Running x64 systems in VirtualBox 6.1.12 on Windows 10 2004

I was prompted to write such a post by the time spent on solving the problem.

The essence of the problem is that you start the virtual machine in VirtualBox, and it loads like a turtle, sometimes it just freezes and after a while it reboots and an icon is displayed in the virtual machine window at the bottom right. image

Before finding a solution, I was looking for a problem in updating video drivers, in ssd, in virtualka, but not in what was the reason - upgrade to version 2004. I took a

long time to parse the vbox.log log for errors until I came across this:

{timestamp} HM: HMR3Init: Attempting fall back to NEM: VT-x is not available

{timestamp} NEM: WHvCapabilityCodeHypervisorPresent is TRUE, so this might work...

Windows 10 itself is to blame. In version 2004, Hyper-V is enabled by default, if you have WSL2 or Sandbox installed and if you don't know this, then a lot of time will be wasted.

Do you think you can fix the problem by disabling Hyper-V users like WSL2, Sandbox? - this is not true.

The issue is solved by one team. You just need to execute in cmd from under the administrator:

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

At the same time, reboot and completely disconnect the power from the PC for 30 seconds.

And then the flight is normal and when the virtual machine starts, you will see the icon again image, meaning that everything is fine ...

PS: By the way, in VMWare Workstation did not experience this problem.

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