We've All Recorded: Ozon Talks at GopherCon Online 2020

Hello, Habr! This year, for GopherCon, the Ozon Tech team prepared a couple of hours of reports on a variety of topics: from classic - about microservice architecture to truly gosh.


So for everyone who missed online, in our playlist there are reports from the developers of one of the largest Golang teams in Russia.

Mikhail Kabishchev, head of platform development group: "Continuous profiling for Go applications"

Sooner or later, every Go developer faces the need to profile Go applications, and a wonderful tool called pprof comes to his aid. But sometimes there are situations when profiles need to be removed from all copies of one application at the same time, or do you want to find out what exactly was going on in the service at 3 am during stress tests? Or the most commonplace - you do not have access to the production network, but you need to figure it out.

Like many others, we faced this problem and created a tool that allows us to solve it automatically.

Evgeny Lisitsky, head of the Tarifikator development group, Alexey Klementyev, head of the Router development group: “Evolution of courier routing in Ozon”

Every day, Ozon couriers deliver more than 200 thousand orders. We will tell you how routes for couriers are created and how you can solve routing problems with minimal costs.

Vladislav Sidorov, Head of the Search Engine Optimization / Tools development group: "Microservice architecture: Ozon experience"

The topic of transition from monolith to microservices does not lose its relevance. We talk about an experimental solution in Ozon before the large-scale transition to microservices and what we have now.

Vladimir Serdyukov, lead developer of the Personal Account group: “How to stop thinking about required fields and start writing contracts”

Backend-Driven UI involves working with a large number of different contracts. Requirements (like new interface elements) are changing at lightning speed, especially in product development. This talk is about how to prepare contracts using protobuff, what is the catch when working with required fields and how to check the correctness of their formation. And, of course, what awaits us in API v2.

Watch the video:

Questions about the reports? Go in the comments!

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