news, media, news, releases, articles, training.
In Ruby 3, it is planned to add Ractor - an abstraction of parallel computing on the actor model. Ractor is designed to allow parallel execution of ruby ββcode
without thread safety issues.
Speakers are invited to the RubyWorld 2020 conference online.
On August 21, this Friday, the NoRuKo conference will be held - a reorganization in the format of the online conference EuRuKo , the largest European conference on Ruby.
GitHub has been updated to Ruby 2.7 in production.
A recent selection of Awesome Made by Russians included 7 Ruby projects:
Github-changelog-generator , Evil Icons, Parser , Lefthook , AnyCable , Ruby Tests Profiling Toolbox , Gon .
View and listen
RWpod 30 episode 08 of the season - The State of Ruby 3 Typing, Infinite Scroll without Layout Shifts, Minesweeper, Starboard Notebook and more .
RWpod 31 episode 08 of the season - How to Test Ruby Code That Depends on External APIs, 1Keys, Noticed, Ancestry, Fast, Hopi and more .
DragonRuby Game Development Toolkit. Introduction.
Serverless Platform Introduction: Let's create a Ruby Telegram bot with AWS Lambda and
API Gateway .
dry-validation - What for? Motivation for creating a library .
How to dockerize a Rails application .
Let's Build for Ruby and Rails Developers - Part 4 Creating Basic Models .
Let's Build for Ruby and Rails Developers - Part 5 Setting up Constants and Initial Data .
Learning Ruby with Hasus Casteio - An overview of new features and methods since version 2.0 .
Fan project ideas in Ruby .
Apple Silicon Developer Transition Kit for Ruby Developers .
How to translate and localize applications using Rails internationalization .
Connecting Notifications to Rails: Handling failed API requests .
How do I add notifications to Rails using Noticed?
Noticed (notifications in Rails), live preview with Stimulus Reflex and recruitment in Podia
Interview with Dylan Andrewsthe journey from a professional drummer to a successful developer, recruiting juniors and building trust.
An interview with Matt Swenson , the creator of Boring Rails , on how SPA compares to traditional Rails applications, the benefits of FormBuilder, and a few other things.
An interview with Steve Polito about new jobs, interviews and how
GitHub is helping.
Interview with Kyle d'Oliveira on using Rails in Super Scale .
An interview with Cameron Dutro about deploying Rails using Docker and Kubernetes.
Interview with Jason Swett - all the best programming tips.
Interview with Robbie Russell - Oh My Zsh and Rails support.
New items
Datadog-lambda-rb - The official gem for integrating Datadog with AWS Lambda has been moved to a "mature" version.
Puppet Debugger 1.0.0 is a debugger for the Puppet language , which is responsible for setting up the infrastructure.
Net :: Hippie 1.0.0 is a lightweight wrapper over Net :: HTTP using JSON by default.
FbcrawlColly 1.0.0 - crawl with GO Colly .
New versions
Refinery CMS Blog 4.0.0 is the engine for Refinery CMS , the most popular CMS on Ruby on Rails.
Health-monitor-rails 9.0.0 is a module for monitoring the health of Rails and various services (db, cache, sidekiq, redis, and others).
Hatchet 7.0.0 is the official integration testing library for developing Heroku build packages .
Sym 3.0.0 - symmetric encryption.
Rails :: Auth 3.0.0 - Authentication for microservices and claims-based identification.
Kafo 5.0.0 - the main installer and configurator in the Foreman and Katello projects for Puppet modules , allows you to create a user interface for their connection.
Rspec-puppet-facts 2.0.0 is a gem to simplify testing Puppet manifests through built-in information about the operating system.
Foreman Remote Execution 4.0.0 is a remote execution plugin for Foreman .
Ruby Google Cloud Bigtable API 2.0.0 is a library for working with Bigtable , a cloud-based NoSQL DBMS for big data.
Google-cloud-datastore 2.0.0 is a library for working with Datastore , a cloud-scale scalable
Google Cloud Firestore API 2.0.0 is a library for working with Firestore , a cloud-based serverless
document base.
It 2.0.0- a library to simplify internationalization.
Gretel 4.0.0 is a Ruby on Rails breadcrumbs library.
SPDX 3.0.0 - flexible search for software licenses by license name.
Smart Init 5.0.0 is a simple gem for shortening the code in the constructor (initialize method) of an object.
Gherkin for Ruby 15.0.0 is a parser for the Gherkin language .
Blacklight :: Marc 7.0.0 - MARC support for the Blacklight research platform .
JRuby is a JVM implementation of Ruby.
Prawn 2.3.0 is a library for creating PDF files.
Kubeclient 4.9.0 is a client for Kubernetes REST API .
Brakeman 4.9.0 is a static vulnerability analyzer for Rails applications.
Gollum 5.1.0 is a simple wiki on top of a git project.
GitLab 13.2 is a web based system for managing repositories for Git, Wiki, CI / CD and more.
OmniAuth OAuth2 1.7.0 - DSL for OmniAuth OAuth2.
Chartkick 3.4.0 - creating charts based on different js libraries.
Aasm 5.1.0 is a library for implementing a state machine.
Rotp 6.1.0- library for one-time passwords.
ValueSemantics 3.4.0 - creating wrapper classes for data with validation and casting.
Test Kitchen 2.6.0 is a toolkit for testing and developing infrastructure code.
Kitchen :: Vagrant 1.7.0 - Kitchen driver for Vagrant.
