Zoom never understood GDPR

Cookies - cookies

Almost every website knows when you last visited it. Websites keep you logged in and remind you of your shopping cart and most users take this behavior for granted.

Cookies. Cookies - .

, cookies , . cookies , .

ePrivacy GDPR, cookies .

, Zoom ( Threatspike EDR), Google Chrome cookie :

. .


  • Zoom
  • zoom.us
  • -,
  • Zoom
  • Zoom.

zoom.us, .

. Zoom Windows β€” . install.exe Chrome Cookies , Zoom.

, β€” Zoom -?

. Zoom - , . , .

, - . installer.exe :

( ) . NPS_0487a3ac_throttle, NPS_0487a3ac_last_seen, _zm_kms and _zm_everlogin_type . 10 :

"everlogin" Zoom. , , 10 , ePrivacy :

cookie , , . , 12 , , .

. , " " . , ePrivacy, GDPR .

Such findings raise doubts about the honesty of using personal data on the scale of the entire Internet and all kinds of services.

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