Managing Github: via Terraform to a custom Ansible solution

We have 350+ people and 400+ repositories on Github. Each turnip can have several admins, and they do what they see fit - naturally, it happens that one person does not know what the other is doing. When we were tired of looking at the torment of others in the infrastructure and adding / removing people manually, we decided that we would switch to centralized management, Infrastructure as Code.


And we chose Terraform as the platform.

"I have cubes with the letters O, P, A ..."

Everything looked smooth on paper. Terraform is popular, it shouldn't be hard to find people who know it. It has a state, and TF brings resources to match - we can always be sure that the real configuration is exactly as described. And there is no need to climb the Web UI anymore - I looked at the config and saw everything.

. TF , . 20 , β€” Github- API.

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  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .
  5. .
  6. .

.  , Terraform : 1 4. , 2 5. : TF , , .  β€” , .  , - -   PR, c . …

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resource "github_membership" "membership_for_" {
    username = ""
    role     = "member"

resource "github_team" "team_" {
    name           = ""
    description    = ""
    privacy        = "closed"
    parent_team_id = "123456"

resource "github_team_membership" "team___membership" {
    team_id  = "${data.terraform_remote_state.teams.team__id}"
    username = ""
    role     = "member"

resource "github_repository" "" {
    name          = ""
    description   = ""
    homepage_url  = ""
    has_projects  = false
    has_wiki      = true
    has_issues    = true
    has_downloads = true
    private       = true
    archived      = false
    topics        = ["yii", "school", "mobile"]

resource "github_team_repository" "team__repo_" {
    team_id    = "${data.terraform_remote_state.teams.team__id}"
    repository = "${data.terraform_remote_state.repos.repo__name}"
    permission = "push"

resource "github_repository_collaborator" "__collaborator" {
    repository = ""
    username   = ""
    permission = "admin"

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  name: Skyeng
    - aleksandr.sergeich

    - andrey.vadimych
    - denis.andreich
    - mikhail.leonidych
    - vladimir.nickolaich

  privacy: secret

    - denis.andreich

    - andrey.vadimych
    - mikhail.leonidych
    - vladimir.nickolaich

  description: >-
    Alerta monitoring system

      - admin-team

      - dev-team
      - qa-team

      - denis.andreich

      - william.shakespeare

, β€”

, TF β€” , …  Ansible, .

: , β€” .  CI/CD.  - : , .  .  , .


ansible-playbook gitwand.yml
    -e github_repos__state=present
    -e github_repos__include=my_repo

- β€” :

ansible-playbook gitwand.yml
    -e github_teams__state=present
    -e github_teams__include=my_team

, github_teams__include.

.  LDAP, , , .  , , , - .  Github-.


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