Ancestry 3.1.0 - organization of a tree structure (hierarchy) based on ActiveRecord.
Ruby-kafka 1.2.0 is a library for working with Apache Kafka .
PgHero is a performance panel for Postgres .
Aerospike Ruby Client 2.14.0 is the official client for Aerospike NoSQL DBMS .
DynamoDb Framework 1.9.0 is a lightweight NoSQL framework for DynamoDB .
Elastic APM agent 3.9.0 is the official gem for working with Elastic APM .
Activerecord-multi-tenant 1.1.0 - integration of ActiveRecord with multi-tenant databases.
Diffy 3.4.0 - comparing and getting the difference of two text sources.
Refinements 7.7.0 is a collection of enhancements for basic Ruby types.
FriendlyId 5.4.0 - Modification of urls to a more readable form.
License Finder 6.8.0 - search and analysis of licenses in dependencies.
Image_size 2.1.0 - getting the size of images of different formats.
AvroTurf 1.2.0- serialization / deserialization for Apache Avro format .
Marginalia 1.9.0 - adding comments to ActiveRecord requests.
Rubrowser (Ruby Browser) 2.9.0 - dependency graph visualizer.
Premailer 1.13.0 - Pre-processing HTML content of emails.
SendGrid ActionMailer 3.1.0 - Integration of ActionMailer with SendGrid API .
Clearance 2.3.0 - Rails authentication via mail and password.
Clogger 2.3.0 - customizable logging of requests to Rack.
Dotiw 5.1.0 - verbal time period.
Semaphore_test_boosters 2.6.0 - parallelization of tests.
Svgeez 3.2.0- auto-generation of SVG sprite from a folder with SVG icons.
JWT Signed Request - Signing and verifying requests to the internal API using JWT .
Angular_rails_csrf 4.4.0 - CSRF protection for Rails on AngularJS.
Quilt_rails 3.3.0 - Quilt bindings for Rails.
Hammer 2.2.0 is a Clamp- based CLI toolkit used by Foreman and beyond.
Plivo Ruby SDK 4.9.0 - library for integration with Plivo REST API .
Onfido 1.1.0 is the official client for the Onfido API .
Solidus Reviews 1.4.0Is the official library for the Solidus eCommerce platform .
Google-cloud-spanner 2.1.0 is a library for Google Cloud Spanner .
LaunchDarkly API Client 3.4.0 is the official library for LaunchDarkly .
Edsapi 1.1.0 is a client for the Ebsco research service API .
Wavefront CLI 7.2.0 is a command line interface for the Wavefront API .
Neverbounce-api 1.2.0 is the official library for checking email
using the NeverBounce service .
To study
Evil Martians: a journey from two people in a cafe to offices in New York, San Francisco,
Moscow and Osaka .
The complexities of working with ANTLR: writing a Ruby grammar .
Data migration in Ruby on Rails .
How do profilers work in Ruby and Python?
What's new in GitLab 13.2 .
An unofficial guide to Active Admin .
Learn Ruby on Rails to a Dangerous Level - Review of Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial .
Interview with Michael Hartl , creator of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial and founder of Learn Enough .
How to set up the GraphQL API in Ruby on Rails. Detailed guidance .
4 of the best resources for learning Ruby on Rails straight to work .
An introduction to patterns and anti-patterns for Ruby on Rails .
Call recording with Vonage Voice API for Ruby websockets .
12 ways to call a method in Ruby .
Static types in Ruby 3. RBS or RBI? And what to do with Sorbet?
Working with the AWS SDK for Ruby - Part I of .
How to improve the performance of ActiveRecord queries by using subquery caching .
A visual guide to Webpacker .
Autocomplete in Ruby on Rails using Stimulus .
Websockets with Rails 6 and ReactJS .
How to extend Ruby with C ++ .
How to use benchmarking in Ruby .
Trying OpenTelemetry Part 1: Sinatra .
A Simple Guide to GraphQL APIs in Ruby on Rails and MongoDB with Docker - Part 1 .
A Simple Guide to GraphQL APIs in Ruby on Rails and MongoDB with Docker - Part 2 .
How Product Hunt tests the GraphQL backend .
How to make an API using Ruby On Rails .
Ruby on Rails API with nested resources .
RSpec part 1: getting started .
How to test code that depends on external APIs .
RSpec part 2: hooks, subjects, general examples .
RSpec part 3: test doubles .
Full Stack Serverless with Rails and AWS SAM / Lambda .
Learning Ruby: First Impressions of a JavaScript Developer .
Learning Ruby: Naming Conventions .
Learning Ruby: String Concatenation .
Learning Ruby: Testing for Equality .
Introduction to Ruby Gems .
Working with WebSockets in Ruby, Rack and Faye .
Implementing a state machine as a service using aasm .
The Prime Lattice in Ideomatic Ruby (and some books you should read) .
The clock is also monoids!
Tabular and other types of advanced formatting in Action Text .
What is the correct way to do sql queries to fields of type array?
When objects become super objects .
Ruby on AWS Lambda: Integration with ActiveStorage .
We speed up rubocop 20 times in 5 minutes .
Transferring has_many_attached to another model .
Creating unlogged (PostgreSQL) tables in Rails .
Building a desktop application with a graphical interface in Ruby .
Clients, Servers and the Single Responsibility Principle .
Ruby web scraping is a great practice for aspiring web developers .
Why use Puma in production for your Rails application .
How to use GraphiQL in Rails .
2 ways to check messages in Rails logs using RSpec .
Previous Ruby Digest .