Announcement: Live with Tatiana Lando, Google Analyst Linguist

TODAY, at 20:00 on our social networks, there will be a live broadcast with Tatiana Lando, a linguist-analyst at Google.

Tatiana is working on Google Assistant and is involved in projects between production and development. She explores how people talk to each other and what strategies they use to use this in teaching the assistant more human behavior. Came to Google to work on an assistant for the Russian market and the Russian language.

Prior to that, she worked at Yandex for 8 years. She was engaged in linguistic technologies, extraction of facts from unstructured text. Tatiana is one of the founders of the AINL: Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Conference.

The stream can be viewed in any of our social networks - wherever it is convenient, watch there.

What Tatiana will tell you about:

  • What is she doing now
  • Google
  • ( , )
  • ,
  • : ?
  • Google —
  • Google
  • , : ,
  • , ( )

You can also ask Tatiana your questions, both on Instagram and in the comments in this post.

Where to press so as not to miss the broadcast?

Click on the bell on YouTube or subscribe to our instagram , then you will receive a notification about the start of the broadcast.

If you are going to watch in the recording, subscribe so as not to lose.

We remind you the date and time again: Monday, August 24, 20:00 .

See you live!

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