System Analysis Online Meetup 08/09

The System Analysis community at Raiffeisenbank invites you to an online meetup . Connect with us on September 8, we have prepared a lot of interesting things: we will hold the Digital vs Legal battle, learn about the effective tandem of "analytics and development" and reveal 5 secret BPMN symbols.

What are we going to talk about

Digital vs Legal

Anastasia Krivitskaya, Raiffeisenbank

About the report: I will tell you my personal experience of working with normative legal acts (NLA), and how to cope if an NLA stands on the way to digital processes. PRESENTATION

About analytics and development

Margarita Malikova, Raiffeisenbank

About the report: Can analytics and development move in parallel? I'll tell you how it happens in different teams in my practice. PRESENTATION

5 secret BPMN symbols that will save you tons of time

Denis Kotov, Tinkoff

About the report: BPMN contains 100+ symbols and logical constructions. Some of them you have not seen, but in vain - they save a lot of time. I will tell about five of these, the most "economical" ones at my speech. PRESENTATION
>> We are active in the Telegram community, join: @Open_SA_Community_Raif

Let's start the meetup at 18:30.

Register to receive a link to the broadcast : a letter with a link will be sent to your mail. We are waiting for you, see you online!

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