Do you like IT puzzles?

We love puzzles, quizzes, non-standard tasks. In general, the game and competitive elements in training are tested in practice ( Slurm SRE ), that this way the participants remember better and get tired less on intensives.

And this week we have prepared a series of puzzles dedicated to one of the courses we are developing. Subscribers to our Facebook page have already tested their intuition and intelligence. And at the same time we got a little distracted from everyday tasks.

Let's assume that Wednesday is a little Friday.

Then ten puzzles. And under the spoilers, there are already ready-made answers from the contestants on Facebook. If you want to check your answers or peep a little while solving. Still, solving the riddle yourself is much more interesting, isn't it?


Answer to puzzle number 1


Answer to puzzle number 2


Answer to puzzle number 3


Answer to puzzle number 4


Answer to puzzle number 5


Answer to puzzle number 6


Answer to puzzle number 7


Answer to puzzle number 8


Answer to puzzle number 9


Answer to puzzle number 10

I hope you enjoyed guessing as much as we did inventing and drawing puzzles for you.

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