Freeradius + Google Autheticator + LDAP + Fortigate

What if you want two-factor authentication and it hurts, but there is no money for hardware tokens, and in general they offer to stay in a good mood.

This solution is not something super original, but rather a mix of different solutions found on the Internet.

So, given

Active Directory domain .

Domain users using a VPN, like many today. Fortigate

acts as a VPN gateway . Saving the password for the VPN client is prohibited by security policy. Fortinet's policy regarding its own tokens cannot be called less than redneck - there are already 10 free tokens, the rest are at a very non-kosher price. RSASecureID, Duo and the like have not been considered, because I want open source. Prerequisites: * nix host with freeradius installed , sssd - entered into the domain, domain users can easily authenticate on it. Additional packages:

shellinabox , figlet , freeeradius-ldap , rebel.tlf font from repository .

In my example - CentOS 7.8.

The logic of work is as follows: when connecting to a VPN, a user must enter a domain login and OTP instead of a password.

Setting up services

In /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf, only the user and group, under which freeradius starts , is changed , since the radiusd service must be able to read files in all subdirectories of / home / .

user = root
group = root

To be able to use groups in the Fortigate settings , you need to pass the Vendor Specific Attribute . To do this, in the raddb / policy.d directory, create a file with the following contents:

group_authorization {
    if (&LDAP-Group[*] == "CN=vpn_admins,OU=vpn-groups,DC=domain,DC=local") {
            update reply {
                &Fortinet-Group-Name = "vpn_admins" }
            update control {
                &Auth-Type := PAM
                &Reply-Message := "Welcome Admin"
    else {
        update reply {
        &Reply-Message := "Not authorized for vpn"

After installing freeradius-ldap in directory raddb / mods-available file is created the ldap .

You need to create a symbolic link to the raddb / mods-enabled directory .

ln -s /etc/raddb/mods-available/ldap /etc/raddb/mods-enabled/ldap

I bring its contents to this form:

ldap {
        server = 'domain.local'
        identity = 'CN=freerad_user,OU=users,DC=domain,DC=local'
        password = "SupeSecretP@ssword"
        base_dn = 'dc=domain,dc=local'
        sasl {
        user {
                base_dn = "${..base_dn}"
                filter = "(sAMAccountname=%{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{User-Name}})"
                sasl {
                scope = 'sub'
        group {
                base_dn = "${..base_dn}"
                filter = '(objectClass=Group)'
                scope = 'sub'
                name_attribute = cn
                membership_filter = "(|(member=%{control:Ldap-UserDn})(memberUid=%{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{User-Name}}))"
                membership_attribute = 'memberOf'

In the files raddb / sites-enabled / default and raddb / sites-enabled / inner-tunnel, in the authorize section, I add the name of the policy that will be used - group_authorization. An important point - the name of the policy is determined not by the name of the file in the policy.d directory , but by the directive inside the file before the curly braces.

In the authenticate section of the same files, uncomment the pam .

In the clients.conf file , write the parameters with which Fortigate will connect :

client fortigate {
    ipaddr =
    secret = testing123
    require_message_authenticator = no
    nas_type = other

Pam.d / radiusd module configuration :

auth       sufficient
auth       include      password-auth
account    required
account    include      password-auth
password   include      password-auth
session    include      password-auth

The default options for implementing the freeradius bundle with the google authenticator involve the user entering credentials in the format: username / password + OTP .

After presenting the number of curses that will fall on your head, in the case of using the default freeradius bundle with Google Authenticator , it was decided to use the pam module configuration so as to check only the Google Authenticator token .

When a user connects, the following happens:

  • Freeradius checks the presence of the user in the domain and in a specific group and, if successful, checks the OTP token.

Everything looked good enough until I thought, "How can I register OTP for 300+ users?"

The user must log into the server with freeradius and under his account and run the Google authenticator application , which will generate a QR code for the application for the user. This is where shellinabox comes in handy in combination with .bash_profile .

[root@freeradius ~]# yum install -y shellinabox

The daemon configuration file is located in / etc / sysconfig / shellinabox .

I indicate port 443 there and you can specify your certificate.

[root@freeradius ~]#systemctl enable --now shellinaboxd

The user only needs to follow the link, enter domain credits and receive a QR code for the application.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • The user logs into the machine through a browser.
  • The domain user is checked. If not, no action is taken.
  • If the user is a domain user, membership in the Administrators group is checked.
  • If not admin, it checks if Google Autheticator is configured. If not, then a QR code and user logout is generated.
  • If not an admin and Google Authenticator is configured, then just logout.
  • If the admin, then again check Google Authenticator. If not configured, then a QR code is generated.

