New academic year: new educational projects from Group

Almost 10 years have passed since the launch of the first educational project of Group - Technopark. And this year there will be nine of them: we have added 2 more universities in Moscow and Kaliningrad. Now specializations operate in 5 cities. In the fall semester, we expect about 1000 students in 65 programs of study. All programs are developed and carried out by employees of our company. Education, as always, is free, and admission is on a competitive basis. 

New projects

We are launching a new educational program "Igrosfera" in Kaliningrad at the IKBFU. I. Kant. There, students will take the Unity Game Development course . At this time in partnership with the university involved part of our game areas MY.GAMES - Kaliningrad game developer Panzerdog

Today, the gaming industry in Russia employs about 20,000 people, with up to 3,000 vacancies being opened monthly. MY.GAMES has over 1,800 employees, many of whom are practicing teachers in both their own brand projects and external ones. 

We are doing our second new project together with the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. In the program, students will have two courses in mobile application development: for Android and iOS platforms. The courses were developed using a project-oriented method and a team approach. At the end of the training, students will publicly defend their applications. Modern development languages โ€‹โ€‹Swift and Kotlin are used.

After training the best students, we will offer interviews for junior positions in the company. 

New courses in the fall semester

You can look at the full list of programs at universities on the project websites

How to proceed?

The first thing to do is submit an application. We accept them for large two-year programs until September 14, for semester courses - until September 23 at Moscow State Technical University, Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University, and until September 13 at other universities. To be admitted, you will need to go through a two-stage selection (online testing and technical interview with teachers).

For those who do not study at selected universities, online records of disciplines and an ambassador program are available .

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