How to write Android UI tests

Hello. We at the Avokado Project continue to talk about autotesting in Android. This article is an overview and comparison of existing tools for writing UI tests.

Let's start by recalling what the testing process usually looks like. Let's call the entity that interacts with the application a client. To interact with the application, the client usually has several interfaces available: API, REST API, CLI, GUI, etc. And if, for example, APIs are used by client programs, then the GUI is used by humans.

Expectations of application behavior are described in the specification. The goal of testing is to verify that the behavior of the application is within specification.

To solve this problem, a set of use cases or test cases is recorded. They are sequences of steps that bring the product to the desired state. Thus, the process of testing an application is the process of passing all test cases.

  - . ,   .     -.

(JUnit, Cucumber).  :

  • — (assertions).
  •    .    — ,   .
  •   .


  • ;
  •  ;
  • ;
  • ;
  •   ;
  • .

,   , . ,   Android-, (Avito test runner, Marathon, Spoon, Fork) ,   .

API ,  GUI  — .

,  GUI-, UI-.    unit-,     .

GUI- . , . GUI- (Espresso, UiAutomator) «  », ,  ,    .

API   :

  • :   , , , .
  • API .
  •   .

, , Kakao Kaspresso.     .   — ,  — , .

  ,  .

Android- :

  • Espresso.
  • UiAutomator.
  • Robotium.
  • Selendroid.

 Android Instrumentation Framework — API Android    .  — Espresso UiAutomator. Google.   . .


UiAutomator  Android SDK  16 API. GUI-     : , , , , .   ,    — Ui Automator Viewer.

UiAutomator   (black-box).       . ,     ,   .   , , :

  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • , ;
  • .

UiAutomator   AccessibilityService,     . AccessibilityService ,       .   ,   AccessibilityNodeInfo.   View: , .

View AccessibilityEventSource Binder IPC AccessibilityManagerService   ,  , ,   . AccessibilityManagerService     AccessibilityService ,   , UiAutomator, .      AccessibilityService’ UiAutomator’a    . View,       .

  UiAutomator   “UI Automator deep diving”.


  • , Binder IPC, .  , UiAutomator ,   . ,     .   ,     .
  • , View   OpenGL Unity,  UiAutomator’a,   . , ,      UiAutomator’a .

,   UiAutomator   ,   .     Espresso.


 UI-  Google,     (white-box). Espresso Android API  10 , .   .

Espresso  .  ,    .

Espresso  —     (ViewMatcher),   (ViewAction) (ViewAssertion).

Espresso   Hamcrest.    — ,  ,   Espresso —   .    ,   , .  , .

public void espressoTest() {

 Espresso  — Espresso   ,   .   .  ,   (idle).

,  ,  , , check ViewInteraction. ViewAssertion   idle’.

public ViewInteraction check(ViewAssertion viewAssertion) {
    // (...)
    runSynchronouslyOnUiThread(new Callable<Void>() {
        public Void call() {
            // (...)


  •   .
  •     . , , .   Espresso .     UiAutomator.
  • API Espresso , .   .
  • Espresso        .

,   , Espresso — , .

Robotium Selendroid

Robotium Selendroid   Espresso UiAutomator. C , .   ,     .

Robotium    Android API 8+, (  WebView , ,  API 15),    Java. Robotium Recorder  IntelliJ IDEA Android Studio.

Selendroid API —  10  19. WebDriver, Inspector   record-and-playback-.

 , Robotium Selendroid.


 , Robolectric   , . ,   Android UI-. Robolectric unit-   JUnit Android API.

Android SDK, shadow-. Robolectric   , inflate view, , , -  Android-. Robolectric ,  Android,   ,   JVM. , .

,     . , :     - . -  API,   . ,     . ,     , ,  Espresso UiAutomator.

.  API   ,   .

, ,  .

.  UI-  ,   .     ( . , ).   ,   . .   , .

. ,   , ,   .     , ,   UI-.

.    ,   , .    black-box . . ,   , black-box , ,   .       white-box, black-box .

.   ,   . , . , ,     .

. , . : , , ,  —   ,  , . ,   , , ,     .   stacktrace’  , , , , .

. . ,     . ,   .

adb.    adb: / , ,     .

API.  — , .   , , ,  —   ,   .   ,   ,     .   ,  .



Appium — - open source   Android iOS. Appium  Selenium WebDriver,  web-.     . Appium-  ,  .   Appium   API.

