Should we wait for the second wave of coronavirus? (research and graphs, but you have to give the answer)

Hello! To make decisions, we needed a slice of how long or not to wait for the second wave of all pupations and quarantines. Official statistics, of course, is a cool thing, but I wanted to get more practical metrics. In general, if you have ever made decisions in a more or less large business, then you know that there is never complete data in principle, and you often need to look for some kind of accompanying behavior of people that can give the right numbers. We took SEO demand, that is, the number of searches from different regions for coronavirus symptoms, treatment methods, CT scans, tests, and more.

Here is the search demand for symptoms:

Below are the results in the form of dozens of incomprehensible graphs and much more understandable sums for them. Keep it, you may need it too.

The pictures are uploaded in sufficient quality so that when you open the tab, you can see the dates:


Requests are divided into several groups.

Symptoms , nests: low saturation, lack of air, do not taste, do not smell, back pain, sore throat, sore muscles, regain the sense of smell, high fever, fever, burning in the chest, aching body, sore throat, sweating , tastes disappeared, odors disappeared, sense of smell disappeared, temperature jumps, dry cough, dry nose, temperature 37, temperature 38, temperature and cough, it is difficult to breathe .

Hospitalization : hospital phone, call an ambulance, IVL, infectious diseases, infectious diseases hospital, Ministry of Health hotline, do not put in the hospital, paid ambulance .

Diagnostics :CT of the lungs, do not do CT, get tested, test for coronavirus, doctor at home, call a doctor, ICS syndrome, diagnostic center, blood oxygen, CT, medical center, clinic phone, pulse oximeter, X-ray, saturation, coronavirus test, tomography, fluorography, respiratory rate .

Treatment (I know the part doesn't work, but the population doesn't know):azitral, azithromycin, amoxicillin, vancomycin, levofloxacin, linezolid, macrolide, sumamed, tavanik, thienam, flemoxin, fluoroquinolone, chemomycin, cephalosporin, ceftriaxone, aspirin, heparin, assametnocran, xsareltozone , metipred, prednisolone, sarilumab, tocilizumab, acc, bromhexine, lazolvan, anticoagulant, how to treat coronavirus, antiviral drug, detrimax, magnesium b6, amiksin, acyclovir, hydroxychloroquine, immard, kaletra, osomaxamiftonvirluviruvir, berry, berry , respiratory gymnastics, inhalations, oxygen cushion, anaferon, arbidol, bronchomunal, viferon, wobenzym, influenzaferon, imudon, ingavirin, interferon, kagocel, lysobact, oscillococcinum, polyoxidonium, cycloferon, cytovir, ergoferon .

Pneumonia :adult pneumonia, viral pneumonia, community-acquired pneumonia, bilateral pneumonia, bilateral pneumonia, CT 1, CT 2, CT 3, CT 4, pneumonia treatment, pneumonia with coronavirus, pneumonia lesion, pneumonia symptoms, pneumonia how many, polysegmental pneumonia, after pneumonia, inflammation lungs, hypoxemia, frosted glass, pneumonitis, pneumonia, lung damage, pulmonologist .

Then the data is taken from Yandex Wordstat.


Asking for symptoms in a search does not mean that the patient necessarily experiences them, just as searching for a cure does not mean that a person needs it. Media publications, bloggers' posts and other activities can cause search bursts (that's why we use query groups for evaluation, in particular). Yandex is far from the only search, but it is quite representative of the Russian search market. Sets of linguistic nests and their selection are made finger to nose (part of a previous study by Alexander Dragan). Regions correspond to the regions of Wordstat.

More pictures

Here are the remaining plots by linguistic nests by region:

Far East



Volga region

North Caucasus





General normalized

All. Now you have even more incomplete data to make a decision.

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