This article will show you how to transfer mail between different servers using the IMAPSync utility through a primitive user interface.
On the destination server, you must have a mailbox with the required username and password. Before using Imapsync, be sure to install it (
Due to the organization's prohibition to use passwords from employees' mailboxes in the script, we pass the migration process to the user. For this, a web user interface has been developed, which consists of a form module (gis.html) and an imapsync script launcher (gis.php). Filling imap servers can be automated by analyzing the contents of the mailbox name field. Using Fetchmail as a roundcube plugin is out of the question. I have not found a detailed coherent analysis of this issue.
The web interface consists of fields with information about mailboxes, an area for outputting the operation and control buttons (gis.html).
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
// sh linux
function isexe() {
var ta = document.getElementById('output');
document.getElementById('output').value += 'Start import, please wait...\n';
var source = new EventSource('gis.php');
source.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
if ( !== '') {
ta.value += + '\n';
}, false);
source.addEventListener('error', function(e) {
}, false);
function Complete() {
document.cookie = "mail1="+document.maildata.mail1.value;
document.cookie = "pass1="+document.maildata.pass1.value;
document.cookie = "mail2="+document.maildata.mail2.value;
document.cookie = "pass2="+document.maildata.pass2.value;
document.cookie = "msrv1="+document.maildata.msrv1.value;
document.cookie = "msrv2="+document.maildata.msrv2.value;
//alert(document.cookie); //
document.cookie = "mail1="+document.maildata.mail1.value+"; max-age=0";
document.cookie = "pass1="+document.maildata.pass1.value+"; max-age=0";
document.cookie = "mail2="+document.maildata.mail2.value+"; max-age=0";
document.cookie = "pass2="+document.maildata.pass2.value+"; max-age=0";
document.cookie = "msrv1="+document.maildata.msrv1.value+"; max-age=0";
document.cookie = "msrv2="+document.maildata.msrv2.value+"; max-age=0";
function ShowCookie() {
alert(document.cookie); //
<H1> </H1>
<FORM NAME="maildata">
<TR><TD><B> :<B></TD>
<TD><INPUT NAME="mail1" SIZE=20 VALUE=""
<TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="pass1" SIZE=20 VALUE=""
<TR><TD><B>IMAP :<B></TD>
<TD><INPUT NAME="msrv1" SIZE=20 VALUE=""<TD>
<TR><TD><B> :<B></TD>
<TD><INPUT NAME="mail2" SIZE=20 VALUE=""
<TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="pass2" SIZE=20 VALUE=""
<TR><TD><B>IMAP :<B></TD>
<TD><INPUT NAME="msrv2" SIZE=20 VALUE=""<TD>
<p> :<br/><textarea id="output" style="width: 50%; height: 25em;"></textarea></p>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="" onClick="Complete();">
<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="">
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" cookie" onClick="ShowCookie();">
Imapsync script launcher (gis.php).
ini_set("output_buffering", "0");
header('Content-Type: text/event-stream');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
function echoEvent($datatext) {
echo "data: ".implode("\ndata: ", explode("\n", $datatext))."\n\n";
// imapsync
$strexe = "/bin/bash /home/user/imapsync/ "
.htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE["mail1"]).' '
.htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE["pass1"])." "
.htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE["mail2"])." "
.htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE["pass2"])." "
.htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE["msrv1"])." "
// sh linux
$proc = popen($strexe,'r');
// php,
while (!feof($proc)) {
echoEvent(fread($proc, 4096));
The mailbox migration script ( accepts command line parameters: logins and passwords for the imap server of the source and destination mailboxes, respectively.
cd `dirname $0`
# imapsync
/home/user/imapsync/./imapsync \
# , ,
--host1 $5:993 --user1 $1 --password1 $2 \
# , ,
--host2 $6:993 --user2 $3 --password2 $4 \
--ssl1 --ssl2 \
--automap \
--folderfirst INBOX \
--regextrans2 "s/&BB4EQgQ,BEAEMAQyBDsENQQ9BD0ESwQ1-/Sent/" \
--regextrans2 "s/&BBoEPgRABDcEOAQ9BDA-/Trash/" \
--regextrans2 "s/&BCEEPwQwBDw-/Junk/" \
--regextrans2 "s/&BCcENQRABD0EPgQyBDgEOgQ4-/Drafts/" \
--regexflag 's/\\Unseen//g' \
--useheader Message-Id