Personnel failure in the Russian space industry and what it is eaten with

There are often statements about a personnel failure in the space industry in Russia, sometimes I even talk about this, but all of these statements are interpreted differently. I will try to make an analysis of what happened to the frames. My analysis concerns mainly the Moscow agglomeration and two giants of the industry - Energia and Khrunichev in terms of their design bureaus. I do the analysis on the basis of what my older colleagues told me about themselves and about others. I saw a lot myself during my work in the State and private cosmonautics of the Russian Federation.

About generations

The first generation to be considered is the generation born in 1952-1956 (64-68 years old), who entered the industry in 1975-1979. This is the main generation of "Star Wars", which then pulled this topic to all. The older generation was also pulled, but more experience and knowledge. And this generation was drawn by skill, they had a new toolkit, which they were given in universities, including programming languages. They came during the active development of missile weapons and the moderate development of design bureaus. They have a good level of system design, are distinguished by special care and scrupulousness.

The second generation was born in 1957-1961 (59-63), who entered the industry in 1980-1984. A very interesting generation, which immediately after their arrival plunged into the rapid growth of design bureaus associated with the development of "Star Wars". All the positions of leading specialists were occupied by the previous generation, and even the number of specialists increased dramatically. So young people had to go to rallies more, go sailing, ski and play volleyball. In short, the Komsomol and the trade union had a very serious influence on this generation.

Third generation born in 1962-1968 (52-58) who entered the industry in 1985-1991. A generation that has become disillusioned with the party, the Komsomol and the trade union. They were smart and competent enough. As disciples, many were attached or attached themselves to the first generation. They wanted to work, but there was no work for everyone. Then there was a conversion and they began to make sledges, prostheses, kettles, cheese dairies, conveyors, etc. For many, conversion has become the first major job.

The fourth generation born in 1969-1977 (43-51), who entered the industry in 1992-2000. Lost generation. We found a little collapse of school education and a little university education. A complete breakdown in moral strength, lack of motivation and an almost complete absence of serious work in enterprises.

Fifth generation born in 1978-1987 (33-42), who entered the industry in 2001-2010. And this is my generation. Complete collapse in terms of school education. There are still teachers in universities who teach in a systematic and complex way. But at the same time everything is bought, computers, the Internet and computer clubs have appeared. In short, we walked as best we could and studied among other things. But on the other hand, our generation had to return real tasks and we got real interesting work. At the same time, there was not enough real experience and knowledge, it was passed mainly by representatives of the third generation. The first generation had already retired and did not deal with young people. The fourth generation basically offered to relax and relax.

The sixth generation was born after 1988 and are 32 years old or less, and began to enter the industry after 2010. The young generation that is waiting in the wings. I do not know what exactly happened in schools, but they say that the completeness of teachers was already available. This generation found the Internet already in the form of a volume of information, not just games and other entertainment. At the same time, unlike the fourth generation, they did not survive and did not wash cars after lessons. They saw a rise in the number of computer engineering systems. Almost everyone knows MathCAD, programming languages, etc. They use English to watch films in the original and read technical literature, and not to be taken to Boeing. In short, they, like the first generation, have excellent skills and fundamental knowledge. But no one taught them systematically. Their eyes are burning, but they don't knowhow and where they can apply their skills. Often the light in their eyes dims when they understand that there is no one to lead them by the hand. But after gaining real experience in creating new products, a great future awaits them.

So I classified everyone according to the eras of their training and appearance in the industry. Now I will try to explain what happened after the country jumped into the market economy. Naturally, the first years at the helm of the enterprises were those same red directors. They are strong business executives with their own understanding of the market. There is a protocol of their meeting in the Supreme Soviet of Russia a few months before its dissolution. They tried to preserve a highly qualified team by loading it with consumer goods "for a while", since the RF Ministry of Defense reduced the amount of funding by an order of magnitude. All topics began to be closed around 1993-1994. The first generation did not agree with consumer goods, and most of them went to other and rather new market sectors. Fortunately, their approach to work was in great demand. The second generation also thinned, but not so much.The third generation quickly threw themselves into the market, though disappointed and many returned back to it.

Since about 1996, most of the positions of heads of sectors and departments began to be occupied by representatives of the second generation. They were good at this, they had a good grip - trade union and Komsomol. At the same time, the first generation conservatively left, or they called a lot of things a gamble and still left or looked at everything from the side. Few of the first generation survived, but they did a lot. For example, Medvedev at the Salyut Design Bureau was able to organize work on many promising topics. The older ones also kept the brand, for example, Karrask, Shaevich and Dermichev. In Energy they say there was a similar situation.

By 2000, the second generation headed almost all decisive positions in the design bureau, although the older generation was still in power in some places. From that moment on, representatives of the third generation began to be appointed heads of the sectors, where they finally got a new interesting and most importantly real job.

Since 2005, almost all power in the design bureau has been concentrated in the hands of representatives of the second generation. As one colleague once said about them, “I took a handbook to see who is now in the leadership and it turned out that almost all of them at one time appeared on wall newspapers ... in the section about idlers and idlers, they drew cartoons on them”. Now they were hanging on the stand of the most honored people. The third generation also actively wedged into leadership positions after that. But many had their own philosophy. They always looked to the left, and the hack attracted them much more.

Since 2010, representatives of the third generation began to leave enterprises en masse. They had a lot of conflicts with the second "nomenklatura-Komsomol" generation. The fourth generation, frankly speaking, was not very memorable, its representatives were evenly absorbed by the design bureau, but many also quietly left the enterprise as they appeared on it. Now the second generation has begun to retire, many have been removed from office in the course of recent reforms. Representatives of my fifth generation began to actively work their way into middle-level managers. And now, mainly, design bureaus are a kind of mixture of dissatisfaction. The eternally deceived third generation, who wants to rest the fourth, the rabid fifth, and supports young people who really want, but do not know how. At the same time, young people are used to being brought to the ready,show how to do and should advise them on all issues. Here, choose who and what will show them.

I have tried to describe the general state of affairs. Of course, there are everywhere, as well as their own stars, as well as sloths and idiots. This I formed in the context of the industry and I am not aware of what was happening to others. I am ready to discuss where I am wrong, I will listen to your versions with pleasure.

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