Redesign of the Visual Studio feedback system

In the summer, we updated the ability to send feedback about Visual Studio. This is the first in a long line of changes added to the Visual Studio feedback loop. As a result, you will get a cleaner interface that will work faster and more conveniently.

The feedback tool has helped us fix over 500 reported bugs and has also contributed to many features added in Visual Studio updates. This is an important part of our development process and now it's time to improve the tool.

Over the years, we have collected feedback on the feedback system from both Visual Studio users and our engineers who study customer feedback. This gave us a great starting point with a good understanding of what worked well and what didn't.

For practical reasons, we started by migrating the reporting tool to a browser-based implementation. You are still giving us feedback using the same commands in the top Help menu in Visual Studio. Clicking on "Report a problem ..." or "Suggest a feature ..." will open the feedback tool in your default browser.

Moving the feedback tool from a dialog box in Visual Studio to a browser has several advantages. Since it's in your default browser, your normal browser workflow of copy / paste, search, use of extensions, keyboard shortcuts, and so on, remains unchanged when filling out a bug report.

Optimized flow

The previous feedback path consisted of several steps. This made it difficult to know exactly what information to provide and how long it would take to complete the bug report. The new tool keeps it all on one page, making it clear what needs to be completed.

When filling out the description, you can make full use of markdown to make everything as clear as possible. The new exposure selection drop-down menu helps the Visual Studio development team better understand and correct the error.

Async recording

Recording traces is one of the most useful things in bug reporting because it gives the engineering team a clearer idea of ​​where the problem is in the code. We've updated the recording process to be completely asynchronous so that you don't have to wait for the captured traces to complete before you can submit a bug report. It will automatically download these traces in the background after submission, even if you close your browser.

This feature is almost complete and will be released very soon.

My Feedback

To follow up on reported issues and feature suggestions, please visit the new My Feedback page. It can be accessed from Visual Studio by choosing Help -> Send Feedback -> My Feedback ... or from a browser after you've reported a problem or suggested a feature.

In the My Feedback section, you can quickly check the status of your claims or, if we have requested details, provide additional diagnostic information to help us investigate the issue.

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