Particle-wave dualism: clearly

"If you think you understand quantum theory ... then you don't understand quantum theory." - Feynman R., lectures "The nature of physical laws" (1964), ch. 6.

This and similar statements about the incomprehensibility of the laws of quantum mechanics have always irritated me. Corpuscular-wave dualism , the properties of quantum particles to behave like waves and like particles - is it really impossible to understand them clearly, to see not as the behavior of mathematical solutions, but with your own eyes? In this review, I will present results challenging this mysticism.

Derivation of the de Broglie ratio

Louis de Broglie knew the ratioE=hΞ½ (Planck's formula) andE0=m0c2 (equivalence of mass and energyin the special theory of relativity) wherem0 - rest mass, i.e. mass in its own frame of reference.

According to the theory of relativity, there is no absolute time, and each point in space has its own - the fourth coordinate t. Own time, as Louis de Broglie reasoned, is like a personal watch. Both the person and the electron have them. What does it mean?

He suggested that each particle has an internal periodic process (tick-tock with frequency), which serves as a measure of its own time [1]. This innermost process with a frequency in its own frame of reference allows us to link two energy formulas


A stationary observer perceives an oscillatory process Ξ½0 particles flying with a speedv at pointx like


The transition to the particle reference frame gives in the exponent


– , exp⁑(2Ο€iΞ½0t0)




, v


p=mv – , h – .

. , .

-? -!

-«» . ( ) 4 . ( ), (4.5g ). , 50 40x40 =6.5 . 1 , , .


. – . – «» . – . 1 – «», 2 – , , 3 – «» , 4 – -, , 5 – .

, . β€” Β« Β» «» 2 .

, ( 4), «». ( ) . : [2].


- Y. Couder and E. Fort. Single-particle diffraction and interference at a macroscopic scale. Phy. Rev. Lett., 97(15):154101, 2006.

- , , , - . (, , ). , , β€” , , .


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It should be noted that similar ideas were discussed in Russian science much earlier, for example, in the book of the Tomsk scientist B.N. Rodimov "Self-oscillatory quantum mechanics" [3]. He also designed a particle-wave. Unfortunately, his ideas were not picked up.



  1. L. de Broglie "Waves and Quantums" 93 178-180 (1967)
  2. Robert Brady and Ross Anderson. Why bouncing droplets are a pretty good model of quantum mechanics. 2014.
  3. B.N. Rodimov β€œSelf-oscillatory quantum mechanics”, Tomsk 1967.

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