Make money while sitting at home


You enter the familiar slightly dusty office air, and in your heart joyfully, as if you have returned to the old places, climbed to the familiar peak with a beautiful view. You stand, enjoy the beauty of an abandoned open space and make coffee in splendid isolation. The taste hasn't changed at all, but the first cup seems a little nicer than I remember. You drink, as usual you check your mail and realize that people climb some mountains solely for the sake of a beautiful view, and then rush down to their plains. Goodbye photo of empty cubes and the way to the house!

Who likes to work from the office, chat with colleagues, eat cookies and chat in the kitchen - that's me. They would tell me that it would be better for me to work from home, I would not believe it and give 100 reasons why working at home is not efficient, inconvenient and generally lazy. For ten years in different offices I have been working in technical support and somewhere the office is modest for work, somewhere a little more pleasant and for the soul, but everywhere it is a reasonably convenient place to work with various bonuses in the form of cookies, colleagues and other amenities taste.

For the last couple of years I have been living in Brisbane Australia and I had the opportunity to work from home, but I used it very rarely. All of a sudden, everything changed when in March everyone went remotely. I managed to grab a couple of monitors and wished my colleagues a Merry Christmas (yes, already in March, there was a feeling that we would not see each other soon) set off to open my small office to my home.

What's wrong when working from home

  • The house is the place where you rest, you don't want to work here at all. I would like to make the appearance of a permanent online presence and go to the kitchen for a cookie every half hour. Then spit and bring cookies to your computer and watch YouTube, from time to time checking your work chat and mail.
  • All other shortcomings, they are, of course, from initial laziness and internal disorder. You can list them for a long time, there would be someone to listen to.
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  • Finally, there was time for time management. Yes, now it's really possible to concentrate on work and do before lunch what was not enough before the day.
  • Work as if no one is looking! But, just in case, glue the webcam.

After six months of #WorkFromHome (#WFH, not to be confused with WTF), I had a chance to return to the office. For a couple of days I sat in a half-empty building and instead of joy and unrestrained work, the second part of the list for this article was born. I still love my job and my office is not even bad, but it's better at home!

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