Announcement. Medicine of the future: how cold plasma can heal wounds

Bonus Speaker! On Monday, August 31st, Alexander Khinkis, CEO and Founder of Fresh Plasma Technologies, will speak on our social networks.

Sasha works with cold plasma: his development helps to more effectively sterilize and disinfect various biological and non-biological surfaces. In medicine, it can speed up wound healing, and in the food industry, it can increase the shelf life of food.

Why plasma? How it works?

The useful properties of plasma have been known for a long time, however, existing solutions in the field of cold plasma processing have not found widespread use in the medical and household spheres due to several technological limitations:

High energy consumption - when artificially cooling a plasma jet, a complex and powerful cooling system is required, the cut-off of the nozzle of a hand-held manipulator of such a medical device can reach 4000 degrees Celsius.

Requirements for the gas environment - for the operation of most analogs, inert gases are usually used, as a rule, it is argon or helium. At the same time, additional overall and difficult-to-maintain equipment is needed: gas cylinders and metering valves, in addition, when using an inert gas, no chemically active compounds and free radicals are formed, which make a significant contribution to the efficiency of treatment.

Risks of local overheating when exposed to plasma - medical procedures are quite painful, tissue processing is uneven and can lead to burns.

What is plasma? Plasma is the fourth state of matter. Its simplest example is our Sun. This is an example of a hot plasma, with temperatures reaching 10 million degrees. Also, everyone is familiar with plasma welding and cutting, where an arc discharge is used and the temperature there is up to 25,000 ° C.

Low-temperature or cold plasma has been known for a long time, and we often encounter it in everyday life, without even knowing it. It is used, for example, in neon signs for supermarkets, plasma TVs, or ordinary fluorescent lamps. Try to touch a fluorescent lamp: it is not hot, but a plasma discharge is burning there.

Cold plasma (also called non-equilibrium) is a relative concept, since compared to the Sun, any plasma is cold. But its main difference from the hot one is that the temperature of the electrons in it is very different from the temperature of the ions. If the light component - electrons - can have a very high temperature (tens of thousands of degrees), then the ion temperature is not much higher than the comfortable room temperature - 30-40 degrees. Since the ions are several orders of magnitude heavier, and there may be very few hot free electrons, they are not able to make a significant contribution to the total mass-average temperature of the plasma, as a result of which it remains cold.

What Sasha is doing now:

The technology patented by Sasha makes it possible to circumvent and solve all the problems mentioned above already now, and also makes it possible to introduce solutions based on cold plasma in various directions in the future.

His team has made plasma generation technology cheaper and more energy efficient. The assembled prototype is already showing very good results. The device will allow you to process various surfaces evenly (without local overheating) and without the risk of burns, both with a point effect and with an increase in their area. At the same time, the efficiency is not inferior to devices based on hot plasma.

Sasha uses ordinary atmospheric air as a plasma-forming gas: the use of such an apparatus does not require expensive consumables, such as additional cylinders of inert gas.

Another plus is the ability to implement various mechanisms of action on a person: it can be either a jet method, in which nitrogen monoxide is produced (the main "signal" molecule in the body), or a direct method, when a plasma discharge burns directly on the skin - while increases the permeability of cell membranes (improving the absorption of drugs or ointments) and activates the process of regeneration of living cells of the body.

What will the broadcast be about?

During the broadcast, Sasha will talk about:

  • What is Plasma?
  • How does it affect the body? And why is this method effective?
  • How did you get the idea to make a new device?
  • Background. How did Sasha get started in plasma technology?
  • When and how did he start thinking about commercializing the idea?
  • How to get a grant from the Innovation Promotion Fund?
  • How to get a patent for a technology and what pitfalls can there be?

Sasha will answer your questions: you can ask them in the comments on Instagram, right here and during the broadcast.

Where to press so as not to miss the broadcast?

Click on the bell on YouTube or subscribe to our instagram , then you will receive a notification about the start of the broadcast.

If you are going to watch in the recording, subscribe so as not to lose.

We remind you of the date and time again: Monday, August 31, 20:00 .

See you live!

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