What's wrong with Habr

IMPORTANT! Many seem to think that I was somehow linked to the last Lingaleo article. I report - I'm not connected in any way, I didn't write, I don't work there, I don't pretend to work there =)

The last straw before writing this article of mine was the next obscene (in my opinion) comments to some articles and yes, the last excellent article from the guys from Lingaleo.

! I got Recovery Mode for editing a post after I said goodbye to karma.

Read the UPD at the end of the article.

I catch myself thinking that less and less I read Habr specifically, now more often I just get out of the search or pop up in the recommendations. Began to think - why? After all, there used to be subscriptions and so on.

I came to this conclusion:

  1. Very long articles, often very intricate. But this is still the norm, it often justifies itself, although the style of many suffers and either articles for children, or for very pumped-up dudes like we write a driver for Linux on the ace. For linear programming, there has long been a popular stackoverflow, and everything is capacious and usually compressed there. About the driver, I agree - the Talmud is the norm.
  2. And second: oddly enough, and to my regret, the audience is in the comments. Let's talk about this.

Maybe I have rose-colored glasses, of course, but once upon a time, sensible comments were written on Habré, and the disputes were not always “victorious” with the sole purpose of trampling an opponent into the mud.

Listened to other people's opinions, in short. Now it turns out that only one point of view globally reigns in almost all posts - the primacy of programmers over business. And yes, I kind of understand that initially there were only progers, but it's strange ... This is not communication or development, this is some kind of closed club of interests, which does not care about real affairs and money. I think this principle is bad, because here real performers could learn to think not only about classes and functions, but also about how to do projects correctly in business, in order to fit into the budget, etc.

So that's it. For example, someone finally made up his mind and writes a post that the Horn and Hoof company has applied XYZ technology, which is not the most popular now, but gives savings and speed of feature production. At this point, the post and the author begin to go into the negative, his comments are also minus, they often throw phrases like: no one will come to you to work, why didn't they use modern software, etc. But why have I never seen questions about calculating the economics of implementation, etc.? Apparently the progers are just defending their interests and not listening to anyone ... But the babosiks pay us not for the code, but for solving business problems, and if a post is written that they have accelerated the release of features and interface by 10 times, then this is cool! Learn, change your worldview, suddenly this is what you need. And what's the difference, what is there, for example, stored in the database? Or, horror! There is no ORM and everything was written in galim,but fast sql queries that you do not like simply because you do not understand them as you do not understand a lot, but now it is customary to scold sql. Apparently it's just a shame that they didn't consult with you?

In short, what I mean - people should not be afraid to express their opinion about the business on Habré. There is a lot of bile in the comments, this is not very worthy of such a correct resource as Habr. There will simply not be normal posts here (they will be on a medium or somewhere else) or they will be carbon-copy "along the line of the party" - like a proger should study at the expense of the employer, a proger should have working time for self-development, a warm-up should have a large salary. Well, kamon, this is just ridiculous! (except the last one, of course)

UPD. We've got a hornet's nest out! Let's push!

UPD 2 (next day). As expected, there is little direct discussion of the article in the comments. It's just that, as a rule, there is something of an ultimatum type - “don't want to, don't write” or “habr for progers”. Something like that. A lot of water and professors of the Russian language. As one of the commentators wrote, I achieved what I wanted, thank you all very much)

UPD 3. The poll pleases me. Somewhere there are those 200 people who agree with me, but do not go into the comments, so as not to get a minus or not listen that their point of view is wrong.

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