ELK, SIEM from OpenSource, Open Distro: Integration with WAZUH

Moving forward on our project. We have completed the SIEM part. It's time to move our project from a simple observer to an active responder. One of the important tools we have used for this is Wazuh. In this article, we hope to educate you about the benefits offered by this tool. We will also tell you how to install and use it.

Wazuh is an open source security compliance detection, viewing and comparison engine.

It was created as a fork of OSSEC HIDS, later integrated with Elastic Stack and OpenSCAP, which turned into a more comprehensive solution.

Wazuh helps you gain deeper security visibility across your infrastructure by tracking hosts at the operating system and application layer.

Table of contents for all posts.

The article is divided into the following sections:

  • Installing the Wazuh Server and Agent

  1. Installing Wazuh Server

  2. Installing the Wazuh agent

  3. App installation and integration with kibana

  4. Configuring and connecting agents

1- wazuh

Wazuh โ€” , , , . , .

Wazuh: Wazuh, API Filebeat. .

Wazuh: , . Wazuh, .

1.1- Wazuh:

Wazuh , , . , ( , , , . .), / . Elasticsearch .

(Single-host architecture (HIDS)), :

. :


1.2- Wazuh manager, API Filebeat



filebeat: filebeat elasticsearch logstash. elasticsearch ssl ( , )

cd /etc/filebeat
nano filebeat.yml

3 :

filebeat setup โ€” index-management
service filebeat start
service wazuh-manager start
service wazuh-api start

1.3- wazuh-

https://documentation.wazuh.com/3.12/installation-guide/installing-wazuh-agent/linux/ubuntu12.04-or-greater/wazuh_agent_package_ubuntu12.04_or_greater.html#wazuh-agent-package-ubuntu12-04-or โ€”

, wazuh-agent:

1.4- wazuh Kibana:

Wazuh Kibana ELK, .

Git Hub, -.

wazuh, ELK Stack 7.6.1. .

cd /usr/share/kibana

sudo -u kibana bin/kibana-plugin install https://packages.wazuh.com/wazuhapp/wazuhapp-3.12.2_7.6.1.zip

Kibana, :

cat >> /etc/default/kibana << EOF
NODE_OPTIONS=" โ€”max_old_space_size=2048"


systemctl restart kibana



, wazuh . . wazuh api. . . , . , .


. .

Wazuh manager manage_agents, . . :


, A . , , user1. IP- . : IP- , () IP-. Enter

, wazuh.

E . , 001.

, Wazuh, Linux root. .

/var/ossec/bin/manage_agents -i "__"

, "y" Enter.

Wazuh /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf, IP- Wazuh. <> <> MANAGER_IP Wazuh. Wazuh- IP- DNS-:

1.6- :

, ELK wazuh. . - (wazuh-alert wazuh-monitoring)

  1. Wazuh:

Wazuh , Wazuh-manager.

โ€” , , . โ€” . , .

, IP- , , , Bruteforce, , RDP SSH, .

, IP- , , Wazuh. SSH-Bruteforce. 8 . , "5712 โ€” SSHD ". . , IP .

-, , .

OSSEC , . / var / ossec / active-response / bin / . firewall-drop.sh, Linux / Unix IP- .

ossec.conf OSSEC Manager:

nano /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf

firewall-drop.sh, Linux / Unix IP- .


-command: (firewall-drop).

-location: . , . , local.

-rules_id: , 5712.

-timeout: IP 60 (iptables, ipfilter . .)

. wazuh-manager :

service wazuh-manager restart

wazuh-agent ossec.conf :


SSH -, Wazuh, 60 8 .

Wazuh, :


Telegram chat on Elasticsearch: https://t.me/elasticsearch_ru

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