MTT VoiceBox: robots work, not humans. And where does the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Cord

The idea to write this post was prompted by an accidentally read news: the

Russian Emergencies Ministry is going to "humanize" the notification of the country's residents about emergency situations, impending disasters and dangerous weather conditions. Faceless SMS will be replaced by voice bot messages with the voices of popular actors and media persons.

... At the moment, options are being considered for using the voice of Renata Litvinova, Elena Malysheva or Ekaterina Andreeva to notify male subscribers, and the female part of Russia is planned to be notified with the voices of Alexander Bezrukov, Konstantin Khabensky or Sergei Shnurov.


It became interesting, what is this “box with voices” (MTT VoiceBox)?

I present my small research to your attention and, possibly, to discussion.

So far, not much information has been collected.

First of all, it is, of course, directly the official website of the manufacturer of this solution.

Federal provider of intelligent business solutions OJSC MTT has developed a new promising product - VoiceBox, which allows automating voice communications with customers.
- Such an announcement appeared in May this year.

In fact, the product was released back in 2019. And, according to the commercial director of MTT Ramil Bikkuzhin, the company is actively launching it into operation:
“By the end of 2020, we plan to implement several hundred cases. And by the end of 2021 we plan to become one of the leaders in the market ”.

Here, apparently, the pilot project of the Ministry of Emergencies is one of such cases in 2020.

In principle, voice "bots" have long been unsurprising. Even rather small regional offices use this area to call clients, offering either medical or legal services. Mobile operators have long understood that this is a current trend and even offer special services (paid, of course) in order to protect subscribers from massive calls from bots.

I wonder if there is a fundamental difference between MTT VoiceBox and some analogs?

How VoiceBox differs from other similar developments:
« — , : , , , . , , . , CRM, . Excel, . »
(Denis Shirokiy, Deputy General Director of MTT, Director of the Business Unit).

Job description:

For example, you have a barbershop. Your CRM says that customer Ivan Ivanov has an appointment for Thursday. But he suddenly calls earlier. The robot identifies who it is and answers: “Hello, Ivan. Thanks for calling. Do you want to confirm your visit? " The client replies: “No. I want another time. " The robot, reacting to the words "another time", makes a request in CRM, recognizes free spots - taking into account what Ivan's request is - and pronounces them. All this happens in a matter of seconds. Ivan does not need to wait for an administrator or barber to answer him, your employees do not need to waste time on calls.

A few more examples of how the VoiceBox is supposed to work and in what situations it can be used.

Case No. 1. Satisfaction Survey / Questionnaire:

  • The customer's employee uploads the customer base to the VoiceBox interface
  • VoiceBox makes a voice call to the subscriber by his number with a pre-prepared text, for example “Hello, <name>! This is a robot, QC <company name>. Is it convenient for you to answer a few questions about <provided service> now? "
  • After receiving a positive answer, a survey is conducted using open and closed questions.
  • VoiceBox records the result and sends it in Excel format or directly to the client's information system

Case number 2. Meeting Reminder:

  • ,
  • VoiceBox , , ,
  • VoiceBox

“ — <>, <> <> <>. ?

— <>. ?

— ,

— ! “

  • - , VoiceBox

№3. :

  • , , VoiceBox
  • VoiceBox .
  • , e-mail .
  • , .
  • CRM retention.

№4. :


  • VoiceBox


  • «, <>! ?»
  • , .
  • VoiceBox . .

Case No. 5. Sending template letters / sms with meeting details

  • The client's employee, after agreeing on the time and place of the interview, leaves a mark in the database with the corresponding data
  • VoiceBox will analyze the information received, send an SMS or letter to the specified contact. With a filled template.

For instance.

Sending SMS with the text “Dear <Applicant name>”, 05.22 You will be expected at the interview by the recruiter of the company <Company name> <Recruiter's name>, office at <address> at <meeting time>. Recruiter's phone <phone> "

  • In 15 minutes VoiceBox will call and clarify whether the applicant has received the letter, whether he understands everything and whether he agrees with everything. In case of objection, he will offer to postpone the date, or connect with a recruiter. If the recruiter is busy, he will send him a message asking him to contact the candidate.

Case number 6. Informing about the status:

  • When the status of an order is changed in the CRM system, a task is sent to the VoiceBox to call the subscriber for information.
  • VoiceBox commits to the subscriber.

Of course, 2020, when, due to the pandemic, many went “to work remotely,” is a fertile time for the active introduction of this technology.


News about the Emergencies Ministry

A little about VoiceBox materialy / 403569-kak-zhivoy-pochemu-golosovoy-robot-voiceboh-mozhet-zamenit-celye-otdely

There will probably be more details about the practice of VoiceBox

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