All logic is done using /etc/skel/.bash_profile .

cat /etc/skel/.bash_profile
# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs
# Make several commands available from user shell

if [[ -z $(id $USER | grep "admins") || -z $(cat /etc/passwd | grep $USER) ]]
    [[ ! -d $HOME/bin ]] && mkdir $HOME/bin
    [[ ! -f $HOME/bin/id ]] && ln -s /usr/bin/id $HOME/bin/id
    [[ ! -f $HOME/bin/google-auth ]] && ln -s /usr/bin/google-authenticator $HOME/bin/google-auth
    [[ ! -f $HOME/bin/grep ]] && ln -s /usr/bin/grep $HOME/bin/grep
    [[ ! -f $HOME/bin/figlet ]] && ln -s /usr/bin/figlet $HOME/bin/figlet
    [[ ! -f $HOME/bin/rebel.tlf ]] && ln -s /usr/share/figlet/rebel.tlf $HOME/bin/rebel.tlf
    [[ ! -f $HOME/bin/sleep ]] && ln -s /usr/bin/sleep $HOME/bin/sleep
  # Set PATH env to <home user directory>/bin
    export PATH
    export PATH

if [[ -n $(id $USER | grep "domain users") ]]
    if [[ ! -e $HOME/.google_authenticator ]]
        if [[ -n $(id $USER | grep "admins") ]]
            figlet -t -f $HOME/bin/rebel.tlf "Welcome to Company GAuth setup portal"
            sleep 1.5
            echo "Please, run any of these software on your device, where you would like to setup OTP:
Google Autheticator:
AppStore -
Play Market -
AppStore -
Play Market -

And prepare to scan QR code.

            sleep 5
            google-auth -f -t -w 3 -r 3 -R 30 -d -e 1
            echo "Congratulations, now you can use an OTP token from application as a password connecting to VPN."
            figlet -t -f $HOME/bin/rebel.tlf "Welcome to Company GAuth setup portal"
            sleep 1.5
            echo "Please, run any of these software on your device, where you would like to setup OTP:
Google Autheticator:
AppStore -
Play Market -
AppStore -
Play Market -

And prepare to scan QR code.

            sleep 5
            google-auth -f -t -w 3 -r 3 -R 30 -d -e 1
            echo "Congratulations, now you can use an OTP token from application as a password to VPN."
        echo "You have already setup a Google Authenticator"
        if [[ -z $(id $USER | grep "admins") ]]
    echo "You don't need to set up a Google Authenticator"

Fortigate setup:

  • Create a Radius Server

  • We create the necessary groups, if necessary, differentiate access by groups. The group name on Fortigate must match the group that is passed in the Vendor Specific Attribute Fortinet-Group-Name .

  • Editing the required SSL portals.

  • Add groups to policies.

The advantages of this solution:

  • There is a possibility of OTP authentication on Fortigate open source solution.
  • It excludes the user entering the domain password when connecting via VPN, which somewhat simplifies the connection process. The 6-digit password is easier to enter than the security policy. As a result, the number of tickets with the subject: "Can't connect to VPN" decreases.

PS We plan to screw this solution up to full-fledged two-factor authorization with challenge-response.


As promised, I finished it up to the challenge-response option.


In the / etc / raddb / sites-enabled / default file, the authorize section looks like this:

authorize {
    eap {
        ok = return
    if (!State) {
        if (&User-Password) {
            # If !State and User-Password (PAP), then force LDAP:
            update control {
                Ldap-UserDN := "%{User-Name}"
                Auth-Type := LDAP
        else {
    else {
        # If State, then proxy request:

The authenticate section now looks like this:

authenticate {
        Auth-Type PAP {
        Auth-Type CHAP {
        Auth-Type MS-CHAP {
        # Attempt authentication with a direct LDAP bind:
        Auth-Type LDAP {
        if (ok) {
            update reply {
                # Create a random State attribute:
                State := "%{randstr:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa}"
                Reply-Message := "Please enter OTP"
            # Return Access-Challenge:

Now the user is verified according to the following algorithm:

  • User enters domain credits in VPN client.
  • Freeradius checks the validity of the account and password
  • If the password is correct, then a request for a token is sent.
  • The token is verified.
  • Profit).

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