How to illustrate posts on Habré? The main thing from the master class for the participants of the TechnoText competition


Once at one of the Habra events we were asked: “Listen, Habr content studio, teach us how to correctly illustrate our posts! Are pictures already more than just pictures, or can you still swing the stock? And in general, we want more charts-diagrams like that, or maybe, in fact, all this is fucking, but we need more cats?

Well, we realized that the authors need to be helped out: visual content has become so important that the reader either understands and remembers just texts without illustrations worse, or even ignores and closes them altogether. And with the help of our friends from the Smysloteka agency, we made a master class “Visualization of meanings”. For a summary and full video, as well as techniques and tricks of a cool techno author, go under cat.

Let's clarify right away that the master class was closed: we decided to invite only participants of our TechnoText IT-articles competition to it. Because it is like an indicator: "I really want to grow as a techno author." And look, for example, at the work of Leo (ultral), who generally performed tasks with chalk on the asphalt - that's how not to help him pump ?!

And this is only the first bonus, but in general the participants of the competition will have a number of other useful buns. Well, we post the record already in the open access: look, pump and get even more knowledge to write a cool article for TechnoText!

And for those who are too lazy to watch, we will describe the main techniques shown by the head of "Smysleteka" Oleg Kemaev:

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  • The worlds of metaphors can be mixed to get the abstract out of the real. For example, take a bearded grandfather and a smartphone and get a smartphone with a beard as a metaphor for an old smartphone.

Ideally, you need to create a contextual-visual metaphor that would fully convey the meaning embedded in it. KVM is created according to the following algorithm:

  1. Understand the context of the text, formulate its main idea in one sentence or compile it from several.
  2. Choose the most appropriate basic visual metaphor from those three worlds.
  3. Reveal in the text what most of all conveys and complements the basic idea, and draw the necessary objects.


Leo generally annealed himself, even being able to vividly and censoriously depict an indecent word from "three funny letters"

According to this very scheme, techno-authors very quickly created KVMs for "obfuscation", "graphic pipeline", "polymorphism", "relations in a team", "code generation "And even" rude refusal. "

So, apply for TechnoText: winning, of course, is always important, but our competition is the case when even participation is useful.

Thanks to everyone who took part in the master class, as well as to Oleg Kemaev and Smyslotek for the interesting training and to our partners from SBTG.RU for the broadcast .

By the way, you can read more about Oleg Kemaev's technique in his article “How to draw anything? We draw real and abstract concepts according to the algorithm ” .

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