ELK, SIEM from OpenSource, Open Distro: Reporting

To protect your corporate network from threats and attacks, you should always perform a vulnerability test on your system. In order to fix them. So, as you can imagine, working with reports is very important for any SOC because it gives an overview of the vulnerabilities that may be on your system.

In this article, we are going to walk you through the tool we used to generate reports and scan vulnerabilities.

Table of contents for all posts.

This article is divided into the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Installing Nessus Essentials
  • Installing VulnWhisperer

1. Introduction

The tools we will be using:

  • VulnWhisperer : VulnWhisperer is a vulnerability management tool and reporting aggregator. VulnWhisperer will fetch all reports from various vulnerability scanners and create a file with a unique name for each one.

Project URL

  • Nessus Essentials ( Nessus Home) β€” Nessus.

2. Nessus

2.1- (www.tenable.com),

2.2 β€” Nessus

dpkg -i Nessus-8.10.0-ubuntu910_amd64.deb
/etc/init.d/nessusd start
service nessusd start

https: // YourServerIp: 8834 Nessus Essentials.

2.3- Nessus

, , Nessus .

2.4- :

New Scan Basic Network Scan.

, :

3. VulnWhisperer

3.1- Python2.7

: VulnWhisperer Python2.7, Python .

3.2- VulnWhisperer

cd /etc/
git clone https://github.com/HASecuritySolutions/VulnWhisperer
cd VulnWhisperer/
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install
nano configs/ frameworks_example.ini

, ( Nessus), Nessus:

3.3 β€” Nessus

*vuln_whisperer -F -c configs/frameworks_example.ini -s nessus*

*Reports will be saved with csv extension.Check them under: /opt/VulnWhisperer/data/nessus/My\ Scans/*


3.4- Cronjob Vulnwhisperer

Vulnwhisperer Nessus , cron. , . Kibana.

crontab –e



* * * * * /usr/local/bin/vuln_whisperer -c /etc/VulnWhisperer/configs/frameworks_example.ini >/dev/null 2>&1

3.5- Elasticsearch

kibana Dev Tools :


Kibana β†’ Management β†’ saved object β†’ Import




( elk6 β€” . )


3.7 - Nessus Logstash

Nessys /etc/logstash/conf.d/:

cd /etc/VulnWhisperer/resources/elk6/pipeline/
cp 1000_nessus_process_file.conf /etc/logstash/conf.d/
cd /etc/logstash/conf.d/
nano 1000_nessus_process_file.conf

3.8- :

systemctl restart logstash elasticsearch



: , .



, nessus csv, ELK, kibana.



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