Nude electronics - free photos without SMS and registration

Hello internet. In the process of working on the Nude Electronics Art project, I took fairly high-quality photographs of electronic boards and decided to share them with everyone. You can download them for free on Pixabay , including for commercial purposes. The collection will be gradually replenished, including videos.

In the article I will tell you a little about my Nude Electronics project, but first I recommend

watching a video with my work . There are a lot of photos under the cut.

The main idea behind Nude Electronics is to create artwork from electronic parts. I started by making pendants (pendants) from printed circuit boards, filled with transparent epoxy resin.

Later I decided to complicate the drawing by adding different details to it. Now these are miniature abstract paintings in which you can see some kind of meaning.

Model NE-6223 "Wedding". Size 25x25 mm, 2019

For example, in the painting "Wedding" you can see the elements responsible for the bride, groom and guests, as well as the area in which the event takes place. This area is followed by ordinary life. Although there is another similar zone and something is happening there too.

This work shows the basic idea of ​​the whole direction. Objects and people are designated conventionally by some details. Moreover, the size and shape are not proportional, and the colors are approximate.


Here is a recent work called Sakura. An close-up is a top view of a garden that has a pinkish tree. And also other trees, people, houses and so on. Obviously, without imagination, this all makes sense. However, this is always the case in art, especially in the abstract.

Model NE-3232 Sakura. Size 35x35 mm, 2020

And here is a picture called "Vilsakom is testing an android." Vilsakom is such a blogger for whom I have selected a special element in the form of a green fuse. A smartphone on an android here is replaced by some kind of chip produced by Mediatek. Everything that happens here can be interpreted in different ways.

Model NE-8483 "Wylsacom is testing Android". Size 35x35 mm, 2020

Several pieces from different boards have been collected in the painting “Wylsacom Channel”, thus symbolically showing the unification of various people on the Vilsa Channel. He is an interesting character, so I will probably use him in other works.

Model NE-3793 "Wylsacom Channel" (Wylsacom Channel). Size 25x35 mm, 2020

However, not all works can make sense. I like the abundance of small details that create some kind of complex pattern. And if it will be possible to see something in this pattern, then this is only as an additional option, and not the main goal.

The next work is named after a Soviet cartoon. Only there were KONI, KOZA and KOROV, and here - Capacitors.

Model NE-2737 “KOs graze in the meadow ...” (Without English translation). Size 35x35 mm, 2020

In the next job, a glass OLED display from an old clamshell is responsible for the large store. There is a long queue to the store. I think it's easy to guess which store we are talking about. The English name fit perfectly.

Model NE-7766 "The Big Store". Size 25x50 mm, 2020

Many works show a top view of some terrain, like on a map.

Model NE-6657 "City beach". Size 25x50 mm, 2020

Although it is better not to try to comprehend some works at all.

Model NE-6511 Thoughts. Size 25x25 mm, 2018

Model NE-9221 Pandemic. Size 25x35 mm, 2020

Some works are related.

Model NE-4057 "Ideality". Size 25x50 mm, 2018

Model NE-9494 "Reality". Size 25x35 mm, 2018

Model NE-7353 "Cold snap". Size 25x35 mm, 2018

Model NE-3573 Thaw. Size 25x35 mm, 2018

I determined the model numbers at random using a special program written in LabVIEW 2020 Community Edition (I just know this system well).

Program outline

Interestingly, the randomness is not very random, although not a single identical name has turned out. Below is the sequence in order that occurred when assigning names to jobs.

At the moment, I decided not to sell these works, because I don’t want to give it away for cheap, but no one will take it for an expensive one. I will create my own collection until I get bored, and then we'll see. According to my plan, I have to create larger and more detailed works. I also want to try to build solar-powered working circuits, although the durability of such works will be much less.

Once again I will leave a link to all works: Nude Electronics Art .

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