The tale of the HR myths

This article is a set of lies about the ubiquitous phrases: "employee market", "no specialists", "staff shortage", kokokoko


This opus was initiated by the experience gained and ... a burning sensation in the lower back, after one of the rounds of communication with the personnel officer.

First, let's go over the origins. Where does this dance begin:

Starting point

There is an owner who needs strength to embody something. The owner wants to spend as few resources as possible and get as much benefit as possible. Those. wants maximum efficiency. Applicable to developers: to get the most highly qualified / reliable developer for the lowest possible costs (salary / insurance, etc.). The scheme is as follows: max-Benefit: min-Cost.

On the other side of the barricade is the developer. He wants: max-Conditions (salary / interesting tasks / insurance, etc.): min-costs (time / effort, etc.)

Already at this stage there are conflicting interests of the two parties to the case. And around this balance, two sides dance throughout the entire action.

The owner wants to use the hired force in the best possible way for himself, and the possible performer of ideas wants to use the owner's resources with maximum benefit for himself.

Naturally, this is all generalized / exaggerated / averaged.

All other reasons announced by the personnel officers are just husks against the background of the owner's wishes. An employee / developer is hired to use. Use both in the tail and in the mane.

Abstract hiring process

Finding Available Power:

Resume bases are studied. Contacts are bypassed. Advertisements are posted.

The current non-defrauding agreements and other gentlemanly conventions are quite valid here.

Primary sifting:

A batch is selected according to some selected parameters. And they conduct the first interview.

Second sifting:

The best candidate is already chosen and an offer is made.

And the rest are kept on hand - suddenly the first one decides not in favor of the company.

All owners, without exception, practice this approach. They make a set, then sift through the implementers of ideas they need, which they will then use.

This approach is only possible if there are many developers in the bazaar, among whom you can pick. And is the worker's market here? Why, then, do the owners not take those who are, and instead conduct "games with horses"? The answer is simple - there is someone to choose from. "There are many of you, but I am one."

Do they always dance with horses or only if they don't need to hire additional strength?

No, based on the practice of interviewing. And the subsequent device.

When people are really needed for a project, capable people are recruited. And they pay more attention to the developer's skills than to the processes adopted at the enterprise or the same soft skills.

And this is not only my experience, but a very large number of people (friends / acquaintances / forums, etc.).

And sometimes they conduct interviews to train interview skills / increase personal value in the eyes of the owner / imitate activities / politicians, etc. etc. What do you think, in what proportion are these dances carried out for the purpose of recruiting strength and in other than?

This is what made me want to write this opus:

The HR officer wrote, they say that such a vacancy, such a company, etc. I asked several questions, including about the salary. To which the personnel officer appointed a call for about half an hour. Well, I didn’t mind, to talk: we can tell by voice what is what with the payment of money. Allocated time, waiting for the call. Is gaining. And so it began:


- Our company is so cool ...

- What about the money?

- We are all uuuhh - cool projects / tasks.

- So what salary?

- We proceed from the wishes of the candidate.

- If you have a vacancy, then you have a budget. So what's the budget?

- We have no restrictions.

- Then why are you not involved in poaching people from Silicon Valley?

- We have an office here and there. But we are hiring here. This is the company's policy.

- So let's do it differently. How much does an average developer in my profile earn on average?

- What are you ??? Do you want to know how much people earn with us ????

- ...

- You know, we have such a culture in our company ...

At this point I interrupt the dialogue. I say that if there are specifics, then you can write. And at the moment, there is no way to waste time on such dances.

As a result, about half an hour was wasted. Whether it is worth it is up to everyone to decide.

Dear ones, if there are no restrictions, then why don't you lure people away from FAANG?

If you don’t have a budget (which you cannot name the approximate level of payment), why are you looking for strength?

For those who have a "worker's market":

This is only valid for highly specialized / unique professionals. For the rest see the hiring process.


"Not enough staff" - "Not enough staff for our conditions"

"No restrictions on salary" - "We do not want to name the fork, we want you to name the price"

"Salary after the interview" - "Let's see if we can bend you to a lower price tag "

" Unpaid test task "-" Show that you can work for free "

" Salary in the market "-" Not entirely clear: Cherkizovsky or Dorogomilovsky "

" Personnel hunger "-" Personnel hunger for professionals for a bowl of rice "

And do not forget about competition ...


Think for yourself, decide for yourself. But my opinion is that this situation must be dealt with, otherwise the conditions will be the same as for people from KB / NGOs, etc. It would be nice to have a union, but the sharks are very against it. This is confirmed by tons of bile in the comments of articles on these topics. Yes, the worn-out article from the search engines "working poverty" says the same thing.

But there are other options ...

PS: Do you think Bezos just wants to make an army of developers from packers / storekeepers? The future is already here .

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