23 most useful Node.js libraries to know about in 2020

As a professional Node.js developer, you need to keep up to date with what's going on with packages dedicated to this platform. He needs to know about what's new and what packages are popular for different tasks. The point is that software development these days depends on libraries. Knowledge of good libraries improves programmer productivity and helps him develop quality applications. Today we talk about 23 useful package for Node.js .

1. Express

Express is a fast and minimalistic Node.js web framework that gives the developer a fair amount of freedom to create web servers.

2. Socket.io

Socket.io enables real-time, event-based, two-way communication systems in applications.

3. Body-parser

Body-parser is a package that allows you to parse request bodies stored in req.body, acting as middleware for Express-based servers. It processes requests before they reach the appropriate handlers.

4. Cors

Cors is a package containing a Connect / Express middleware implementation that allows you to configure and use CORS .

5. Passport

Passport is an Express-compatible authentication system for Node.js.

The only challenge the passport package aims at is authenticating requests. Request processing is done using a configurable set of plugins known as "strategies".

6. Multer

Multer is Express middleware for handling data like multipart/form-data. Such data is mainly sent to the server when uploading files. Please note that this library does not handle data other than multipart/form-data.

7. Axios

Axios is a promise -based HTTP client for browsers and the Node.js platform.

8. Morgan

Morgan is an HTTP request logging system.

9. Http-errors

Http-errors is a library for generating HTTP errors. It can be used with various web frameworks like Express, Koa, Connect.

10. Dotenv

Dotenv is a module that has no dependencies. It is designed to load environment variables from a .env file into process.env . Using this mechanism allows you to keep application settings separate from their code.

11. Faker

Faker is a library for generating large amounts of dummy data. It is suitable for browsers and for Node.js.

12. Nodemailer

Nodemailer allows you to send emails from the Node.js environment. This library is very easy to use.

13. Sequelize

Sequelize is an ORM for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server. The library is based on promises. When using it, the developer has at his disposal many reliable mechanisms that simplify the work with databases.

14. Mongoose

Mongoose is a library that makes it easy to work with MongoDB. It supports both promises and callbacks.

15. Jest

Jest is a popular and well-supported JavaScript testing framework created by Facebook.

16. Moment

Moment is a lightweight JavaScript library for working with values ​​that represent dates. It allows you to create, parse, check, format such values.

17. Lodash

Lodash is a library that provides a developer with many helper methods that simplify work with arrays, numbers, objects, strings. This library has a modular structure. Lodash can be used, in particular, for the following tasks:

  • Bypassing arrays, objects, strings.
  • Manipulating values ​​of different types and figuring out the types of values.
  • Working with functions (for example, currying and memoization).

18. Chalk

Chalk is a package that allows you to style the text output to the console. It has a user-friendly API.

19. Validator

Validator is a library for validating and clearing string data.

20. Cheerio

Cheerio allows you to parse content that is HTML and XML markup. This library provides the developer with an API to work with what is generated by parsing such material.

21. JSDoc

JSDoc is a system designed to automate the creation of documentation for JavaScript code.

22. Helmet

Helmet allows programmers to secure Express applications by helping them customize various HTTP headers.

23. Crypto-js

Crypto-js is a JavaScript library containing implementations of various cryptographic mechanisms.

What libraries for Node.js do you find most useful?

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