Successful launch. SAОCOM satellite with fellow travelers. 2020 launches: 65 total, 59 successful, 24 from US

Vyacheslav Ermolin, August 30, 2020

Current statistics of 2020 launches
Current statistics of 2020 launches


Primary:  Satellite of the Argentine space agency CONAE. The second in the constellation SAOCOM (ERS). For tracking weather conditions on Earth, measuring soil moisture and collecting information for the agricultural and forestry sector in Argentina. 

Additional:  Rideshare. Two small commercial satellites GNOMES 1 and Tyvak 0172. 


« , ».  .

30 2020 23:18 UTC. -40 (SLC-40), . ,


Falcon 9 (Block 5). B1059.4. - ( ) . 15 600 (22 800 ). - SpaceX.

SAOCOM-1B «» SAOCOM-1A, 1600 ( ), INVAP. SAOCOM-1A 8 2018 Falcon 9 B1048. . — L- , . , SAOCOM-1A/B ( ). - SIASGE (Sistema Italo Argentino de Satélites para la Gestión de Emergencias), COSMO-SkyMed.

GNOMES 1 — 20 ( 30 ), PlanetiQ GPS, , Galileo Beidou. Tyvak 0172 . Cubsat 6U.

- 600 .

2020-059A : 606 x 623 x 97.875°

2020-059B : 601 x 608 x 97.883°

2020-059C : 598 x 610 x 97.876° 

  • 92- Falcon 9 (71- Falcon FT). . 

  • 4- Falcon 9 B1059.4.

  • 1- 50 .

  • 20- (15- LZ-1).

  • 59- ( 9 ).

  • 14- SpaceX 2020 .

  • .

  • 100th SpaceX mission (without AMOC-6).

Link  to high quality image 

Mission patches and logos
Mission patches and logos
Legend to the "cap"
Legend to the "cap"

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