grafana Loki

Grafana Loki , . : , , Elasticsearch, TSDB (time series database). , Prometheus, . , Loki — «Prometheus ».

TSDB , : TSDB , , . - , .

Loki — Grafana. : Grafana , Loki, . .

Loki :

DaemonSet — Promtail Fluent Bit. . Loki TSDB. , : Pods, namespaces, .


Loki Grafana. Loki , LogQL — PromQL Prometheus. Loki , .


Loki Grafana

, Loki (“400”, “404” ); ; , “error”. , .

Loki , , , . Loki .

Elastic + Fluent Bit + Kibana (EFK Stack)

EFK — , .

ELK (Elasticsearch + Logstash + Kibana), - Logstash. Fluentd, Fluent Bit — -.

, Fluent Bit , 100 , Fluentd: «, Fluentd 20 , Fluent Bit 150 » — . , Fluent Bit .

Fluent Bit , Fluentd, , Fluent Bit.

EFK: ( , DaemonSet, ) (Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL Kafka). Kibana .

Kibana -. , .


Fluent Bit

Fluent Bit, , , Logstash, . Fluent Bit 6 , , Fluent Bit.

Input , systemd tcp-socket ( endpoint, Fluent Bit ). , , .

tail ( ) systemd ( , ).

Parser . Nginx . JSON: . JSON , , .

Filter. . , “warning” . .

Buffer. Fluent Bit : . — , . , . , .

Routing/Output . , Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL , , Kafka.

, Fluent Bit Fluentd. , Fluentd, , , .


, Elasticsearch .

  1. ElastAlert. . , , .
  2. Curator API Elasticsearch. Elastic, , . : - — , . - . , 5 . , , .


: , Kubernetes, Southbridge, .

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