.  , Appium .   HTTP-  Node.JS, WebDriver-,    .  ,  ,   .   ,  , Appium .

. Appium  ,   . Android     UiAutomator,     Espresso.  ,  ,     . . Espresso UiAutomator.

API.   Appium   API,  WebDriver. Appium  ,   .

.   , ,   , , ( ),  Appium-, , , ,   .   , .  — .

.   , .

.   , .

adb. -  Appium’  ,   adb-. , , .

. Appium .  — Espresso . -   ,      .

, Appium — Android- . ,   Kotlin,    Java. -  Appium   . ,   .   : «  . , , », «  ».


Kakao — Kotlin DSL  Espresso.  Espresso .

API.   Kakao —   boilerplate-     :

  • KView — Kakao-  ,     . , Kakao , KEditText, KButton .. .
  • Screen —   - PageObject. Screen — ,   stateless- KView   . Screen   , , , . Screen’   ,       .

, ,   Espresso. :

public void espressoTest() {


object MainScreen : Screen<MainScreen>() {
    val hotelName = KTextView { withId( }

fun kakaoTest() {
    MainScreen { 
        hotelName { 

. Kakao —  , Appium,     . - . Espresso  , ,  —   , ..

. Kakao Espresso,       .

.    Kakao .   API  , Espresso-.  , , . - - .

.   ,  Espresso.   .

.   . .

adb. ,  Espresso.

. , Kakao — DSL    Espresso.   UiAutomator, API .     , ,   .


Barista — ,    Espresso.

API. Kakao, Espresso. Barista — ,   Espresso-.  :

  • helper-     ,   Espresso . ,     onView(withId(   Espresso clickOn(     clickListItem(, 4).
  • Android- Assertions API.
  •   ,  .
  •    runtime permission’.
  • test rule’, ,   flaky-     shared preferences, ,  .

Barista  NestedScrollView,    Espresso,   . DSL ,    .

. FlakyTestRule . .       , .

. -  Espresso.

.     ,   Espresso . Espresso.

. ,   .

. .

adb. ,  Espresso.

. Barista    .  ,      , .         .


-  UI-,  ,        .

API.   Kakao. Kaspresso Kakao DSL — Kotlin DSL   , Kakao   Screen’ KView.

class OpenHomeScreenTest : TestCase() {

    fun kaspressoTest() {
        before { ... }
        .after { ... }
        .run {
            step("1. Open Home screen") { 
                MainScreen {
            step("2. Check Home title") { 
                HomeScreen {
            step("3. Do some stuff") { ... }

Kaspresso API   ,   .   , (. How to write autotests).

. Kaspresso -   API  Espresso  UiAutomator. ,   , , . ,      ,   . Kaspresso Kautomator — Kakao-like  UiAutomator,    Espresso  UiAutomator .

object KakaoScreen : Screen<KakaoScreen>() {
    val title = KTextView { withText(titleText) }
    val btn = KButton { withId( }

object KautomatorScreen : UiScreen<KautomatorScreen>() {
    val title = UiTextView { withText(titleText) }
    val btn = UiButton { withId(pkgName, }

fun kaspressoTest() {
    KakaoScreen { 
    KautomatorScreen {

  device. ,   :

  • ;
  • ;
  •   ;
  • , , ;
  •   ;
  • ;
  • ;
  •   : back, home, recents.

Kaspresso   , .

. Kaspresso , .     , ,   ViewAction ViewAssertion,  , . ,   , , (. Configurator).

. Kaspresso   Espresso UiAutomator , ,   ScrollView, , . helper-. ,       flakySafely:

MainScreen {
    flakySafely {

.   ,   , .

.       . , Kaspresso , .   :


. Localization autotests.

adb. Kaspresso AdbServer — HTTP-,   adb-.  ,   ,   .      ,   adb-   . AdbServer   ,   device. API   adb-:

adbServer.performAdb("emu sms send +79111111111 $smsText")
adbServer.perfromShell("rm -f $filePath")

AdbServer , ,    adb.

Appium Kakao Barista Kaspresso
API + ± +
+ +
+ +
± ± +
± +
adb + +
From this table, the answer should be obvious. If you are just starting to dive into the world of autotesting, the easiest place to start is with Kaspresso. He will solve many problems for you that you will certainly face. It provides a convenient API that includes and extends Kakao, which hides calls to Espresso, UiAutomator, and AdbServer, which greatly expands your capabilities. Last but not least, it contains special extension points so you can get the behavior you want from it.

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