8 mistakes of a beginner PSD designer. How to simplify the work of the layout designer


The designer is faced with the task of creating a psd-layout, which the layout designer will transfer to HTML & CSS.

Let's keep silent about how correct this situation is, and what led to it.

We are almost silent about the design as such.

Let's talk about budget development geared towards minimum quality. For example, let's put up with the layer names "shape 14 copy 5" and advocate simplification.

Let's talk about common mistakes designers make in psd layouts, which may cause problems for layout designers. We encountered these errors. We will recommend how to fix it. Here are some tips for designers to make the layout easier.

The article follows from our web development experience. Here's another experience and more .


We write briefly in the format:

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  1. , , Windows. , . .
  2. PNG, SVG, data:img/png;base64. , . .
  3. . , CDN OS. .

  1. 1300px. 940px 1200px. , .
  2. . , , ; . , .

  1. . Font Awesome 4.7 5. - .
  2. 24 #abcdef. 12 #ace. .


  1. « », « » . -/- «», --, , «». - .

“Good design is as little design as possible”

Dieter Rams

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