Optimizing frontend performance. Part 2. Event loop, layout, paint, composite

Night. A knock on the door. Open. There are two. "Do you believe in the Event loop, our main browser chain?" Take a breath. Close the door. Lie down to fill up. There is still 4 hours before the start of the working day. And there is already an event of loops, layouts and other joy ...

In the first part, we talked about first loading and working with resources. Today I will talk about the second part of optimizing front-end performance. About what happens to our page when it is loaded, what CPU time is spent on and what to do with it. Keywords: event loop, paint \ repaint, layout \ reflow, composite.

The tie. Self-test questions

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Event loop is popular not only in daily work, but also in interviews. And go figure out where it is more popular. There are three questions to ask yourself to check if you understand this browser mechanism. Two of them are regulars of interviews, but the third shows an understanding of the event loop for their practice. They are quite simple, but they will be arranged in ascending order of difficulty:

  1. "1" ? ?

    function loop() {
    setTimeout(() => {console.log(1)}, 0);

  2. , , cursor: pointer :hover CSS , :hover background-color c . :

    while (true);

    : ? ? ?

  3. height 0 auto? c JS / CSS. , , stackoverflow . event loop , height = auto JS.



Event Loop

. :

while (true) {
  if (execQueue.isNotEmpty()) {

100%. windows. . , , .

. , - , , . :

- .

: , JS ?


  1. <script>
  2. : setTimeout, setInterval, requestIdleCallback
  3. XmlHttpRequest, fetch ..
  4. API: click, mousedown, input, blur, visibilitychange, message , . ( , - ..).
  5. . , JS
  6. , : DOMMutationObserver, IntersectionObserver
  7. RequestAnimationFrame
  8. - ? :)

WebAPI ( API). :

  1. setTimeout(function a(){}, 100)
  2. WebAPI 100
  3. 100, WebAPI function a() (TaskQueue)
  4. Event Loop

JS - DOM. , , - . .

. 2 , JS, CSS . , . JS, (, ..) . Event Loop JS "". render queue:

, . JS , . , SomeJSTasks .

JS 2 :

  • TaskQueue — , .. Task
  • MicroTaskQueue — MutationObserver. : MicroTask

Event loop . JS , .

. :

  1. :
  2. : , , ..

60FPS. . 60FPS, , .

Event Loop , 16.6 ( 60FPS)


Task, event loop . , .. render queue , .., .


3 TaskA, TaskB, TaskC. Event Loop . 4 . Event Loop (Microtask queue render queue) — . EventLoop . 12 . 16 . Render queue , Event Loop . 1 . Event Loop TaskQueue.

Event Loop , . , , , , JS . : JS , , .


. 240 , 60FPS 16.6 . , 14 . , event loop render queue, . : , 14 , 15 .

, , :

— , , , .


function findJinny() {
  console.log('It seems you get confused with universe');

function goToTheCave() {
function becomeAPrince() {
function findAFriend() {
   // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
function startDndGame() {
    const friends = [];
  while (friends.length < 2) {

. ?

inline , . , . inline. startDndGame, findAFriend. callStack, findAFriend . :


. promise, mutationObserver. , TaskQueue.

: , .

, :

fulfilled rejected promise, , .

JS , . , , . : , . . :

4 MicrotaskQueue, , .

— . , MutationObserver — , , mutation observer . , , .

, event loop:

, , RenderQueue ( ).


. ( Layout):


RequestAnimationFrame (raf)

, - /. - .

DOM . :

  1. raf : DOMHighResTimeStamp — . perfomance.now,

  2. setTimeout, raf (id), raf cancelAnimationFrame.

  3. , — . Raf

  4. JS , , , requestAnimationFrame

  5. , ? :

    const checkRequestAnimationDiff = () => {
    let prev;
    function call() {
        requestAnimationFrame((timestamp) => {
            if (prev) {
                console.log(timestamp - prev); //     16.6 ,  60FPS
            prev = timestamp;

    , ( hh.ru):

  6. () raf , . : https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/2569#issuecomment-332150901

Style (recalculation)

, - , JS. media queries

a.styles.left = '10px' , CSS , element.classList.add('my-styles-class') CSSOM Render tree.

hh.ru, , Style:


, , , . DOM , .

layout -. , , Layout update layer tree layout shift, .

— Layout hh.ru .

Layout — -. , style recalculation , Layout :

  1. (offsetWidth, offsetLeft, getBoundingClientRect, ..)
  2. , , , transform will-change. transform composition , will-change composition. .

Layout :

Layout ( raf Style) , , , JS . force layout. , JS Layout.

div1.style.height = "200px"; //   
var height1 = div1.clientHeight; //   

clientHeight div1 . , JS () : Style ( , ), Layout ( , ). Layout , , div1. , . . Layout Shift. ( , Layout):

layout . , :

div1.style.height = "200px";
var height1 = div1.clientHeight; // <-- layout 1
div2.style.margin = "300px";
var height2 = div2.clientHeight; // <-- layout 2 

div1 200px, . layout. . , layout . .


div1.style.height = "200px";
div2.style.margin = "300px";
var height1 = div1.clientHeight; // <-- layout 1
var height2 = div2.clientHeight;

layout, .

Layout "" . , chrome devtools -> More tools -> layers:

, event loop , tasks, microtasks force layout:


  1. DOM
  2. force layout


, color, background .. :

, , . .

, , — Composition.


, - GPU. CSS , transform.

: .

: transform: translate . transform: translateZ(0) " ", .

GPU. .

transform . :

  1. transform layout ,
  2. "" , left, right, top, bottom

, transform , . .


( ) — layout. layout hh.ru. DOM, , 13-20 . .


Layout, , ..

layout paint, transform .

, :

  1. CSS. JS
  2. transform “”
  3. will-change — , "" . — , . , .
  4. DOM
  5. requestAnimationFrame
  6. \ . , layout.
  7. , . , , .

Runtime , . :

  1. ,

event loop :

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