Ruby Digest 2020 08 1

A large collection of information about Ruby, including Russian-language sources, from 1 to 15 August:

news, media, news, releases, articles, training.


In Ruby 3, it is planned to add Ractor - an abstraction of parallel computing on the actor model. Ractor is designed to allow parallel execution of ruby ​​code

without thread safety issues.

Speakers are invited to the RubyWorld 2020 conference online.

On August 21, this Friday, the NoRuKo conference will be held - a reorganization in the format of the online conference EuRuKo , the largest European conference on Ruby.

GitHub has been updated to Ruby 2.7 in production.

A recent selection of Awesome Made by Russians included 7 Ruby projects:

Github-changelog-generator , Evil Icons, Parser , Lefthook , AnyCable , Ruby Tests Profiling Toolbox , Gon .

View and listen

image RWpod 30 episode 08 of the season - The State of Ruby 3 Typing, Infinite Scroll without Layout Shifts, Minesweeper, Starboard Notebook and more .

image RWpod 31 episode 08 of the season - How to Test Ruby Code That Depends on External APIs, 1Keys, Noticed, Ancestry, Fast, Hopi and more .

image DragonRuby Game Development Toolkit. Introduction.

image Serverless Platform Introduction: Let's create a Ruby Telegram bot with AWS Lambda and

API Gateway

image dry-validation - What for? Motivation for creating a library .

image How to dockerize a Rails application .

image Let's Build for Ruby and Rails Developers - Part 4 Creating Basic Models .

image Let's Build for Ruby and Rails Developers - Part 5 Setting up Constants and Initial Data .

image Learning Ruby with Hasus Casteio - An overview of new features and methods since version 2.0 .

image Fan project ideas in Ruby .

image Apple Silicon Developer Transition Kit for Ruby Developers .

image How to translate and localize applications using Rails internationalization .

image Connecting Notifications to Rails: Handling failed API requests .

image How do I add notifications to Rails using Noticed?

Noticed (notifications in Rails), live preview with Stimulus Reflex and recruitment in Podia

Interview with Dylan Andrewsthe journey from a professional drummer to a successful developer, recruiting juniors and building trust.

An interview with Matt Swenson , the creator of Boring Rails , on how SPA compares to traditional Rails applications, the benefits of FormBuilder, and a few other things.

An interview with Steve Polito about new jobs, interviews and how

GitHub is helping.

Interview with Kyle d'Oliveira on using Rails in Super Scale .

An interview with Cameron Dutro about deploying Rails using Docker and Kubernetes.

Interview with Jason Swett - all the best programming tips.

Interview with Robbie Russell - Oh My Zsh and Rails support.

New items

Datadog-lambda-rb - The official gem for integrating Datadog with AWS Lambda has been moved to a "mature" version.

Puppet Debugger 1.0.0 is a debugger for the Puppet language , which is responsible for setting up the infrastructure.

Net :: Hippie 1.0.0 is a lightweight wrapper over Net :: HTTP using JSON by default.

FbcrawlColly 1.0.0 - crawl with GO Colly .

New versions

Refinery CMS Blog 4.0.0 is the engine for Refinery CMS , the most popular CMS on Ruby on Rails.

Health-monitor-rails 9.0.0 is a module for monitoring the health of Rails and various services (db, cache, sidekiq, redis, and others).

Hatchet 7.0.0 is the official integration testing library for developing Heroku build packages .

Sym 3.0.0 - symmetric encryption.

Rails :: Auth 3.0.0 - Authentication for microservices and claims-based identification.

Kafo 5.0.0 - the main installer and configurator in the Foreman and Katello projects for Puppet modules , allows you to create a user interface for their connection.

Rspec-puppet-facts 2.0.0 is a gem to simplify testing Puppet manifests through built-in information about the operating system.

Foreman Remote Execution 4.0.0 is a remote execution plugin for Foreman .

Ruby Google Cloud Bigtable API 2.0.0 is a library for working with Bigtable , a cloud-based NoSQL DBMS for big data.

Google-cloud-datastore 2.0.0 is a library for working with Datastore , a cloud-scale scalable


Google Cloud Firestore API 2.0.0 is a library for working with Firestore , a cloud-based serverless

document base.

It 2.0.0- a library to simplify internationalization.

Gretel 4.0.0 is a Ruby on Rails breadcrumbs library.

SPDX 3.0.0 - flexible search for software licenses by license name.

Smart Init 5.0.0 is a simple gem for shortening the code in the constructor (initialize method) of an object.

Gherkin for Ruby 15.0.0 is a parser for the Gherkin language .

Blacklight :: Marc 7.0.0 - MARC support for the Blacklight research platform .


JRuby is a JVM implementation of Ruby.

Prawn 2.3.0 is a library for creating PDF files.

Kubeclient 4.9.0 is a client for Kubernetes REST API .

Brakeman 4.9.0 is a static vulnerability analyzer for Rails applications.

Gollum 5.1.0 is a simple wiki on top of a git project.

GitLab 13.2 is a web based system for managing repositories for Git, Wiki, CI / CD and more.

OmniAuth OAuth2 1.7.0 - DSL for OmniAuth OAuth2.

Chartkick 3.4.0 - creating charts based on different js libraries.

Aasm 5.1.0 is a library for implementing a state machine.

Rotp 6.1.0- library for one-time passwords.

ValueSemantics 3.4.0 - creating wrapper classes for data with validation and casting.

Test Kitchen 2.6.0 is a toolkit for testing and developing infrastructure code.

Kitchen :: Vagrant 1.7.0 - Kitchen driver for Vagrant.

