Ruby Digest 2020 08 2

A selection of information about Ruby from August 16 to 31, including Russian-language sources: news, conferences, news, media, articles.

How big are the salaries of Ruby developers in Russia and where is the demand for Rubyists growing?

Yukihiro Matsumoto, the creator of Ruby, talks about the upcoming innovations in Ruby 3.

What did the GitHub upgrade to Ruby 2.7 bring? And what improvements can we expect from Ruby 3?

What Js Libraries are most commonly used with Ruby on Rails? Has StimulusJS been useful to anyone? Are there many legacy rails projects? What databases do rails developers prefer? How extensive is containerization used? Are there many who want to continue using Ruby on Rails in 2020, and are they willing to recommend it for new developers and new projects? - the results of the Rails community survey.


image According to the research on the demand for IT specialists in 2020, the Habr Career service, the demand for Ruby is growing in St. Petersburg and in the regions of Russia, while in the regions Ruby is the highest paid programming language.

Yukihiro Matsumoto installed the next version of Ruby 3.0 in his commit .

On August 21, the NoRuKo conference took place - a mini -reorganization in the online format of the EuRuKo conference. Yukihiro Matsumoto talked about some common features of programming languages, about the planned release date of Ruby 3 and about the upcoming innovations . Among them: increased performance, static typing (RBS), parallel computing based on actors (Ractor) and others. The conference was held in two streams:mainstream and community flow .

On September 12, this week, on Programmer's Day, the RubyC 2020 conference will be held - the largest Ukrainian conference dedicated to Ruby, Ruby on Rails and related technologies.

Upgrading GitHub to Ruby 2.7 brought a tangible performance boost. At the same time, Ruby 3 has an even higher task - to increase performance by 3 times in comparison with version 2.0. GitHub gives the impression that the Ruby developers are on track to achieve this goal.

Ruby entered the Top 10 Popular Programming Languages according to the IT Shifting ranking , based on Google search queries.

Ruby took overTop Backend Programming Languages based on data from Y Combinator 's Top 50 Startups . And on the Y Combinator Top 100 list , every

8 out of 10 companies use Ruby.

The call for applications for grants 2020 from the Ruby Association is open . The grants are intended for projects related to the implementation of the Ruby language, its libraries and frameworks, including improving existing software. If you have good ideas, please send suggestions.

The results of a survey of members of the Rails community from around the world on a variety of technical topics have been published . Here are some of them.

  • StimulusJS Rails, React, — jQuery.
  • 55% , 36% — , 9% .
  • Rails- — PostgreSQL, MySQL.
  • NoSQL Redis, Elasticsearch, MongoDB.
  • 32% , — 68%; Docker.
  • 93% Rails , 93%, .

The Complete Ruby on Rails 6 Bootcamp is a new tutorial with over 14 hours of videos explaining the basics of rails application development.

Aws-sdk-appflow is the official gem for Amazon Appflow and is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby .

CodaDocs is a library for accessing the Coda Docs API .

Omniauth :: Inspur - OAuth2 strategy for authentication in the Inspur service .

SimpleCov :: Formatter :: ERBFormatter - textual display of information about code coverage by tests in CI results.

Kitchen :: Pester 1.0.0 - running Pester tests from Test-Kitchen .

View / listen

image PWPod 33 episode 08 of the season . In This Issue:

New methods including, excluding for Array and Enumerable in Rails 6 ;

Rodauth - An updated authentication solution ;

Debugging memory leaks .

image PWPod 34 episode 08 of the season . In this issue:

Yukihiro Matsumoto, the creator of Ruby, on the challenges of updating the programming language ;

Big Rubykon Benchmark 2020: CRuby vs JRuby vs TruffleRuby ;

Upgrading GitHub to Ruby 2.7 .

image Let's Build for Ruby and Rails Developers - Part 6 User Interface Elements.

image Let's Build for Ruby and Rails Developers - Part 7 Styling the Application Interface withTailwind CSS .

image Bulk upload to Active Storage .

image Using CloudFlare CDN for statics in Ruby on Rails .

image Application of data delivery networks (CDN) not only for statics, but also for downloadable content on Active Storage .

image Designing and Building a Notification Heme | Preview .

image Dry-types and Dry-struct - what for? (or why I stopped working on virtus ).

Discussion of metaprogramming .

Delving deeper into Service Objects: where to put them and what to call them?

Interview with Tim Cantley - Keeping Rails Applications Organized As You Grow.

Interview with Ken Collins- Serverless Logic with AWS Lambda and Ruby on Rails

Interview with Robbie Russell - A survey of the Ruby on Rails community.


image We are strengthening the fintech company with the expertise in development: "Revo Russia" .

How did Shopify rewrite the storefront and reduce response times?

10 Best Ruby Web Development Frameworks in 2020

Ruby on Rails in 2020 - What's Good? and why should you use it?

The future of Rails: StimulusReflex .

Spice up your Rails frontend experience .

Bootstrap vs Bulma in a Rails application .

Web scraping with Ruby. Part two .

I made a Rails ecosystem map inspired by Laravel .

How I made url image generator over the weekend .

How to check if your tests are ready for a Rails update?

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