USB4: still the same USB?

At the end of 2020, the release of devices with support for the new generation USB4 / Thunderbolt 4 interfaces is expected. These interfaces are similar, but have a number of fundamental differences. Among these differences, the most significant can be distinguished: the specifications for USB4 are publicly available and anyone can study the basic principles of this interface, unlike Thunderbolt 4.

, USB4 (USB 3.2), USB4 .




: Intel (Thunderbolt 3/4) USB4 USB-C.

  • USB-C

: , : , USB4-, 20 /c. 40 /c, , . Intel โ€“ Thunderbolt 4.

  • 20 /
  • 40 /c

: , USB4-, , USB-C, . , :

  • Enhanced SuperSpeed USB (USB3) ( );
  • DisplayPort (DP);
  • PCI Express (PCIe) ( ).

: (host-to-host).

USB4: USB4 USB Type-C USB PowerDelivery (PD). 100 .

Thunderbolt 3: , USB4, , Thunderbolt 3. , .

USB 3.2

USB4, :

: . (Sideband Channel), , USB Type A/B.

  • USB Type A/B, miniUSB, microUSB

: USB 3.2 Gen2 x 2 20 /c, , USB-C. โ€“ 10 /c.

  • โ€“ 20 40 /c

: USB 3.2 USB 2.0, , SuperSpeed-. USB BC (Battery Charging) USB PD , . USB4, USB 2.0 USB 3.2, USB PD USB Type-C.

  • USB 3.2, USB4

: USB 3.2 - . DP PCIe, . USB-C (USB-C Alt Mode), DisplayPort Alternate Mode, USB-C , USB 3.2.

  • USB 3.2

USB4 USB 3.2

USB 3.2. , โ€“ Enhanced SuperSpeed USB 2.0, โ€“ USB 3.2 USB 2.0. , .

USB4 . USB 2.0 , . USB 3.2 , , . USB4 .

, USB 3.2 PCIe, (Protocol Adapters). , USB 3.2 (Enhanced SuperSpeed Hub). PCIe (PCIe Switch), . DP . , .

(Router) , . TMU (Time Management Unit).

(Router) โ€“ , USB4. USB4, USB4. TMU- USB4. (Connection Manager), -. : (Device Router) - (Host Router).

USB4 , USB4-. (RX/TX) (Sideband (SB)) (SBTX/SBRX). USB4- : . 1 (Lane 1) . 0 1 . .

SB- .

, USB 2.0 USB4 .

, USB Type-C USB4 :

  • USB4;
  • USB 2.0 (D+/D-);
  • CC-, USB PD;


USB 3.2. : (Physical Layer), (Link Layer) โ€“ (Protocol Layer).

USB4 , . (Physical Layer), : (Logical Layer) (Electrical Layer). (Transport Layer). : (Configuration Layer) (Protocol Adapter Layer). . .



(Electrical Layer) USB4-: , (jitter), .

(Logical Layer) . .

(Transport Layer) , , . (Control Packets) .

(Configuration Layer) . , .

(Protocol Adapter Layer) . .

(Sideband Channel)

USB4 , USB Type-C (SBU1/SBU2).


  • ;
  • USB4-;
  • ;
  • (Sleep state).


. :

  • Link Type (LT) โ€“ LT-, . , , ;
  • Administrative Type (AT) โ€“ AT-, ;
  • Re-timer Type (RT) โ€“ RT-, .

USB4 . , , . AT- RT- .

, Intel 2017 , , USB4 Thunderbolt 3. , USB4 , - . , : (USB4), (USB Type-C), , DisplayPort, PCI Express, USB3, , host-to-host โ€“ , ( Thunderbolt 4) , USB4 ยซยป , Thunderbolt 4.

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