PID tuning: is the devil as scary as he is painted? Part 5. Closed-Loop PID Autotuner

The concluding article in the series on Automated PID Tuning in Simulink, in which we look at the Closed-Loop PID Autotuner.

This block is similar to the previously discussed Frequency Response Based PID Tuner tool: it is also based on the harmonic analysis method. The block is located in the Simulink Control Design section of the Simulink library.

, , .


, , : Driver, Electric actuator, Load.

Closed-Loop PID Autotuner, PID Controller, .

1 , 2 β€” ; . Tune enable .


(% conv) (pid gains).

, .

Closed-Loop PID Autotune , , , .

(Target bandwidth) , . 4.83 /c.

, ; (Experiment sample time). 0.02/Ο‰b. 0.0041.

Experiment . , (Plant Type) Stable. (Plant Sign) . . (Sine Amplitudes) , . , 1.

. 200/Ο‰b. tstart=0.1 , tend=42 . Step time Step Tune enable.

, (Stop Time) , , .


PID Controller .

Manual Switch Tune Enable . , .

, Closed-Loop PID Autotune , Frequency Response Based PID Tuner.

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