Imperfect DevOps Live Antiformats

Typically, at a DevOps conference, the leading TOP speakers come to speak, who "ate Docker and Kubernetes for breakfast" and talk about their successful experience with the almost unlimited opportunities of the corporations in which they work. Things will be slightly different at DevOps Live 2020. 

DevOps blurs the lines between development and infrastructure, while DevOps Live 2020 blurs the lines between speaker and listener. This year, the online format allows us to abandon the concept of presentations in which speakers tell how they used "God mode" in DevOps. Most of us don't have these cheat codes, but the usual standard problems with minimal resources. For most of us, DevOps isn't perfect - that's what we want to show. How it will be and what awaits us, we will tell further.


In the DevOps Live 2020 program, 15 activities have been approved, and about 30 more are being prepared (we add more interactivity, for example, we rebuild the speakers' reports for the online format).

The program is designed not only for our dear DevOps engineers and system administrators, but also for those who make decisions: product owners, technical directors, CEOs and team leads. Therefore, we expect that the participants will come not only to listen "but as with others," but with the intention to change something in their organization. 

There will be 11 types of formats in total:

  • reports;

  • homework;

  • master classes;

  • discussions;

  • round table;

  • "confessional";

  • questionnaires;

  • lightning;

  • "Holivarnya";

  • "Cyber ​​polygon".

Not all of them are familiar and common, which is why we called them “antiformats”. What are these formats?

Reports, workshops and lightning

Presentations will not be held in classic online format or in YouTube broadcast format. We orientate speakers to an increased level of interaction with the audience. For example, when we listen to a classical report and we have a question, then by the end of the speech it can be forgotten. But we have online, which means everything is different.

At DevOps Live 2020, each participant will be able to write their own question in the chat, instead of having to remember it and skip the rest of the talk. Each speaker will have a section moderator from a PC who will help collect and process questions. And the speaker during the story will stop for answers (but of course there will be traditional questions and answers at the end).

The presenter himself will also ask subject questions to the audience, for example, "Who faced setting up a service mesh outside Kubernetes." In addition, the moderator will include participants in the broadcast during the discussion of cases.

Note . We recently talked about how PC DevOps Live 2020 and Express 42 launched the first Russian DevOps industry survey. Now more than 500 people have completed the survey. We learn the result of the survey in the first two days, in the form of a report-report prepared by Igor Kurochkin under the leadership of Sasha Titov. The report will define the overall tone of the conference.

Lightning... This is a shortened version of the reports - for 10-15 minutes, for example, "I am raising Oracle DBMS 10 TB in Kubernetes like this and so." After the "introductory", the most interesting part begins - "Rubilovo" with the participants. Of course, moderators will be present so that people can discuss controversial topics without conflict. We already have some requests for exotic things that we are ready to discuss.

Master classes . They are workshops. While enough time is allocated for theory in lectures and lightnings, in master classes of theory there is a minimum amount. The facilitator briefly describes some of the materiel, the participants are divided into microgroups and practice in practice. Master classes are a natural continuation of the reports. 

Questionnaires, tests and homework

Forms . We will send the participants in advance links to Google forms - questionnaires, for example, to collect “bloody” cases of digital transformation (yours, of course). They will help structure our thoughts, including on digital transformation, and for us - prepare the foundation for discussions and holivars.

Some questionnaires are included in a separate activity "homework". The fact is that the DevOps Live 2020 conference is divided into three parts:

  • 2 days of work;

  • 5 days - homework, independent work of participants, questioning, testing;

  • 2 days of work.

Right in the middle of the conference, we will give homework. These include engineering tasks, questionnaires and tests. Tests will help you get some kind of "final report" on the outcome of the conference. For example, the test "Check what a DevOps engineer you are", after which it will be clear how cool you are at DevOps with the assignment of "qualifications" (of course, this is a joke test).

All homework (as well as the entire program) is united by a common DevOps theme - digital transformation. Homework is optional. But some of the discussions, round tables and reports in the schedule will be based on the results of these homework. But only a few, because if no one did anything, then we will not cancel the next two days :)

Discussions: discussions, round tables, "confessionals" and "holivarni"

Discussions . This is an open meeting. The presenter sets the topic, there is the main “topic holder”, and the rest of the participants can discuss and express their opinion.

Round table . The format is similar to discussions, except that the topic is discussed by the plenum. Roundtable participants are a limited number of people. Naturally, questions from the audience are also expected, but not in real time.

"Confessional" . This is an analysis of the sections "What I want to change" and the cases "How we implemented and how we went through the DevOps transformation", as well as homework.

"Confessional" is a voluntary matter. If a participant expressed a desire for us to publicly analyze his plans for digital transformation, which he prepared for himself by participating in the conference activities, then we will discuss his plans, comment and give recommendations. This is a format for the strong in spirit.

We have a " Ask PC question " button - use it to register for the confessional. So the PC will be able to pre-select the time in the grid, check the equipment, sound and your camera. 

You can apply anonymously, but the anonymous profile may contain too recognizable cases. Therefore, it is important that you be contacted by a PC to de-personalize the story.

"Holivarnya"... Everyone is familiar with holivars - discussions in an extreme form. For example, whether an enterprise needs DevOps or whether DevOps needs to be an engineer, you can discuss whether lightning is in the discussion.

But in such topics there is always something to discuss and prove your position, so the PC will select 3-4 topics in advance for the "holivarni". It is an online moderated marketplace that operates throughout the day. The moderator acts as the owner of the World Café table. Its task is to provide a briefing of what has already been said on this topic in the form of an online document, for example, in Miro. When new participants appear, the moderator will demonstrate to everyone arriving a briefing.

Participants will go to the holivarny and will see what they have already said there, they can add their own judgment, communicate with other participants. At the end of the day, the moderator will form a digest - what came out of the flow of discussion of a hot topic.

Cyber ​​polygon

At DevOps Live 2020, we will take a separate time for security. In addition to reports from leading experts in the field of security, the "Security" block will host a powerful Cyber ​​Polygon workshop. This is a master class where participants will actively participate in hacking and penetration for two hours.

  • The host will prepare a special environment.

  • Participants will access and connect from their laptops or PCs.

  • The presenter (moderator) will explain how to check for vulnerabilities, conduct penetration or empowerment and show.

  • Participants will repeat, and the facilitator will answer the questions and discuss the topic together.

Participants will understand what mechanisms, tools and proactive actions can be used to protect their infrastructure from malicious unauthorized intrusions and how to secure their infrastructure so that such hacking is impossible there.

Custom DevOps Conf

There is also a nuance. Lectures and master classes, as at regular conferences, are usually recorded and can be viewed at other times. But interactive formats can no longer be repeated. It will not be possible to record all rooms in Zoom, Spatial Chat or Roomer, where discussions, holivars and lightning take place (recall that there are about 50 activities). Therefore, in this sense it will be a unique event. It will happen once, and it will never happen again.

You need to participate in such events yourself in order for them to bring value, unlike the reports that can be watched on video, for example, on our YouTube channel. When people work together, every time it is a unique event. We do this in order to make the conference interesting and bring more benefit. Because we learn when we solve our problems.


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  • , DevOps / …

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