VR - examples of how virtual reality is changing the world now

Today the plot of the legendary film "The Matrix" is no longer a fantasy, but a possible reality of the near future. What awaits us in 5-10 years? Maybe we will all soon be “living in the matrix”? Can virtual reality be used in business? Our team has prepared a small study on this matter.

From the history

The concept of artificial reality was first used by Myron Kruger in the late 1960s. In 1964, Stanislav Lem used the term "Phantomology" in his book " The Sum of Technology ". This was the answer to the question "how to create a reality that, for intelligent beings living in it, would not differ in any way from normal reality, but would obey other laws?"

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The first virtual reality system appeared in 1962 when Morton Heilig demonstrated the first prototype of the Sensorama multisensor simulator . The device immersed the viewer in virtual reality using short films with the smells, wind and noise of the metropolis.

In 1967, Ivan Sutherland designed the first computer-generated helmet. Sutherland's helmet allowed images to be changed according to head movements.

Note that virtual and augmented reality are different concepts. The first creates an integral artificial world, and the second only introduces artificial elements into our perception of the real world.

VR on the market

Today technologies are being created that become the basis of virtual reality. For example, the famous Oculus Rift gadget is a virtual reality helmet developed by Oculus VR, which was created by Americans John D. Carmack II and Palmer Freeman Luckey.

The prototype of the device was presented in 2012 at the Electronic Entertainment Expo.... The developers raised funds on Kickstarter - in one month they raised $ 2.5 million. The first developer (intended for developers) version of the helmet was called DK1. The kits began shipping to customers in March 2013 and were priced at $ 300. The device consisted of one 6-7-inch HD TFT screen and two lenses for the eyes.

How much does VR cost?

The VR headset market is now highly segmented . The price for VR glasses ranges from $ 50 to $ 4000.

The cheapest devices have very simple lenses. These devices are more like a cardboard box into which a smartphone is inserted. These devices are more suitable for a child or for simple entertainment in a company.

In the mid-price segment, devices are already more focused on working with a smartphone, but they have good ergonomics, built-in sensors, and sometimes even external controllers.

The most expensive VR goggles have advanced mounting systems, proprietary displays, a full range of sensors and controllers. They are focused on working with personal computers and set-top boxes.

However, VR has much more potential than just entertainment. Today, virtuality is already used in shopping, medicine, simulators, cinema. In the next decade, VR will enter everyday life and will not seem like a supernova concept of the future.

Some companies are already actively using and using VR in their business. How do they do it?

1. Walmart - Customer Service Training

Walmart employees must deal with stressful situations on a daily basis. However, their preparation and training is carried out in the virtual world, in a fun way and without any risks.

This way they can learn more about their competence without interacting directly with the client and without making mistakes. This is an attractive learning model for the company because it doesn’t risk losing customers and can improve service even before it even starts.

2. Natuzzi - Italian furniture

Natuzzi is an Italian furniture brand that has mixed virtual and augmented reality to showcase its products. The client can visit the showroom in Madison Avenue (New York) to see how the furniture will look in their own home. No movers or heavy lifts. Users can mix, match and decorate their future furniture. And all this is available to them with minimal functionality. The main thing for Natuzzi is to show that they respect the customer's choice.

3. TopShop- Virtual Ticket to

TopShop Fashion Show has brought VR innovation with Oculus. The store gives viewers front row tickets to their exclusive show at London Fashion Week. This is an authentic experience that the client can enjoy from the comfort of their home. With a 360-degree panorama, TopShop has managed to create an interesting and memorable experience for customers.

4. Volvo - Test Drive

If a customer does not have a car dealer nearby but is still in the market for a car, he can find attractive options on the Internet for his choice. Technology today provides new possibilities thanks to VR. Now car enthusiasts can virtually test the car before taking it home.

Volvo has created an app that allows customers to drive the XC90 SUV through the countryside. This is more than just marketing - the app is both a game and a starting point for consumers to buy a car.

5. Marriott Hotels - Travel and Tourism

Marriott has found a new way to showcase its services to potential guests.

Potential clients can visit the Mariott Hotel virtually and then travel to nearby attractions. The application itself is called "Teleport" - after all, the client can really "teleport" to where he would like to rest.

The main idea of ​​Marriott is to convince as many people as possible to travel and stay in their hotels. And the teleport will allow them to pre-evaluate different hotels and choose the perfect vacation spot.

6. NASA - Education and Simulations The

growing popularity of immersive VR education speaks volumes about the true potential of VR and its long-term cultural significance. Thanks to immersive VR education, the consumer can view the entire 1969 Apollo 11 mission and moon landing through VR glasses.

It's a way to take technology beyond the usual branding possibilities. Whether the viewer wants to take a tour of NASA's new building.


Of course, the future of VR and AR depends on user experience and education. The future of VR and AR depends on raising people's awareness of the technology as well as their experience. Already, we can see the widespread use and limitless possibilities of VR. Everything is limited only by the user's imagination.

It will be challenging for companies and businesses to stay ahead as technology advances. Therefore, VR is now becoming an important part of business strategies.

VR is now approaching global adoption. For example, VR will be used in applications and will become a part of everyday life, since it has widespread use in many areas of life.

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