Chipmunk Updates

I am glad to present to your attention some updates to the chipmunk log viewer. Somewhere it has become more convenient, somewhere more practical, but first things first ... Under the cut it will be short, but interesting.

What is this all about?
chipmunk, . , , , . .

It has become more convenient to measure time. Now you can define a pair of filters, the first of which will be the beginning of the time segment, and the last being its end. Based on this data, chipmunk will plot the duration.


You can not be limited to defining the start and end points of the time interval, but also define intermediate ones. In this case, as a result, you will get a stacked bar. By default, such charts are built in a "strict" mode, that is, it is assumed that the pattern you have defined must match exactly (all occurrences must be in the order in which you defined them, without gaps), but this can be disabled and then chipmunk will check only the beginning and end of the time period.

Overall, the search query manager has been redesigned. Among other things, it is now possible to "disable" the filter. This is very convenient if you don't want to remove the filter but would like to turn off the backlighting.


Naturally, the chipmunk will remember what exactly was disabled (filter, definition for a chart, or a time period) and, upon restoration, will "return where it was."

The "Time measurement" panel has also been improved. Of the important, it is worth noting the fact that chipmunk will remember all successfully applied date-time formats, which will allow you to easily add (restore) them if the format was not automatically detected.


And already by tradition (and the third time is almost a tradition) I ask you to support the project only by clicking on the asterisk on github... For you, this is a matter of 2-4 seconds, but for us, an important and valuable feedback. OpenSource needs your support.

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