Ancestry 3.1.0 - organization of a tree structure (hierarchy) based on ActiveRecord.

Ruby-kafka 1.2.0 is a library for working with Apache Kafka .

PgHero is a performance panel for Postgres .

Aerospike Ruby Client 2.14.0 is the official client for Aerospike NoSQL DBMS .

DynamoDb Framework 1.9.0 is a lightweight NoSQL framework for DynamoDB .

Elastic APM agent 3.9.0 is the official gem for working with Elastic APM .

Activerecord-multi-tenant 1.1.0 - integration of ActiveRecord with multi-tenant databases.

Diffy 3.4.0 - comparing and getting the difference of two text sources.

Refinements 7.7.0 is a collection of enhancements for basic Ruby types.

FriendlyId 5.4.0 - Modification of urls to a more readable form.

License Finder 6.8.0 - search and analysis of licenses in dependencies.

Image_size 2.1.0 - getting the size of images of different formats.

AvroTurf 1.2.0- serialization / deserialization for Apache Avro format .

Marginalia 1.9.0 - adding comments to ActiveRecord requests.

Rubrowser (Ruby Browser) 2.9.0 - dependency graph visualizer.

Premailer 1.13.0 - Pre-processing HTML content of emails.

SendGrid ActionMailer 3.1.0 - Integration of ActionMailer with SendGrid API .

Clearance 2.3.0 - Rails authentication via mail and password.

Clogger 2.3.0 - customizable logging of requests to Rack.

Dotiw 5.1.0 - verbal time period.

Semaphore_test_boosters 2.6.0 - parallelization of tests.

Svgeez 3.2.0- auto-generation of SVG sprite from a folder with SVG icons.

JWT Signed Request - Signing and verifying requests to the internal API using JWT .

Angular_rails_csrf 4.4.0 - CSRF protection for Rails on AngularJS.

Quilt_rails 3.3.0 - Quilt bindings for Rails.

Hammer 2.2.0 is a Clamp- based CLI toolkit used by Foreman and beyond.

Plivo Ruby SDK 4.9.0 - library for integration with Plivo REST API .

Onfido 1.1.0 is the official client for the Onfido API .

Solidus Reviews 1.4.0Is the official library for the Solidus eCommerce platform .

Google-cloud-spanner 2.1.0 is a library for Google Cloud Spanner .

LaunchDarkly API Client 3.4.0 is the official library for LaunchDarkly .

Edsapi 1.1.0 is a client for the Ebsco research service API .

Wavefront CLI 7.2.0 is a command line interface for the Wavefront API .

Neverbounce-api 1.2.0 is the official library for checking email

using the NeverBounce service .

To study

image Evil Martians: a journey from two people in a cafe to offices in New York, San Francisco,

Moscow and Osaka

image The complexities of working with ANTLR: writing a Ruby grammar .

image Data migration in Ruby on Rails .

image How do profilers work in Ruby and Python?

image What's new in GitLab 13.2 .

image An unofficial guide to Active Admin .

Learn Ruby on Rails to a Dangerous Level - Review of Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial .

Interview with Michael Hartl , creator of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial and founder of Learn Enough .

How to set up the GraphQL API in Ruby on Rails. Detailed guidance .

4 of the best resources for learning Ruby on Rails straight to work .

An introduction to patterns and anti-patterns for Ruby on Rails .

Call recording with Vonage Voice API for Ruby websockets .

12 ways to call a method in Ruby .

Static types in Ruby 3. RBS or RBI? And what to do with Sorbet?

Working with the AWS SDK for Ruby - Part I of .

How to improve the performance of ActiveRecord queries by using subquery caching .

A visual guide to Webpacker .

Autocomplete in Ruby on Rails using Stimulus .

Websockets with Rails 6 and ReactJS .

How to extend Ruby with C ++ .

How to use benchmarking in Ruby .

Trying OpenTelemetry Part 1: Sinatra .

A Simple Guide to GraphQL APIs in Ruby on Rails and MongoDB with Docker - Part 1 .

A Simple Guide to GraphQL APIs in Ruby on Rails and MongoDB with Docker - Part 2 .

How Product Hunt tests the GraphQL backend .

How to make an API using Ruby On Rails .

Ruby on Rails API with nested resources .

RSpec part 1: getting started .

How to test code that depends on external APIs .

RSpec part 2: hooks, subjects, general examples .

RSpec part 3: test doubles .

Full Stack Serverless with Rails and AWS SAM / Lambda .

Learning Ruby: First Impressions of a JavaScript Developer .

Learning Ruby: Naming Conventions .

Learning Ruby: String Concatenation .

Learning Ruby: Testing for Equality .

Introduction to Ruby Gems .

Working with WebSockets in Ruby, Rack and Faye .

Implementing a state machine as a service using aasm .

The Prime Lattice in Ideomatic Ruby (and some books you should read) .

The clock is also monoids!

Tabular and other types of advanced formatting in Action Text .

What is the correct way to do sql queries to fields of type array?

When objects become super objects .

Ruby on AWS Lambda: Integration with ActiveStorage .

We speed up rubocop 20 times in 5 minutes .

Transferring has_many_attached to another model .

Creating unlogged (PostgreSQL) tables in Rails .

Building a desktop application with a graphical interface in Ruby .

Clients, Servers and the Single Responsibility Principle .

Ruby web scraping is a great practice for aspiring web developers .

Why use Puma in production for your Rails application .

How to use GraphiQL in Rails .

2 ways to check messages in Rails logs using RSpec .

Previous Ruby Digest .

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